Page 52 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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News Friday, October 27, 1995, Page 8 ~vmuj~~kiopposeseducationcuts WMC theatre begins season !Maryland schools would suffer under new tax with "Pippin" musical U.S. Senator Barbara A. Mikulski (D- to pay a 0.85 percent tax on the total amount The Western Maryland College Depart- production." MD) announced that she is outraged by ap- of student loans made available. ment of Theatre will open its 1995-1996 sea- Mr. Domser said the show is ideal for proval today of a plan to dramatically cut In a letter to Mikulski expressing op- son with a production of the award-winning college-aged actors because the script's funds for student loans by the Senate Labor position to the plan, Loyola College in musical PIPPIN. The show, which won the themes involve problems students are grap- Committee. Maryland says, "Because schools are barred industry's coveted Tony and produced the hit pling with in their lives. "This is about a The plan will cut $10.1 billion a year from passing this fee on to students through songs "Magic to Do" and "Comer of the young man's approach to the world and his from the federal budget and would create a increases in tuition or student fees, the col- Sky," ran for several years after its Broad- search for fulfillment, which he ultimately new lax for schools to pay on student loans lege is forced to pay for this fee out of its way opening. finds in a simple, truthful relationship," Mr. and would increase the interest parents operation budget. As a result, the Loyola When originally produced in New York, Domser continued. "PIPPIN forces the au- would pay on student loans. College will have less money to spend on PIPPIN was staged by the late Bob Fosse, dience to consider what is valuable in life- More than two-thirds of the proposed new computers, better academic programs, who infused the production with his usual what values are worth living for. I hope that cuts-$7.8 billion-would fall on students and enhanced student services. In other show-stopping theatrics. Ira Domser. direc- the audience will come away enriched with and working families in the form of higher words, every dollar Loyola College pays to tor of the WMC production, knows the au- the knowledge that the simple truths are the fees, increased interest rates and capping the the federal government is a dollar less that dience will be expecting the same kind of best truths." direct student loan program. Loyola can spend on its students." fireworks and the local production, he said, PIPPIN will be presented on the ''This plan tells young people that the In a similar letter of opposition, Mount won't disappoint them. Mainstage of Alumni Hall at Western Mary- American Dream is only for those people Saint Mary's College and Seminary, of "I think we've assembled a cast and pro- land College on November 10, 11, 12, 16, whose parents can afford it," Mikulski said. Emmitsburg, said it "uses federal loans to duction team worthy of the challenge," said 17 and 18. Allperformancesbeginat8p.m. "This plan says no more American Dream. keep lower and middle class families from Mr. Domser. "It was thrilling to see the tal- Tickets are $8 for adults, and $5 for children This plan says no to the good guys and gals. being excluded from the opportunities pri- ent that turned out at the auditions. After under 12 and seniors. For more informa- II says no to those who work hard, play by vate higher education offers." seeing the actors, their exuberance, and their tion, please call the WMC Arts Management the rules and want to help themselves. Well, If this new tax is implemented, in the energy, Ifeel confident our audience will be Office at (410) 857-2599. Isay no to cuts in American Dream and yes first year, Johns Hopkins University in Bal- imp!es~ed and thoroughly entertained by our Coutesy of Public Information Office to young people who want to earn opportu- timore would pay $204,000 in new taxes. German art songs presented nity in our country." Loyola College would have to pay $95,000 Under the plan, which was approved by in new taxes. The University of Maryland the Labor and Human Resources Commit- in College Park would have to pay $255, Western Maryland College's Monday- Wolf. tee in September, schools would be required 000 in new taxes. Night Music series will showcase German "Just practicing the accompaniments;' Mr. Art songs in its next program, ''Take Me to List said, "is musically rewarding because the Lied Conferences on internships Your Lieder," Monday, October 30, at 7 p.m., elevated the role of the accompanist. It's a shame in McDaniel Lounge. that so many persons, including musicians, are Presented in a lecture-recital format fea- unaware of the incredible beauty to be found in offered to students turing WMC Douglas music Crowder, baritone, faculty and these romantic pieces." anq 0fX!T\ tp tJ;le pub- department members 1¥.pelfonnat1£ Ken List, piano, the performance will con- lic. For more information, call WMC's Depart- One thing that anyone seeking a first job vation activity, architectural surveys, leg- centrate on the Lied, the 19th century Ger- ment of Music at (410) 857-2599, or the WMC knows is that it is hard if youhave no job islative bill tracking, curriculum develop- man Art song. Selections include works EventsLineat (410) 857-2766. experience and have not yet made contacts ment, special events planning, public re- by Brahms, Schubert, Schumann, and courtesy of Public Information Office in the field. lations, and archaeological investigations," The Maryland Historical Trust has be- said Rebecca Bartlett Hutchison, chief of gun working with colleges to provide intern- the Office of Planning and Educational ships and training opportunities to help stu- Outreach for the Maryland Historical dents get experience in any number of disci- Trust. "This conference is a highlight of plines. Each year the Trust and Maryland the year for these students and others." Main Street sponsor a statewide conference One professor even makes the confer- that provides inexpensive networking and ence a course requirement for his historic training for students and professionals alike. preservation students. Loyola College pro- Growing Smart: Preservation and Re- fessor Jack Breihn admits that "my stu- vitalization in Maryland is the title of t~is dents find the event more exciting than year's conference to be held in Frederick, most of my lectures and other field trips." Maryland on November 3-5. While it is not guaranteed that attend- Many noteworthy speakers will address ing the conference will result in jobs, event conference attendees, including Gov. Parris planners promise two days packed full of N. Glendening, National Trust for Historic educational sessions, opportunities to meet Preservation president, Richard Moe, and professionals, and lots of fun in one of Casper Taylor, speaker of the Maryland Maryland's most historic and dynamic cit- House of Delegates. res. ENGLAR HALL A total of 36 sessions and special events All of this is offered to students at will cover a broad range of topics of interest the very affordable rate of $10 per day, MONSTER MASH BASH! to students pursuing careers in business, pub- with student ID. OCTOBER 31, 1995 lic relations, political science, urban plan- The deadline for pre-registration 4:45 - 7:00 p.m: ning, economics, archaeology, museums, was Monday, October 23, 1995', but history and historic preservation, graphic walk-in registration will be accepted in design and architecture. Frederick on a first-come-firs t-served Halloween Costume Party "Each year, the Trust works with a half- basis. For more information about the GRAND PRIZE: DINNER FOR 2 AT WESTMINSTER dozen or so interns on projects as diverse as conference contact Sue King at 410-514- INN'S A TRIUMROOM economic analyses of the effects of preser- 7626 or Cindy Stone at 410-514-7256. (prize value $75.00) SECOND PLACE: $30.00 GIFT CERTIFICATE TO THE w.M.G. BOOKSTORE. Suggestions fof the Phoenix? COSTUMES WILL BE JUDGED ON ORIGINALITY. (plenty of htus, Tzsnirts, bags and lots more) CREATIVITY, AND MOST EFFORT. call ext. 8600 HOPE TO SEE YOU THERE!
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