Page 135 - ThePhoenix1996-97
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NEWS Thursday, April 8, 1997 - Page 7 Little Baker home of new organ SGA News,Brie BY MICHEI.LE Huu, greenish blue and gold. They have been Western Maryland College ~tudent G SlaJJWriler refinished, and Boudreaux stated that It has come to pass that the or- the decorative pipes will be placed gan in Little Baker Chapel is now within the week of April 14, and then Campus Concert Committee Update reborn. The pipes of the past are the project will be finished. They Might Be Giants is scheduled to perform on April due to ring again. This organ, according to 18, 1997 in the PELC. Doors will open at 7:00pm. The old organ of Little Baker Boudreaux, is a" ... larger organ with was a Moller Organ, built in a far richer sound." There is "a lot of Student tickets will be available March 10th in front of Hagerstown, Maryland, in 1928 history in the pipes that will be now Englar Dining Hall. Students may purchase up to four This organ was not originally built speaking," says Boudreaux. tickets for $10 each. Additional tickets may be for the school, but donated to re- purchased at $14. Tickets are availabel for the public The organ will be dedicated in a place an even older one. However, private ceremony honoring the donor at $14 each. Tickets may also be purchased at it is unknown for whom the Moller on the aftemoon of April 26,. How- organ was built. According to Dr. Reistertown, Westminister, and Towson Record and ever, everyone is invited to publicly Margaret Boudreaux, the old organ Tape Trader locations. Please direct any questions to initiate thenew organ on theaftemoon was recently very unreliable. College activities, SGA or CAPBoard. of June l,at4p.m. in a recital given by Thc new rebuilt is definitely a Victoria R. Sirota. historical one. It was built " "So many people enjoy music and Need Poster-Making Supplies? ing pipes and pieces from several of Thanks 10 Ken List, the man who the organs here on campus," says the organs on campus," says. rebuilt the organ, Little Baker has a Sharon Bean of the Development Of- The SGA has recently purchased a set of Texas Markers new,beautijulinstrument Boudreaux. and paper for poster-making. Any student fice. She goes on to say that this organ The pipes came from the organs instoragebelowGillGynmasium. Mr. was especially in need of attention be- organization is welcome to use the set for a fee of $5 of Alumni Hall, the Moller organ, and List and his Euphonin partner, Mr. cause of the amount of weddings in to defray the cost of purchase. Forms will be available even the original organ from Little Robert Bagley personally rebuilt this the chapel. Baker Chapel itself, which are no instrument. When retrieving the pipes The rebuilding of the organ is at the info desk. Please contact Brandy at x8269 or longer in use. from Gill, the facade pipes oftheorigi- thanks a 1925 graduate of Westem Randy at x8266 24 hours in advance to reserve the set. The use of these pipes was made nal organ were found. Maryland College, Mrs. Katherine R. possible by the work of Mr. Ken List These are the pipes that do not Tillman. SGA Meetings ofEuphonia, an organ building com- speak but instead are decorative and Bean says of Tillman, "She loves pany in Baltimore. He found that the are also over one hundred years old. WMC," especially Little Baker Chapel SGA meets every Sunday at 6:30pm in Hill Hall 104. original organ pipes had been placed Originally, they were painted a because it means so much to her. The campus community is invited to attend. Ground breaking of new science building on April 18 Have a Concern you Would Like SGA to Address? Continued from page I E-mail theSGAat .. or state of Maryland and Carroll dents have continued to excel in several awards for its work send mail care of the Student Government Assembly. County, will handle the shovels the sciences, according to Dr. around Baltimore, including hon- for the 6 p.m. ceremony, which Chambers. He noted WMC is orable mention in the 1991 Balti- begins the most ambitious capi- among the top 50 colleges and more AlA Awards for the Grades to be weighted at WMC tal project ever undertaken by the universities in the United States aquarium pavilion and the 1992 liberal arts college. in the per capita number of alumni State of Maryland Historical Continued from page I The science building, future who receive doctorates in biology Trust Award and the 1992 Balti- 52 would have had a 4.0 or higher. centage point, and rhar if the fac- home of the biology and chemis- and biochemistry. more Heritage Historic Preserva- Students need not be concerned ulty awarded pluses where before try departments, is the center- Western Maryland also is tion Award for the Hackerman about their current GPA as only in- they had awarded a minus of a piece of the college's $40 million among only 66 colleges whose House Museum of Asian Art at coming students grades