Page 44 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 44
The new Dmen Sf'A~"A Sronboord moor see p. 14 rv"- Volume XIV, Number 3 Western Maryland College Thursday, October 12, 1995 FieldHockeywins three ina row behind Moyer's two shutouts to score, the defense kept us from be- they travel to Gettysburg to face the FROM STAFF REPORTS ing scored upon. All I can say is we Bullets. After dropping three games in a played great." With the defense playing well, row, the WMCfield hockey may have The lWO shutouts were preceded the Terror will hope for more offen- wanted to give in and quit, but to their by a stunning 2-1 overtime victory sive scoring punch when they meet credit, they didn'tInstead, the Green against Franklin and Marshall. The G-Burg. The Terror are led by Katie Terror women rallied behind their three game win streak catapulted the Haley's offense. She has racked up stingy defense, and their young, but Terror to 4-3 on the year and 3-2 in five goals and assisted on three oth- quickly becoming experienced rookie the Centennial Conference. ers and has had a score or an assist in goalkeeper, Jamie Moyer. They are currently half a game four straight games. Not only has Moyer improved, back of second place Dickinson and Sophomore Marjorie Hargrave she has become a stone wall in the net. Gettysburg. Swarthmore is on top of and Freshman Amy North have both She recorded back-so-back shutouts the division with a 5-0 record. been playing well of late also. 1hey last week against Haverford and Bryn 1beGreenTerrorfaceoffagainst both have two goals on the year. Mawr. Both games were on the road Elizabethtown in a non-conference With the team getting on track adding to the pressure on the freshman match Thursday, October 12, here at both offensively and defensively, first- goalie. The Terror won 1-0, and 2-0, home at 3:30 p.m. That game is fol- year head coach Tracey Folio has the respectfully. lowed by a I:00 p.m. game at Terror at the same spot they were last 'The whole team worked well Frostburg State on October 14. year at this time. If things go well, together," Moyer said about the sec- The team will then zcroinon one they could better last year's 9-5 ond shutout. "The offense had the will of the Conference's top teams when mark. ball in recent field hockey action. Van Deusen makes his mark in the record books By JOSIIUA FOSTER ing yards. He is also averag- the football. However, in his ssons Co-Eauor ing 11.2 yards per completion first year here, Van Deusen was Though the Terror football while his completion total has not the starter and it was a run- season is only halfway over, risen in every game so far this ning offense. But all of that senior quarterback Brian Van season. changed when the Terror Deusen continues to re-write If he reaches 2,884 yards named Tim Keating as their the WMC and Centennial passing this year, that would head football coach. Conference record books. give him a career total of "When Coach Keating Now in his third complete 7,695, which would place him came, he installed the run-and- year as a starter, the Terror QB 12th on the NCAA Division III shoot offense. That gives a already holds most of the list. quarterback a lot more oppor- school's and Conference's In conference games, Van tunities to throw the bali," said significant records and will Deusen holds season records Van Deus en. continue to move closer to for passing completions (409), Van Deusen, who ran the some of them as the season is attempts (756), yards (4786), run-and-shoot offense in high played out. and total offensive yards school, also holds Conference Through the first half of (472]). and WMC single-game records this year, Van Deusen is on Van Deusen gives much of in passing completions (37), at- pace for a career high with 20 the credit to his father, who tempts (67), total offensive touchdowns, six intercep- was his coach in high school SEE VAN DEUSEN p. 15 tions, as well as .2,884 pass- and taught him how 10 throw Spotlighton ...Terror field hockey's Katie Haley !lY CAROLYN BARNES three others to total eleven points league is a training program in three game losing streak, they Slall Writer for the season. Haley also lettered which coaches from around the still came out and supported the In her second year as in Green Terror basketball her world instructs students and at- team. This is part of what has made a starter and returning freshman year. She was a key tempt 10 better their game. She the season a successful one so far." letter-winner on the guard on the squad, finishing sec- also played in an AAU league for Haley's viewpoints on winning field hockey team, ond in scoring and assists. basketbalL and sportsmanship are the remain- sophomore Katie Haley Coming from Richard Mont- In stating her love for field ing characteristics that make her an stands out as one of the gomery High School in Rockville, hockey, Haley said, "People al- all-around athlete. ''Winning wise, squad's most valuable Maryland, Haley played three ways think field hockey is so easy my goal is to have a better record than players. Playing the years of field hockey, four years until they come out and watch the last year. That means that we must center forward position, of basketball, and four years of game and realize how interesting winthe res ottteccofereocegarres," Haley leads the team in soccer. Haley excelled at all three it is. I've had people that have said Haley "Along with that goal, points. Points are made sports, holding captain positions never had any previous interest in more importantly, Iwant to have fun up of goals scored and her junior and senior year, as well the sport come out on the field and work at the bulk of our season assists, goals scored as her sophomore year in basket- after the game and ask to try out that is coming up." counting as two points, ball. my stick. That's how fans get In the spring, Haley plans 10 assists counting Throughout her junior and se- hooked." Commenting on the sea- out lacrosse. Although she's never As of October 3, nior years in high school, Haley son this year she stated, "This year playedcompetitivelybefore,shefeels Haley had scored four participated in a developmental the fans have been really great. that "it shouJd be fun and it will be a goals and assisted on league for field hockey. This Even when we went through our new challenge for me to meet."
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