Page 138 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 138
Thursday, April 8, 1997 - Page 10 FEATURES Giants "full band sound" coming to WMC Fells Point, an BY JENNIFER SACKS experience by COnlrib!ltiligWriter These guys are big, real big, so make room, they might be giants. the water John Linnell and John Flansburgh aren't Coffee shops, restaurants, and really giants, but they are giants in the mu- vintage boutiques offer offbeat fun sic industry as members of the band They Might Be Giants, coming to WMC on Fri- in downtown Baltimore day,ApriI18. The "Johns," who hail from Brooklyn, BY COURTNEY RISCH StajfWriler N.Y., are bringing their show to PELC gym- nasium with eight albums under their belts. Are you a serious shopper whose tastes run Their most well known is 1990's album on the eclectic side? Or a person who enjoys Flood. It brought to the surface such hits a choice of places to spend a Friday night? as "Istanbul (Not Constantinople)," which Then Fell's Point, located on the water in Bal- received a MTV Breakthrough award, and timore, is the place for you. "Particle Man" and "Birdhouse in Your Fells Point has goods and services that Soul" which appeared in the Warner Broth- range from vintage clothing to vintage wine, ers cartoon Anamaniacs. and there is a little something to be found for Though Linnell and Flansburgh started everyone amidst the many shops, restaurants, the band in 1986, naming themselves after and bars. an early 1970's movie, they did not acquire One of the newer vintage shops in Fell's their "organic full band sound" until 1992. Point is called Nine Lives. Its offerings of new The band incorporates Flansburgh's used clothing, shoes, and accessories are stan- talents on electric guitar and glasses, and dard fare at many stores in the area. Owner Linnell's mastery of the sax, keyboards, and Cat Mihos, a student at University of Mary- accordion with Eric "Wah-Wah" land, opened the shop around Halloween and Schermerhorn, who played guitar previ- said that business has been good, Her favor- ously for The The and Iggy Pop. On drums ite places to eat among the many offerings at is Brian Doherty, of Freedy Johnston fame, Fell's Point are the Sushi Cafe and John Graham Maby is on bass, Dan Levine on Stevens Restaurant. trombone, and Jim O'Connor on the trum- So far, little over half of the 1000 tickets Tape Traders for $15. They Might Be Gi- "I love to be right by the water," Mihos pet. Together they create the unique sound have been sold for the concert sponsored by ants will be giving a performance thefol- said, a statement echoed by other Fell's Point of They Might Be Giants, and the "happy- the College Activities Programming Board lowing nights as well at Bohager's located merchants. happy joy-joy" attitude that has come to and the Student Government Assembly. The in Fell's Point. Jenna Davis, who works at Funk's Demo- epitomize the band's music. general admission tickets are $1 0 for students So be sure to put a bee in your bonnet cratic Coffee Spot, agrees with Mihos. "We Since 1992 they have released Apollo and staff of the college, with a limit of 4 per and show up at PELC gymnasium, not get a lot of business here," she said, attribut- 18, and John Henry. Their latest album, person. For those outside the WMC commu- Constantinople, for a fun-filled night of ing her success to the location of her shop. Factory Showroom, was released just last nity, tickets can be purchased at Record and They Might Be Giants. Funk's offers a choice of coffees as well as year. many vegetarian and vegan offerings such as Potato Knish is a marvelous on Pita, and for and Hummus dessert there of ice selection TMBG Facts Poetry and insanity make cream flavors. The coffee house, which a great has been open for four years has achieved in the Paper, City Did you know ... a colorful mix on Giants' following, and has even been featured weekly alternative Baltimore's newspaper. latest, Factory Showroom The band's name comes from an early No matter what the individual taste, Fell's 70's movie starring George C. Scott as a Point has something to suit everyone. The paranoiac who thinks he's Sherlock small community on Broadway in the heart of Holmes; while Joanne Woodward plays BY JENNIFER SACKS room they use a cello in "Your Own Worst Baltimore City has won the hearts of many his psychiatrist, Dr. Watson? Contributing writer Enemy," a vibraphone in "Spiraling Iocal reens and twenty-some things. Summing Shape," a metal saw stroked with a bow in up the opinions of many, WMC junior Jackie Linnell and Flansburgh attended high Factory Showroom is the sixth full-length, "James K. Polk," and an Edison wax cyl- Smith simply said, "Fell's Point rules". school together in Sudbury, Massachu- non-compilation album created by They inder recorder from the Edison Historic setts? Might Be Giants. Released by Elektra in Site in West Orange, N.J. in "J Can Hear Plane rides 1996, most of the album was recorded within You." Linnell played in the Rhode Island band, a week at the Mercury Lounge in New York. All in all, Factory Showroom is a good the Mundanes? effort. And though good on CD, tape, andl offered at Factory Showroom contains 13 songs and As fate would have it, in 1981 Linnell one hidden track. As always, the band man- Just as different colors and Flansburgh moved into the same ages to blend poetry and insane music into a are made depending on Westminster Brooklyn apartment building and shortly rainbow. And the songs are as distinct as the after became roommates? colors of the rainbow, brilliant and unique in the way the light may hit Airport their own way. Though some of the songs the rain, TMBG create They often "spin the dial" while perform- seem uncharacteristically set in concrete life ing, they turn on the radio and randomly with the songs "James K. Polk" and "XTC colorful tunes by 6Y ABBIE RUDMAN play whatever is on? vs. AdamAnt," it just goes to show that with Staff Writer every rainbow you need brown and chartreuse. experimenting with Are you bored on the weekends? Are you They have appeared on David Letterman, However, the album does contain some different sounds. looking for something to do that is different Conan O'Brien, The Today Show, the To- brighter and more noteworthy tunes. and can even make your imagination soar? night Show, and Good Morning These take the shape of the psychedelic or vinyl, nothing beats a live performance. Then try a flight the wesrmtnster Air- America? canary yellow of "Spiraling Shape" and the I first heard this album at a concert this port located at 200 Airport Drive. The airport soothing vibrant violet of "The Bells are Ring- past summer and that experience far sur- offers 10 to 15 minute flights on' small 172 TMBG have performed over 1000 ing," two of the best songs on the album. They passed listening to their recorded work. airplanes for a maximum of four people. If shows? serve as reminders of other classic upbeat If, however, }OU are still pining away you think the rides will have a " flighty" price, TMBG music that are hard as acorns to get for the good old days of TM BG, check out then come down from the clouds. An airplane Flansburgh directed a video for Soul out of your head once you have heard them. their newly released box set. Released by ride is only $\0, but the views are priceless. Coughing? Just as different colors are made depend- Restless Records March 25,1his two-disc The flights normally take place on the ing on the way the light may hit the rain, set is titled Then: The Early Years and weekends. Reservations are recommended to Linnell played on the debut album for TMBG create colorful runes by experiment- contains 72 songs, 19 of which are previ- secure a plane. Jon Spencer Blues Explosion? ing with different sounds. In Factory Show- ously unreleased, Check it out. For more information call: 876-7200
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