Page 48 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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News Friday,October27,1995,Page4 Students fail to apply for k\merican Indian lacrosse study abroad scholarships lecture to be presented road official who was supportive of WMC BY HEATHER BAILY BYADAM DEA!,,/ not lose some of his financial aid depending ContriburingWriter students and his wife's research. A distin- StaffWr;/er on his individual case. It is unlikely that all Dr. Thomas Vennum Jr., a senior guished Baltimore sportswriter in the 1920s Studying abroad is a once in a life time aid would be lost, and the scholarship may ethnomusicologist at the Smithsonian and '30s and a 1918 graduate of Western experience many students at Western Mary- make up for that loss. Institution's Center for Folklife Programs Maryland, Mr. Wingate is credited with land College would like to lake part in. Un- Two scholarships are available that and Cultural Studies, will present the sixth coining the name of the WMC mascot - the fortunately, it is also very expensive. Luck- might be suitable for minority students. One, Wenner-Wingate Memorial Lecture on the Green Terror - and with advancing the sport for il y for students, minority ~ ~ ~~~~~s~~~~~~~~,~n~:~ of American Indian la- of lacrosse as a writer for the Baltimore Sun Institute the American and history origins ~~~~a~:~~:ya;~r~~t!~a:~ In the "Twoyears crosse. The discussion, "American Indian La- and later The Baltimore News and Post. as an Dr. Wenner is best remembered of this expense. these particular implies) open only to mi- crosse, Little Brother of War," is free and astute scholar of Shakespeare and the lit- Many students do not scholarships have ncrity students. Minorities open to the public on Tuesday, November 7 erature of the British Enlightenment While seem to be aware of the ex- been available. only are defined for purposes of at 8 P.M .. in McDaniel Lounge. teaching at WMC from 1931 to 1967, her istence ofthese scholarships. one student has this scholarship as being Dr. Vennum's interest in Native Ameri- main interest was George Steevens, an 18th can music led him to study the place lacrosse century Shakespearean scholar and editor. !~c~:;'t;:~~~:::ht~::eh~~~ appplied for one." ~~~c~~~:~=s~~~r~::~ held in American Indian culture. Through Previous Wenner-Wingate lecturers been available, only one stu- »Martme Motard- Indians, or Pacific Island- his extensive research, he has traced the have included Gerald Early, associate pro- dent has applied for one," ac- Noar, study abroad ers. The AFIS scholarship source of lacrosse folklore while dispelling fessor of English and Afro-American Stud- cording to studyirig abroad advisor offers one full scholarship some myths and perpetuating others and ies at Washington University; Ronald Smith, advisor Martine Motard- each semester, plus five publishing his a sports historian who teaches at the Uni- $1,000 grants to qualified Ncar. compelling literary work, American Indian versity of Pennsylvania: Linda Crocker Fear of losing financial aid may deter applicants. Students who receive this schol- Lacrosse, Little Brother of War: A Com- Simmons, associate curator of collections, some from applying, but this fear may be arship may study in places like Australia, prehensive Study of the Origins and His- prints and drawings at the Corcoran Gallery unfounded. Motard-Noar explained that Hong Kong, England, and France. In the two tory of this Native American Game. in Washington D.C.; Dr. Nancy L. Struna, when a student studies abroad, his financial years this scholarship has existed no one at Dr. Vennum received his B.A. from Yale associate professor at the University of aid mayor may not transfer. A student who Western Maryland has ever applied for it. University, an M.A. from the New England Maryland; and Dr. William B. Briggs, ad- studies abroad through WMC's program gets Another scholarship available that take Conservatory of Music and his Ph.D. in junct professor at Cornell University Law financial aid through WMC and is billed minority status into account is the Center for Music from Harvard University. School. from here. This means a student mayor may Cross Cultural Studies (CCCS) scholarship. The Wenner-Wingate Memorial Lec- Additional information on this lecture This scholarship awards $500 to students to ture was established through the bequest of may