will be higher grade, the average GPA comprehensive campaign which medical school applicants' scores the Walters Art Gallery. weighted. The computers do not would fall 1.2 percent. These are began last fall and ceremoniously on the science section of the The firm, established in 1990 have the ability to change past the most drastic grade changes that concludes at midnight on Dec. Medical Colleges Admission Test although the principals have grades which means that only could occur and it is unlikely that 31,1999. averaged 550 or more for eight ad- worked in the field in Maryland grades from fall 98 onwards will such a change would happen. Funding for the science cen- ministrations of the test. WMC since the 1960's and '70s, also be affected. Hopefully the weighted system ter will be raised from public and applicants' average score was has worked with Johns Hopkins One question that the commit- will act as an incentive to students private sources with the 'Iarge higher than that of students at University, Maryland Institute tee raised is whether the new sys- to work harder. As committee center providing more than 70 many of the nation's elite univer- College of Art, and Princeton tem will influence the grades that member, Dr. Rebecca Carpenter, naming gift opportunities, ac- sities and colleges, including University, as well as numerous teachers give. Dr. Claycombe ex- explained: "It rewards people for cording to Dr. Chambers. Also, Princeton, Stanford, Columbia, corporate clients and residential perimented with two extreme sce- the work that they've done" in 1995, Maryland Governor Duke, and Johns Hopkins, the developments. narios; resulting in the highest and At the moment a B+ and a B- Parris Glendening signed a law only other Maryland institution to Construction manager for the the lowest possible grading. He are worth the same, but we thought providing a $3.5 million state make the list, he continued. science center is Henry H. Lewis found that ifthe professors gave no it would be fair if we weighted challenge grant for the project. "Just imagine what they will Contractors, Inc., of Owings minuses at all, the average GPA of grades on the quality of the per- formance." would go up half a per- The new facility will adjoin do when we provide them with a Mills. Construction and be completed .................................... the college is expected to Lewis Recitation Hall, which was new, first-class facility," he said. start in August built in 1914 and is one of the "1 know 1 can't wait." by Spring 1999. • CONGRATULATIONS TO THE 1997-1998 • oldest collegiate science build- Architects for the project are While on campus, Lewis will RESIDENT ASSISTANT STAFF ings still in use, and a wing added the award-winning Baltimore firm continue reconstruction of the ALBERT NORMAN in 1966 to officially form Lewis _of Grieves Worrall Wright & college's Gill Gymnasium which WARD HALL BLANCHE WARD HALL Hall of Science. O'Hamick Inc. Phillip Worrall, was partially destroyed by fire on Karen Eberwein Christina King The center will contain space A.LA., will be the partner in Dec. 31, 1996. Other work done Prakash Wright for general science courses, as charge of the project. Alan Reed by the firm at WMC includes the Cindy West Dinali Jayasinghe Kevin Culley well as specialized laboratories is the architect manager. award-winning $10 million ex- for upper-level courses. The firm's design work in- pansion of Hoover Library in DANIEL MACLEA GARDEN APTS.I PA HOI rsES The new building will be the cludes the Marine Mammal Pavil- 1991. Diane Drakes fourth home for the biology de- ion of The National Aquarium in The college, which began of- Christy Ann Brown Amanda Rose partment since Lewis was built, Baltimore, Maryland Art Place, a fering science courses (0 its first MCDANIEL HALl while the chemistry department visitor center exhibit at the Ever- students in 1867, is named after Kim Walter ROUZERHA! L will move for the first time since glades National Park in Florida, a the Western Maryland Railroad. Alex Tordella Deron Brinkley the early 1900's. Biology courses theatre at The Bryn Mawr School, In 1932. Chryssa Moyer Richard Hamilton were offered in Memorial Hall, lecture and performance hall at WMC established just the 12th Jason Valentine now Martin K.P. Hill Hall, from Garrison Forest School, the lec- chapter of Beta Beta Beta, the Ahsan Latif 1928 until 1966 when the depart- ture hall/theatre of the Lacrosse national honor society for biol- WHITEFORD HALL ment moved back to old Lewis Hall of Fame in Baltimore, and ogy. Becky Cockerill ALTERNATES again. the Grand Opera House in Sushama Rajapaska Ferenc Levai But even with one of the old- Wilmington, Delaware. • Carolyn Read Summer Lyles Julie Edwards : Krissy Kurtyka est facilities, the faculty and stu- The architectural firm has won Courtesy of Public Information ...................................
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