Page 103 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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..............~........~~----------------------------~------ ~-------------- ----....--- FEATURES Thursday, February 15, 1996 - Page 11 Letter from abroad Director of the Museums of Student writes from Seville, Spain the City of Vienna, Austria I've only been here for a month fur. It's beautiful, but once again a speaks in history class (actually less than a month) so I little scary. I keep hoping it's all must write to you about my very fake, but I don't think it is. Congress of Vienna that "reformed first impressions. 8. Catholicism is taken to a new By JEN VICK tria, Dr. Duriegl's lecture stressed So far, studying abroad has level here. There are pictures of FC(1wresEditor the diversity that it contains and the Europe." been great. My "real" classes have the Virgin Maria everywhere (most The slide projector hums softly varying cultural influences its ex- Duriegl's lecture stressed the has not started yet, so I have been re- notably in almost every bar). The as the audience studies the screen. istence has experienced over a mil- prestige with which Austria its mil- been regarded throughout laxing and going out a lot to expe- cathedrals (my school is a couple Click, a crown from the Holy Ro- lennium. Accompanying Duricgt's lennium. Such famous individuals rience real Spanish culture! Here blocks away from the second larg man Empire, click, a piece of lecture were slides showing the as Beethoven, Duriegl noted, many treasures in the mu- housed are some of the more obvious dif- est cathedral in the world) are knight's armor from the Order of seums of Vienna. Dated from 962, prided themselves in being Aus- ferences I have noticed: amazing, unbelievable if you've the Golden Fleece, click, "The Irian even though, in Beethoven's I. Here in Spain, midnight is never seen them. Gold every- Kiss" by Gustov Klimt a "sacred crown" bedecked with too early to go out. You must wait where, sculptures, tombs of queens, On Feb. 9 Dr. Gunter Duriegl, jewels from the Holy Roman Em- case, he was born in Germany. Duriegl said at one lime it was be- until I or 2 am ro leave for the kings and saints just lying around director of the museums of the City pire, "the document of monarchy," lieved that to go to Vienna, Austria night. However, after seeing so many of Vienna, visited WMC to give a was shown. A ball of gold, the was \0 achieve the ultimate in "Eu- 2. Lunch, which is served gold-filled cathedrals, I now under- slide-illustrated lecture on Austria's Empirical Orb, dated around 1000, around 2 pm, consists of an appe- stand the Protestant Reformation. millennium, 996-1996. He added represented "the symbol of Euro- ropean existence." "We [Austr-ians] know how tizer or two, bread, 2 main courses, Other than these most obvious WMC to his schedule that included pean thinking." The slides flew necessary and fruitful it is to be wine in you want, and desert and differences, the aspect of Spain that lecturing at the Austrian Embassy through the centuries revealing an- open to and have thoughts of oth- lasts for hours, if done correctly. is easily noticed by anyone is how in Washington, D.C., and at cient rulers etched in stained glass, ers," Duriegl said .:' Austria is more 3. People with blue eyes begin nice the people are. They talk to Georgetown University. intricately decorated ceramics, and to look like scary aliens after look- each other, smile and laugh, and Filling Decker Auditorium al- colorful Baroque art then a nation, Austria is an idea." ing into dark eyes all the time. seem to enjoy life to a degree few most 10 capacity, the lecture was Duriegl noted the many cultural Unlike in Westminster (which I Americans allow themselves to open to the public and made pos- influences on Austrian art such as WMC Car Thefts miss believe it or not!), bars don't achieve. The cities here in Spain sible through the efforts of Dr. the Middle Eastern influence close. When you leave at 5 or 6 in are not ignored by the government Mohamed Esa, assistant professor brought by the Crusades that gave Continued from page 1 the morning people are still Just allowed 10 decay, nor as obviously of German. Dr. Esa, who is taking the Austrian flag its colors. There arriving! [really don't know when segregated as cities in the U.S. arc a group of students to Austria over were gilded coats of armor from the done to combat this problem. A bit these people work or sleep. People drink good wine, enjoy an spring break, felt that listening to Middle Ages, Turkish paintings of frustration enters her voice as 5. Here in Spain, guys actually occasional cigarette (or 2), and arc the Austrian native would give his from the Ottoman empire, and por- she comments, "this is not the first dance! always willing to share what they students an in-depth overview of traits of Louis XIV and a picture time my car has been vandalized. 