Page 132 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 132
Thursday, April 8, 1997 - Page 4 COMMENTARY SWIMSUIT ISSUE DEGRADING TO WOMENS' ACHEIVEMENTS MAGGIE KIMURA clad, brunette woman looking seductively ting drunk and wearing green)? It was contributions of women are somewhat de- Staff Member at the many customers who would likely Women's History Month. A time to cel- graded when pictures are published show- buy the magazine. The magazine, Sports ebrate the contributions of women, and to ing women in a sexual, play-like atmo- Ever walk into the nearest bookstore Illustrated, publishes the swimsuit issue enlighten others on how not to view women sphere. Now you all can scream to me about and look at the magazine racks? Yeah, once a year. Mainly, the photos are of how I am trying to trample freedom of those racks where multiple magazines are big-breasted women who are wearing the "".1 feel that the speech, and freedom of the press; but how piled up and where anyone can layout their strings of bikini 'so You, the reader is prob- about the freedom of not being viewed as grubby hands and look at one? Well, I ably asking yourself, "What the hell is she contributions of women sexual "meat?" Women in the past have usually glance at the magazines from time talking about?" Well, before I lose you, fought to not be portrayed as birthing ma- to time,just to see the latest news relating my dear (many) readers, think about it. are somwhat degraded chines or sexual playthings, but as real to the state of JFK lr.'s marriage, when I Last month was March, and what did we when pictures are people with ambitions and feelings. glanced over and saw a photo of a bikini- paid attention to last month (besides get- Call me a raging feminist, but in truth, r published showing am not a feminist. Ijust don't think being a FIRST AMENDMENT women in a sexual, play- woman involves having as the same breasts. as I plastic a woman see being thing APPLIES TO ALL, EVEN like atmosphere." being a man. independent, is someone who is A woman responsible, and if married, By publish- CYBER-PORN as sex objects or playthings. is sending History can have a separate identity from her hus- a It is a shame needs that our society band. issue during ing this Women's defining to define what a man is, while Sports out a Month, Illustrated -----~ITy Unglebowerl 1------ subtle slap in the face with photos of big- woman as someone who has firm breasts and blonde hair. when breasted in bikini's most women women cannot go to the beach without feel- Maggie Kimura is a sophmore History Only last week, the 69th Annual Acad- Iquote the First Amendment: ing indecent. Sometimes, I feel that the major. emy Awards took place. One of the films "Congress shall make no law abridging the nominated for besr picture of the year was freedom of speech or of the press." THE UNHEARD 'The People vs. Larry Flynt." The film por- The key word here is "no". It seems to trays the legal encounters of the man whose me that the idea of making exceptions to the name the film's title bears, Larry Flynt, very simple idea of "no law" is nothing short MINORITY: A founder and publisher of the pornographic of stupid. It was established in The people magazine Hustler. vs Larry Flynt, (the actual case not the movie) BISEXUAL STUDENT Though the Hollywood presentation of that people are protected by that amendment Mr. Flynt's adventures in and out of United to print whatever they want on paper. A logi- States court rooms did not win the Academy's cal argument in favor of changing that stance, SPEAKS OUT most prized award, that of best picture, the simply because the medium by which the issue that this film dealt with is more timely images in controversy are produced is a com- and significant 10 today's political arena than puter, as opposed to a magazine, is difficult I Dawn I that of any of the other nominees .. In what to make. way, you may ask? My view of the Founding Fathers' inten- As was previously mentioned, Larry Flynt tions were as follows. Being wise enough to I wrote a terrific paper the other day. It straight people. We did not choose to be is the founder and publisher of Hustler. The know that as time passes things change, they received an A+, and I don't think I have the way we are- I personally have had movie bearing his name is a portrayal of the made the protection of ideas, and the expres- ever been so happy with my work. Yet, I crushes on women for years, even as a child, conflict between those who attempted to force sion of those ideas, universal. They did this, will never be able to show this work to my before I nearly had to force myself to date Flynt 10 stop printing his "indecent maga- as was mentioned above, by using very parents. Why? The paper was about my men. Perhaps even more importantly, we are zine", and Flynt himself, who insisted that simple language which, when taken exactly opinions on bisexuality, and in the paper, I no different from everyone else. I'm a dual he had the right under the first amendment to as stated, leaves no room for doubt or sec- came out. major with an additional minor who holds two the Constitution to print anything and every- ond guessing whatsoever. Again ... ''Congress I have always known that I was differ- jobs. I am a Christian, a