Page 131 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 131
COMMENTARY Thursday, April 8, 1997 - Page 3 HAZING THROUGHOUT COLLEGE CAMPUSES SHOULD BE PUT TO STOP Since the beginning of Greek life elcome, Class of 2000!" on college campuses, the issue of hazing has plagued these organiza- - Dr. J. Swift tions. While we realize oat all fra- ternities or sororities endorse hazing, Dean of Admissions the actions of those that do affect our community. Hazing, defined by law, is any action a pledge is forced ladue, against their will, to prove their de- votion to the group. The Phoenix recognizes that this is a broad defini- tion, and some forms of hazing are less odious than others, yet the fact remains that this is illegal. The purpose of the pledge period is to unite sisters or brothers, yet the Phoenix does nOI understand how degrading fellow students through hazing promotes brotherhood or sis- terhood. Reasons given for continu- ing the practice of hazing include: tradition, bonding, and proving loy- alty to the organization. The Phoenix suggests that these virtues can be promoted in different ways. We are not suggesting that Greek Organizations, or any other organizations, should allow people to join without showing their pride and loyalty; but it should not be done questions why anyone would want which are fun for all members would through humiliation. Humiliation to join a group that deliberately feels negative stereotypes inflicted upon have to contribute, the organizations provide for a much more stable ba- only produces feelings of inferiority, that it is not only right, but fun, to Greek.organizations. In order to end should take a stand and stop hazing. sis of camaraderie. resentment, and lack of respect. One make people feel this way. Events these stereotypes and promote the Stand up for your independence and Hazing also adds to the many positive aspects these organizations the integrity of your organization. LETTER To THE EDITOR I am writing this letter to express message with the editor explaining discriminated against because of my my disapproval of the discrimina- (hat it is their responsibility and I visual disability. I have had poor eye- and support of the administration Please note that this letter was die- tion that the Phoenix has against me. asked her to please get back to me sight since I was seven years old and and students that affect others lives. tared. Thank you, My name is Harris Singer and I on the response of the other staff this is the first time in thirteen years am severely visually impaired. My members. I did not receive a re- that I have been discriminated Harris Singer vision took a drastic downturn over spouse so I left another message. I against. This hurts. This hurts Jan Term and I returned to campus still received no response. deeply. I am paying for tuition room The Phoenix responds: not being able to read print of any At this point I was feeling dis- and board like every other student. I size. Therefore, naturally I need all crimination looming and I did not therefore have the right to the ser- written media on audio tape. like it. So I went to the College Ac- .} vices that Western Maryland College The Phoenix feels thai Mr. Iieves. The majority of the So when the Phoenix was ctr-> tivities Office to air my discontent offers. How is it rationally possible Singer does not have a legitimate newspaper's budget comes from culated I contacted Carolyn Barnes, over the way the Phoenix was han- that I am being denied access to en- complaint. In his letter he says', "I sources outside the college, such the editor of the Phoenix, to see how dling the situation and to see if they jbythe Phoenix like every other stu- did not expect the Phoenix staff to as advertising and subscriptions. the newspaper can help me get the can help me. After some bickering dent on this campus? Start taking re- actually read the newspaper onto The people who work for the Phoenix onto tape, Please under- over who is responsible for the mat- sponsibility. I call upon the Phoenix tape for me but rather help me find Phoenix are all volunteers, work- stand that I am sympathetic to the ter, Anita Kaltenbaugh, Assistant to help make long term solution for someone who would be willing to ing in their spare and not-so-spare fact that we are college 'students. I Director of College Activities, I the problem that is at hand. do so." Unfortunately, that is not time to put out a paper. We do not did not expect the Phoenix staff to found someone 10 help me out, but . 'rue. Mr. Singer left a message on publish an audio edition because The issue still remains, however, the Editor-in Chief Carolyn actually read the newspaper onto this person was only able to do it of time and expense constraints. on who is to take responsibility for Barnes' office phone mail request- tape for me but rather help me find for the rest of the semester; a short , this solving this problem? Terry ing that she or a member of the The Phoenix has the utmost sym- someone who would be willing to t~s61ution. Needless to say, I was . pathy for Mr. Singer's disability. J Dalton-told me that he believed that Phoenix staff have the newspa- do so. I received a message backj.' very grateful but since I am going' However it is not our responsibil- it was the responsibility of the 504 per read into a tape recorder for . from the editor saying that-she per- ;-10 be here for the next two years; I ity to provide him with a special office to have the Phoenix read onto him. Every member of the edito- sonally cannot help me but she
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