6. The Spanish diet consists have. Even the police officers are Austria. "It is a very proud and of a cradle that held Napotean 's son I am gelling pretty discouraged." mainly of olive oil, fried anything, sufficiently friendly and I hear independent country with a won- representing French influence. While the WMC community is and meal. A little disgusting at pretty reasonable. If my friends derful, rich history and culture:' Duriegl also touched on the a safe, close-knit environment, stu- forst. but since everyone seems and family were here, life couldn't said Esa. Hapsburg Dynasty, the Reforma- dents are not protected from crime. healthy, I'm enjoying being non- gel much better. As long as they Despite the small size of Aus- tion, the Enlightenment, . and the Unfortunately, this type of crime neurotic for the first lime since brought some Salt and Vinegar will continue to rise if students do eighth grade. Potato Chips. Everything here is Gain experience In not take precautions to protect their 7. Spanish women wear a lot 61' tram f-lavored! See you 'Soon 'fa~k'Force Results Ingrid Carlson. Storyteller at WMC Political Science Continued from page 5 food service Cooper enchants students on Feb. 19 SAR,\ BETH REVBURN experience if offers. This confer- ond and new light line (February are 29) fixtures Shindana Cooper of Many of her stories and tales COlllribiltill8IVriter ence is an ideal way for anyone in- coming along. The Student Government As- terested in government, politics, or The task force would like to Reisterstown is a good storyteller, about Africa and African culture sembly has received information law to learn about the lawmaking institute an a la carte dining plan easily slipping in and out of the have been passed down in her fam- from the Maryland Student Legis- process by participating in a model where students could pay for in- many characters that come alive in il y for generations. Others she lature about their upcoming annual legislature, dividual food items rather than her yarns. She's Sojourner Truth. leamed while on a trip to Egypt, conference on April 19-20. Students may not earn credit entire meals. Mary Mcl.eod. A frightened slave including stories from the tomb of The conference is a model of for the Maryland Student Legisla- This change along with ex- woman making her way North with King Tut and her own experiences the Maryland General Assembly in ture, however it is a way to gain panding its hours are designed to Harriet Tubman. floating on the Nile or riding a which delegates from Maryland experience in Political Science. transform Glar into a "social Ms. Cooper is an African camel in the desert. And still oth Colleges can experience the law- Anyone who is interested in attend- place more than a feeding place." American griot, a folklorist, keep- ers are authentic tales from other making process by drafting and de- ing the Conference should sign the There are still problems with ing alive the African tradition of cultures. sign up sheet in the office of the implementing the plan however, oral history. As part of African Ms. Cooper has performed at bating their own legislation. Political Science Department be- and a group is looking into ways American History Month, she Baltimore's Afran Expo and This year the conference will be fore February 21. of resolving them. brings her love of storytelling to Artscape, and the National Catho- held in the Senate and House Chambers of the State House in Any questions can be directed The plan will be submitted to Western Maryland College on lie Conference for Interracial Jus Annapolis, Maryland. Costs for the to the SGA at extension 631 or to the trustees for approval "On Feb- Monday, February 19, at 8 p.m., in tice, as well as colleges, schools Maryland Student Legislature are Sara Beth Reyburn at extension ruary 17. Copies of the report are McDaniel Lounge. Admission is around the country. available at the information desk. free. Courtesy of Public Information very reasonable considering the 8010. RAZZMATAZZ "\\'~nHYNIIi//7 Hair Studio (next to Frisco Pub) ''J.\\\NRTlff College Night: I (. at: Tuesdays ) Of4n~ $5.00 off haircuts 'n~lJl# TULLY'S (w:th student 10,,)CO~'(A~t[. 10 se;s~g~:nf~4.95 ~ (reg. $39.95) 1 , or : . , single sessions $3.00. each ,m 1).mAMLf~~n.DAN(~UTIL~MON~~* ft~L~·mAM HOURS: M 10-5, T-F 9:30-8, S 8:30·3 '876-0654 Walk- ins welcome" $2.00 c.o~ercharge " -. Proper l.D. Required!'
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