Page 130 - ThePhoenix1996-97
P. 130
Thursday. AprilS, 1997 - Page 2 COMMENTARY Staff THE SOAPBOX Editor-In-Chief ----~IAdamDean 1-1----- Carolyn D. Barnes '99 ~~:Ci~;eff~~t7r Howdy! So, what have you all been up to? the monitor pointed down so that a passerby there is a type of software called a filtering t~b;:Ji~~~d~r~ina~oo Not reading enough Soapboxes, 1 bet! Yeah, wouldn't see what was on there. Being a true program which can prevent the access of this 1know you. "I don't have time to," or maybe student journalist,l decided I had to see what type of material from a specific computer. News Editor Grant A. Rice '99 "I wanna watch TV," or "I need to do my was going on. Ileaned my head slightly over Jackson says that these programs are de- homework." Yeah, right. Iknow you do home- and was shocked. This fellow was looking signed for home use and "whether they are Assistant News Editor work 15 minutes before the class it is needed at a picture of an improbably endowed young Kate Hampson '00 appropriate for. ..institutions is another ques- for. Pshaw! And what, do you think watching woman, tion entirely." Jackson goes .on to discuss Features Editor Seinfeld or whatever is more important than JenniferVick'98 Do not misunderstand me, Ienjoy a pretty some of the problems with these systems and an oddly titled little column in a student news- woman as much as the next fellow, But a case where a website promoting a book Assistant Features Editor paper? Where are your priorities? Sometimes Nicki Kassclia '99 please, there is a time and a place for every- called Sex Laws and Cyberspace was mis- you just have to make time for things. Impor- thing, And a library computer lab full of other takenly blocked by one of the companies Editorials Editors tant things. Like reading this column! students is not the place to get in touch with offering this type of software. This type of Adam Dean '98 Erin Howard '00 Sports Editor "A library computer lab full of other students is no place to get in touch with your Julie Edwards '00 inner feelings. " Art Editor Mike Puskar '99 Well, I'm glad I got that off my chest. And your inner feelings. I shut down and left the thing may be frustrating, but after my recent Su~~~~:ro~Ofl~~:~~!er speaking of chests, I found another problem. lab rather quickly. Maybe I should have said experience I feel it is desirable, Another op- This afternoon I was sitting down at a com- something to the guy, but I REALLY didn't tion would be to put up a sign that says in Public R~lations Manager puter to work on a paper I had due the. next Abbi Rudman '00 want to talk to him. I probably should have bold letters that accessing sexually explicit day. So I am just sitting there, typing away in said something to a lab attendant, but what materials on college computers is prohibited Distribution Manager my own little carpal-tunnel syndrome world Rich Suchoski '00 was I supposed to say? There is' a guy drill- and then enforcing it. 1 think anyone caught when I hear the man sitting next to me kind of ing for oil in the third row? So 1 split. just once would be so ashamed that they grunting. I figure, okay, he is probably one of The question I want to ask is: why are would never even visit the computer lab Nikki Bellanger '98 Morrison Benjamin '00 the deaf grad students. They sometimes make these sites not blocked out? I realize that again. And to that unknown fellow who was Dan Callahan '00 noises and don't realize it. I usually ignore it, there are problems with this technology. sitting next to me, take a cold shower! Dan Gadd '00 unless they get really loud. I don't think this There is an interesting column Cyberpunk lohnGreene'98 26, 1997 guy was deaf.He was also sitting with his face by Joab Jackson in the February Adam Dean is a junior Political Science awfully close to the computer screen and had edition of the City Paper, Here we learn that major: E·mail,us Faye Ingram '99 Roxanne Ingram '99 Maggie Kimura '99 JerernyLopus'oo COUr!neyRisch '99 ------'-------.11 Loekdown Po·Hey..I---------- FmncescaSaylor'OO EmiiySlamalhis'99 Cameron Speir '97 IleotherWoodS'99 Photographel"l'l PRO vs. CON NalhanBirdsall '99 CourtnqRisch'99 Jose (Juba)Siqueira'00 AdyertitiingDcslgll but it is possible. When it gets cold some- Shea Henyon '98 MARTIN WISOR ERIC BARRY Laurie Jones '99 CuestWriter one in town is going to want warmth and Gue"IWrirer Last year at WMC there was a new rule a place to sleep if they don't have a place In response to the positives of locking enacted that