taxpayer, and I drive thing that he wanted. shall make NO law ..." ent, but until I came to college, I was not a car I bought with my earnings. I have a As is known by most, the battle was ulti- When contemplating this issue, that is the able to come to terms with the fact that I boyfriend and many friends all around the mately won by Flynt. His Hustler endures. one concept which can not be ignored. The like women as well as men. Placing a name world. Oh,yeah,andI'malsobi. My sexual- The story of Flynt relates rather well to a universal and all encompassing language of on my feelings certainly made my life a ity, like the sexuality of other homosexuals current controversy in the news today. Ironi- the First Amendment itself. When that blan- lot easier, and I was able to sleep better at and bisexuals, makes me no less capable of cally, this issue also involves the production ket protection, that universal coverage, as it night knowing that I was not an aberration. completing a degree, holding a job, or doing and distribution of pornography, only this were, ceases to apply in one situation, sim- many other things that people do. time, it is on the Internet. ply because a certain demographic finds it ".. there is still an It saddens me when radio talk show hosts Like Hynt'sopponent's, those who would, inappropriate, then it naturally begs the ques- say that homosexuals and bisexuals should be (and currently are) fighting to have pornog- tion what is stopping anyone from making a underlying current of gunned down in the streets. It frustrates me raphy removed from the Internet entertain the case to have other concepts and ideas ignorance that 1must to think that I could be fired from a job or argument that because the Internet is so uni- squelched? And then another and another. denied a college degree because of who I see versal, and often so accessible, that sexual Such a domino effect would slowly chip face here, at home and in on a Friday night. It hurts me when my father images which are deemed indecent, or even away at the power of the First Amendment, says that homosexuals and bisexuals should ungodly, should be banned altogether fonn and ultimately make it an empty promise, my everyday life. " not have rights, and when people say thai we cyberspace. Naturally, the producers of the as opposed 10 the bestowed freedom and are sinners, fiends, molesters, aberrations. I numerous sources of erotica on the lnternet powerful protector that it was intended to be. Fortunately for me, my friends have been look like everyone else. There are many gays, take the same stance on the issue that Flynt It is for this very reason, I believe, that very accepting of my revelation, and many lesbians, and bisexuals out there who look like did thirty years ago; that it is their right under the wording is so very clear. So as to prevent of them, especially the college Allies group, everyone else, too. the First Amendment to the United States little exceptions to and dodges from the Con- have been more than supportive. However, Perhaps someday, people will be able to Constitution to put on the Internet anything stitution. there is still an underlying current of igno- look past the fact that homosexuals and bi- that they wish. I express that I am in agree- All of this being the case, I wish to state rance that I must face here, at home, and in sexuals for who they are, and accept the fact ment in this issue with the producer's of the my complete and unwavering support for the my everyday life. that they are first and foremost People. It will so call called cyber-porn, as well as that of universal protection of expression as is de- There are many misconceptions about be a wonderful day when the legislation passes the now famous Larry Flynt. scribed so brilliantly in the language of the gays, lesbians, and bisexuals. Although ten to assure my community that we can live as I will point out, as many do, that it is on First Amendment. As a natural result, I state percent of the population is homosexual, people of color, heterosexual women, and this issue that I side with the pornography my complete and unwavering support for the and perhaps more are bisexual, we meet other minority groups can live. If hate is go- industry, not the industry itself. T can honestly right of people like Larry Flynt, and the with criticism, condemnation, and fear ing to be eliminated from the world, it must say that I do not personally applaud the pro- cyber-porn industry to produce and distrib- from people in the world we live in. Yes, be.eliminated everywhere, not with one or two duction of such images. But I am perfectly ute any kind of material or images they wish. we're different, but we are not inhuman. minority groups. An "ism" is still an "ism", capable of separating the Constitutional is- In summary, I whole-heartedly support We do not try to force people to change to and an "ism" still hurts. sue behind this controversy from the other the Constitution of the United States~ fit our life-style, contrary to rbe belief that Maybe someday, I can finally show my distractions which often blur it. as it is. And I posses no anxiety for doing so. homosexuals and bisexuals try to "recruit" parents my A+ paper and be proud.
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