Page 102 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 102
Thursday, February 15, 1996 - Page 10 F EATU'R ES Deep. Blue Something hits the Hill this spring Catch this Texas based hit bandfor only eight dollars on Thursday, March 7 in PELC For most of America, Deep Blue Some- thing comes from out of the blue. But in the Southwest, with its debut album already breaking into the Top 50, - even though initially released on a small indie label - its single reaching #1 on Dallas radio, and a touring schedule of more than 250 shows in two years, Deep Blue Something is a South- west favorite. Yet even in its native Texas, known for bands immersed in the rockin' blues or psychedelic punk, Deep Blue Some- thing is something else. "We can play the blues," says 'singer- bassist Todd Pipes, "but we don't have the blues and we don't want to sing the blues." Instead, Deep Blue Something has carved out its own territory. On its debut album, Home (Rainmaker/lnterscope Records), the four- some creates modern rock pop with depth and breadth and width - and even with something to say. "Everyone bitches about how shiny things are, and they are, but can we do any better?" asks guitarist-singer-younger brother Toby. "We can't change the world. But we can talk about it. One of the best things about what we do is communicating and for the people who listen to get it." Denton, Texas, just northwest of Dallas, is home of the University of North Texas where all four members met. Even in this atmosphere, where bands formed out of the prestigious music school are as eclectic as one can imagine, Deep Blue Something is unique. "Denton's a cool scene," says Toby. "Because of the music and art schools, bands have their own ideas. their own styles, and they can actually play." Todd first attended Sam Houston State University on a music scholarship and played in the jazz ensemble. "There are song writ- ers who write everything in couplets and it's obvious what the next line is going to be because of the rhyme scheme. They've never heard of blank verse or feminine endings. We have. That's one reason our songs sound different than what you hear every day." From left to right stands Toby Pipes. Dirk Tatom, Todd Pipes, and John Kin/and, the members of Deep Blue Something. Their band will be Toby, three years younger has played performing at lVMC on Thursday, March 7, at 8:00. Deep Blue Something is being sponsored by the SGA guitar since fourth grade. He went to Sam Houston to play soccer but soon realized that friend's attic for $50 when he was 15: "It with us tonight?" He did and soon Tatom "soccer in the U.S. was not going to hap- wasan opportunity to annoy everyone in the officially became the band's fourth member. Prepare to buy tickets pen." He then transferred to the North Texas family," he says with a laugh. In Denton, Yet the brothers are the fulcrum of the music school. "There's a wrong idea about the band jammed in his house. Calling it- band, and according to Toby, their kinship So what are you doing on Thursday what's cool," he suggests. "Supposedly it's self Leper Messiah, from a line in a Bowie has helped to develop the music quickly: March 7? Going to Champs is the most cool to be as poor as you can, have no edu- song, its first gig was in early 1992 at a bar "We can be totally honest about what's go- common answer, But not on THIS Thurs- cation, and sit on a curb playing guitar for called The Liberty. "A college hangout," the ing on, whether it's about a song or what's day! On March 7th everyone will be cram- change tossed into an open case until you're drummer adds, "Smelly, nasty, cool." happening on stage. We don't have to worry ming into PELC to see the Texas based discovered. II's sad that people accept that But the hard-core connotations of the about hurt feelings or be nice for no reason." band Deep Blue Something, This myth." band's name attracted a metal crowd more In the last two years, the band's played Interscope recording artist has been rear- The brothers had been raised in Houston than a bit taken aback by the music. "After across Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Kansas Jug up the charts with their hit single in a very musical family. "There was always a while, we came to our senses;" Kirtland and Oklahoma; more than 250 gigs in 40- "Breakfast at Tiffany's," off their debut music in the house," remembers Todd. "We recalls. "The name wasn't working out. One plus cities, ln May, it opened for Duran album Home. knew everything Henry Mancini ever did, day, Todd had this instrumental and asked Duran in Ft. Worth at a benefit for victims "Why Deep Blue Something?" you But KISS was the reason I started playing what we should call the song. I said, 'Deep of the Oklahoma City bombing. At this may be asking yourself, A survey was con- rock," Blue Something,' expecting him to fill in year's Edgefest, Deep Blue Something was ducted late in the fall semester, It asked Todd picked up the guitar when he was the last word. Instead, he said, 'That's pretty on the bill with veruca Salt, Adam Ant, and students to ~elect their favorite bands from nine then the bass at 12. As the brothers grew cool.' And it became the name of the band." Blues Traveler, sponsored by radio station a list. or all the ..people surveyed, Deep older, it became easier for them to hang out ' Following beep Blue Something's first KDGE; 20,000 fans sang along to the band's Blue Something came out in the top three with each other and play musicr-Still, there release, "Raise Your Hands," which appeared songs. bands. was little thoughtof a music career at the on the local album Tales From The Edge, But elsewhere in Texas, Home has hit The Campus Concert Committee" has time, Says Todd, "We figured, 'Look, we're Vol. 7 & 8 (1992) and gained heavy rotation home, released first on the independent Rain- been worsmg long and hard to bring you in.Texas: we'll never have a band that'll get on Dallas-rock radio, Kirk Tatom' replaced maker label. Ranking it as one of the area's tills show, Students may 'buy up to four signed, But going ,,;school, we can at least the band's other guitarist. He'd' attended hottest selling albums, Dallas radio picked tickets a~ the WMC c~mmunity price, $8. play jazz.' The' reality was that we always Trinity Valley College, for two years before up the single "Breakfast at Tiffany's," shoot- Additional ticket$ ilY,lybe purchased for wanted to do this music but never thought going to North Texas on a voice scholarship ing it to # I, and has put another track; the off campus piicp,S12. Look for tick- we could.' t' f\ - I . . \. (the East. Texas native-is self-taught.on the "Halo," in regular-rotation, .. ' ets to go on sale in froOt of Gler on Pebru- Neveittieleh/a!ler a mUI)l*1 ffien,d lnV,"o-, )fg-Uitar)! ~rtland, *~~:~iS .. rbom$ate, at~one "Music k~OWS ,no boundaries," says' ary 15,' TheshQw will be opened by duced diumme ...~ io.e.n j<.irtlal)4l t~ey "po~.!H....ahd T~~op to,ld liii,n if the o.~~er.fellow Kirtland of th~'s unexpe~ted geogra- see you at the show! , fonned the band. He.;~,g~owp:~p .ill ,Aus,tin di?n'l work out, ~e d be hap'~y t~ Jom .. Head- " phy. "Kids are hip to what's going on ~.~'? J ~~~~--------~ and bought hisĀ· first~Eifum :set oul of his ing to a show, Kirtland asked, Wanna-play matter where the music comes from."..:..:.:_::.,_:......~
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