affected all dormitories on of their own. If we keep the doors locked buildings, I feel a must in reporting on the WMC's campus. This rule states that there then there is no way that unwanted people negatives. The main problem with locking Adviser is a 24 hour lock down on all dormitories. can get in. the doors to dormitories is inconvenience, Terry Dalton As a student entering this school for the first This 24 hour lock down should give If parents come to visit they have to call year Ihis rule makes perfect sense to me. people a sense of security so that they do your room, they can't just walk in and go to Many of the older students here seem to have not have to constantly worry about their your room, Also, if you invite a friend over, The Phoenix is published biweekly. complaints about this because of the incon- room. College dormitories are a gold you have to go down possibly four flights The opinions expressed do not neces- venience that the locked doors cause. With mine for electronic equipment. Criminals of stairs 10 let them in, sarily represent those of The Phoenix this safety measure taken, the campus can aren't idiots; they know students have ste- The locking applies to all the buildings, staff. the faculty, or the administrators effectively regulate who belongs in the dorms reos and they will attempt to get them. not just dormitories. I think locking of all ofWMC. and who does not, One way we, as residents, can deter theft buildings hinders activities for students. lbe paper welcomes free-lance sub- from occurring is by making it very dif- Students are less likely to go 10 a friends missions on Macintosh disks in most "What is so inconvenient ficult for the robber to enter. With the 24 "The main problem with word processor formats. The editor re- hour lock down we can all feel more se- serves the right toedit for-clarity, length, about a basic safety cure about our valuable items and our locking the doors... is and libel and to publish as space per- measure that is not only dorms, What about the residents of While- inconvenience. " mits. AU submissions (excluding self- ford Hall? Although I am not a female, I addressed diskettes) become the ProPM used here but at home as am positive that I would not want some dorm because they know they will have to erty of The Phoenix and cannot be re- strange man wandering around my. hall call the person to let them in. Also, the lock- turned. well? One wouldn't leave at night while I am taking a shower. ing of the library and Decker Center hin- Please include a name and phone the door to their home With this rule in effect I feel much ders students' activities and makes them number for verification, Names will be more secure about my room and know resort to drinking in their room. Clearly this withheld only by the discretion of the unlocked for 2.4 hours that only the people that belong or are in- wouldn't solve the campus' drinking prob- EdiIOC-in--Chief. would they? .. vited into Rouzer are there. Really, is lem or possibly even help it at all. The fact The Phoenix does not discriminate unlocking a door that hard to do? is that Westminster and WMC both continu- based on age, race, religion, gender. ously are described by students as' being sexual orientation. national origin. con- What is so inconvenient about a basic boring, and the way the campus dies at 1:00 dition of handicap, or marital status. safety measure that is not only used here but a.m. is upsetting to some. at home as well? One wouldn't leave the If dormitories were unlocked students Mail to: door to their home unlocked for 24 hours Martin Wisor is a freshman Com- could roam freely and meet new people, or The Phoenix would they? Even though there are students munications major. save their present friends the hassle ofhav- WMC, 2 College Hill in the dormitories at all times people who do ing to let them in. Overall, I think keeping Westminster, MD 21157 not belong on the premises of this campus Eric Barry is afreshman Communi- all buildings unlocked at all times would add enter the dorms because the door is propped cations major. some excitement to the college. Then (410) 751-8600 open. An advantage to this rule is that people maybe everyone wouldn't be so depressed, (410) 876-2055, ext 8600 who don't go here cannot wander in and sleep To prevent vandalism just hire a few more L_...!:'FAX~'.l:(4'..'I,!!O)C"8"-57'::.-2,,,7~29~__ _jin our dorms, I know it sounds unrealistic campus safety officers.
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