be obtained by contacting Dr. Cornelius Newly-formed study in Seville, Spain. Minority this schol- is Dr. Evelyn Wingate Wenner, a longtime P. Darcy, professor of History at Western Mary- status of filstory and chair of taken into account when awarding the Department professor arship, but one need not be a minority to re- Western Maryland of Westminster. of literature her land, aI410/857-2441. and a resident Before Multicultural ceive this award. death in 1989 at the age of 88, Dr. Wenner services Individuals who wish to request are asked special The point to all this is, there is a lot of in honor of her the new lectureship planned such as sign-interpreting money out there. Students who would like husband, C. Malcolm Wenner Jr., and her to call Lynda Casserly, WMC interpreter co- club plans to study abroad need to lake advantage of it. brother, W. Wilson Wingate. Prior to his ordinator, at 410/857-2518, at least two Contact Motard-Noar Martine at extension weeks prior to the event. 467 for more information. death in 1975, Mr. Wenner was a retir'ed rail- events for DoCScalls on students to help Speaker to the year "take a bite out of crime" discuss child The Dept. of Campus Safety will be holding its first annual Crime Preven- BY AOAM DEAN is welfare StaffWrirer tion Poster Contest in honor of Crime Prevention Month. The contest A new group is forming on campus for open to the entire campus community. The contest is running from Oct. 16 all who want to learn about the cultures to Oct. 31, with entries due by 4 p.m. at Campus Safety. legislation and societies of others. There may be a Entries must be original and appropriate for a college community por- chance of-having a little fun while doing it, too. traying crime prevention. The judging will be done by Student Safety Watch A child welfare advocate will be at West- Western Maryland's Multicultural during the first week of November. Numerous prizes have been donated ern Maryland College on Wednesday, Nov. 15, club was just recently formed at the be- from the local business community as follows: at 7 p.m., to discuss proposed federallegisla- ginning of the semester. Open to all stu- Baugher's-Dinner for two tion and how it will impact children and their dents, it is "150% inclusive," according to families. Michela Patterson, coordinator of Hair Cuttery-Wash, cut, and style Social Worker Nancy Chandler, executive multicultural student services. The Wall-Four CD's director of the National Network of Children's The Multicultural club will host a fo- Advocacy Centers in Washington, D.C., will rum for students of all backgrounds to ex- Raimoudi's-Two dozen carnations, wrapped present 'The New Wave of Child Welfare," plore the differences in all peoples. As this The Pro Image-Four baseball logo caps with emphasis on the Child Abuse Prevention club is new, no constitution has yet been and Treatment Act, the Parental Responsibil- finalized. The club plans on having many Chick-Fil-A-Three value meals ity Act and welfare reform. She will outline the legislation's effect on activities, though. According to Gerard Domino's- Three large one-topping pizzas services and programs for children, as well as Milan, a student and member of this group, WMC Bookstore-Sweatshirt institutionalization of children, substance abuse attending an American Indian Pow-Wow, and children, and children and AIDS. seeing ethnic dancers, sponsoring speak- WMC Pub-Food The program, sponsored by the depart- ers and holding ethnic dinners are all ideas Bladerunner-Haircut ments of social work and sociology, and The on the group's "to do" list. Cockey's Tavern-20% off dinner for two Social Work Club, is approved for two cat- The only requirement that a student who units for so- wishes to be a part of the Multicultural club Locust Wines/Antique Shop-Nan-alcoholic gift egory II continuing education Association of by the National cial workers needs in order to join is an open mind. The Tee's Etc,-Comic books Social Workers, Maryland Chapter. For more meetings are in the Daniel Mclea coffee- information or to RSVP call Margaret Grif- house on Wednesdays at 6:00 pm. Contact Monopoly Pizza-Two large two-topping pizzas Gerard Milan a~ ext. 8176 or Michela Forbiddeu City-Lunch for two, $12,.50value fin at 857-2410. Office Courtesy of the Public In/ormation Patterson at ext. 755 for more information.
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