Page 133 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 133
NEWS Thursday, April 8, 1997 - Page 5 Recital features talented pianist 60 Seconds How do you celebrate the an- started taking advanced piano les- founded by Borowsky's mother niversary of a concert series? With sons when most of her peers were Cecylia Barczyk, an internation- What did you do over spring break? another concert, of course. more concerned with perfecting ally-acclaimed cellist and teacher, WMC win honor the start of the their finger painting strokes in pre- has performed at the International second decade of Its Sundays of school. At 7, she gave her first pub- Cello Festival, the Kennedy Cen- Note Series April 13, at 2 p.m., in lic performance, and two years later ter and last year's American Cello "I was so busy McDaniel Lounge, with a program her recital in Bulgaria was nation- Congress. during the first part featuring pianist Elizabeth ally televised. Borowsky has performed Borowsky and the Towson State Now at age 14, Borowsky has throughout the United States, in- of this semester that University (T.S.U.) Cello En- received rave reviews from around cluding the Kennedy Center in semble. the United States and the world, Washington, D.C., as well as in I used my spring The afternoon series, sponsored and is recognized as one of our Poland, Canada, Austria and In- break to catch up on by a grant from the Peggy and Yale country's most gifted young pia- donesia. Her 1996-97 schedule Gordon Trust of Baltimore, brings msrs. also includes a tour of Germany, sleep and basically outstanding young instrumentalists She will share the stage with the Poland, Russia, Israel, and Jordan. and vocalists to the college three T.S.U. Cello Ensemble, featuring For more information or tickets do nothing times each academic year. The an- T.S.U. students and graduates, as call 410/857-2599. productive." niversary concert also highlights a well as area amateurs and profes- talented young musician who sionals. The cello ensemble, Courtesy of Public Information Ken Fischer Revampedfirst-year orientation to take effect in fall 1997 Continued from page I "I went with the peated this year. they feel they need and what the the other members of their WMC baseball In spite of student complaints, college feels they need to be- class and also their Classroom Convocation will still be an im- come contributing students." Assistant. team to Cocoa portant part of orientation, but Fun aspects of orientation The Classroom Assistant will Beach Florida. Dean Horneff wants it to be include: several picnics, a pizza be present throughout orienta- looked at in a more positive party, a mixer sponsored by the tion as part of the support sys- We played good sense. "My goal is to help stu- RA's, the award-winning play tem to help the new students ball and came dents recognize the tradition of "Choices '97," presented by up- adapt to college life. Convocation," Horneff stated. per class theatre students, and "It is very important for together as a An important new aspect of a Video Dance, as well as the WMC to have a good orienta- orientation will be an alcohol overnight stay at the Four Sea- tion program," explained team." awareness program designed to sons. Horneff. educate new students about However, the second day of "I view it to be the pro- Matt Gribbin making low risk choices on al- orientation wi!! be "Academic gram for first year students cohol and to delay the onset of Day," during which students that has the greatest effect on first use of alcohol. will take various placement retention. Orientation needs The new orientation pro- tests and will meet with their to get students off to the right gram combines both academic start; to make a great impres- "I read 1984 by and social activities, so that the George Orwell. And students have, as Her neff ex- plained, "a mixture of what I slept and dreamed." Kathryn Brown "I went to Santa Monica, California. I experienced an earthquake and went to the Jay Lena Show." SUMMER SCHOOL FOR PEOPLE Kim Bloch ON TIIEDl WAY TO TIlE TOP. I[ you didn't sign up for for a $4,000 scholarship ROTC as a freshman or and advanced officer sophomore, you can still training when youreturn "I slept from Sunday course I catch up this summer by to campus in the fall. attending Al::my ROTC You'll also have the to Thursday." Camp Challenge, a paid self-confidence and six-week in discipline you need leadership, Apply to succeed in college now. Youmay qualify and beyond. Kevin Worley ARMY ROTC THE SMARI'ESI' toUEGE COURSE YOU Cb lUI For detcdls. Visit the 2nd Floor, Gill Gym Of call 857ยท2720
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