Page 49 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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News Friday, October 27, 1995, Page 5 Open forum addresses pet policies, SGA Bulletin Board parking, and other student concerns Student Forum: Many items were discussed and solutions proposed. Thanks to all those who took time out of their busy schedules to provide their MY. CHRISTIAN WII.WOHI. a campus wide referendum re- this option, and that housekeep- input. The issues discussed were assigned to the SGA committees garding this issue to obtain stu- ing should be partially reallo- On we~~a~:C";~",·r.e;"~"""""Ob""""I;o8, dent input. cated from residence halls that and proposals arc being prepared. the SGA held the second round The outcome will be the need it least to those that need , of its Student Forum. basis for the SONs recommen- it most. Additionally, students At the second round, SGA dation to the administration, expressed the need of more and students discussed the is- which will make the final deci- trash cans in residence halls and sues and complaints about the sion . In addition, students that cleaning should begin af- i::/~~~~~~~-~:s~~ r;======~========il ter ~h:~~'have been dence halls, house- I" [There is1no many complaints and keeping, parking, and concerns about park- dining services. They ing this year. At the attempted 10 draw up price on student Porum, students sug- proposals regarding gested many solu- these issues that the safety, " tionstothisproblem. SGA will present to '-.J' They agreed the administration. ' that the college Junior Carolyn --Kevin Lundell, should make a stron- Arney suggested a ger effort to limit Junior Class SGA and CAPBoard have come together to form the Campus Con- ~~I~:::'Sp~~ pOlitchy~ t'~~~~~~~~':l:k~,~gt:~ cert Committee. We had our first meeting this past Sunday, the 22nd, President lfi'wfflth we put together a list of nationally-known bands to possibly ~~;d~~~~~~:lc~;:~~~ ~~Z~~~ts~O~t~~eannt~ play her at WMC.We are working with radio station lOOX and Rock should permit stu- said that the college the Vote to put together a package. We encourage'any music lovers to dents to have pets in should eliminate its come and voice their preferences and help make this become a suc- the dorms with suite- double standards and cess at WMC. The nest meeting will be inn about a month-look for it. style arrangements (Daniel again expressed their concerns no longer permit faculty and McLea, ANW, Garden Apart- about campus safety. Kevin commuter students to Finally, Feminist art to be park ments, and Pennsylvania Av- Lundell, Junior Class President, where residents park. enue Houses) provided that said that there is "no price on there was a proposal that the each member of the suite signs student safety;" and that the col- new science building parking featured inPeterson Hall should a statement approving the pet. lege should initiate a card sys- contain an underground The owner would be respon- tem for students to unlock the garage for some of the faculty ny H~:J\.TimR BAIU' Bomandraised inNewYorkCity, sible for any damage caused by residence halls. Not only would to park there. Cumriblltill8 Writer she received a B.F.A. from The Coo- the animal, and any complaint this increase the safety of stu- In response to the many con- Feministartisl,writerandphotogmphcr, per Union, and has a master's degree about the animal would be in- dents, but also make entry into cerns about the dining services, Debora Meltz,will be featured at West- in printmaking. Her work has been spected by the Residence Life the residence halls more handi- those at the Forum suggested em Maryland College's seriesofunex- exhibited nationally in galleries and Staff, at which time the student capped accessible. solutions to these problems. hibitions in Gallery One of the newly museums and she has numerous one- may be required to remove his Regarding housekeeping, Students expressed their inter- restored Peterson Fine Arts building. person exhibitions. For the last four or her pet from the residence there is already a strong possi- est in a meal credit system and The exhibit, which runs through years she has served on the Board of hall. In addition, those present bility thai additional staff will that leftover credits should Oct. 29, is open to the public. Gallery Trustees of Domestic Abuse Services. at the Forum decided that stu- be hired to clean the residence carryover into January Term hoursareMonday-Fridayfrom 12p.m. in Sussex County, N.J., where she re- dents in the other residence halls on weekends, Students at and second semester. to-l p.m, Wednesdays from7p.m. t09 sides. Her work on behalf of abused halls should be permitted to the Forum suggested that the Others suggested that the p.m,andSundaysfrom2p.m.to4p.m women hasinfluencedherrecent work. have caged pets, excluding housekeeping staff should Pub-pass policy should .be,.re~d""; Meltz's multi-media works on Future shows to be held include: birds, and that the Residence change the. cleaning soluuona. evaluated because many stu- paper examine the ways in which Maria Barbosa's mixed media assem- Life Staff must notify pet own- they arc currently using to those dents' schedules cannot be ac- women andtheirlxxlies areobjcctified, blages from Nov. 6-24 with a recep- ers of the staff's inspection of that clean and disinfect. Some commodated by GLAR and the deified, demonized, used and abused. lion Nov. 6 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m and a complaint about the pet. students 'pi-8poseJd that indi- Pub. With the notion of a "con- She uses mythic and religious arche- abstract paintings by Ed Ramsburg With the possibility of the vidual floors should be able to tinuous feed" from 8 a.m. to 8 types and legends with their meanings, fromNov.27-Dec.15withareception administration sponsoring the obtain soap dispensers and pa- p.m. like other colleges, some consequences and expressions in con- Nov. 27 from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 24-hour lock downs of resi- per towel holders if the resi- students felt that this might in- temporary western culture to encour- For moreinforrnation call the De- dence halls, the SGA will hold dents on a given floor choose crease food quality. age the viewer to examine what these partment of Art and Art History 31857- traditions and beliefs have come to 2599 or from Baltimore, 876-2055, mean in today's world. ext 599. Volunteers needed to help prepare Interested in joining income tax returns ROTC? call ext. 720 Student volunteers are needed to join the 4th annual VITA program at to attend a 3 day \~ WMC The VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) program offers jazzercise free tax help and/ or tax preparation to people who cannot afford profes- I sional assistance. Each new volunteer will be required Center tax training session to be held at WMCJanuary 25-27, Upon comple- A Class Times: 848-6969 ~. tion of training, students will be expected to work in WMC's VITA ~~ Monday .7 p,m. r ~ program during tax season, Hours spent in training and in working will Tuesday 7 p.m_ I' Wednesday 7 p.m. count toward internship creditis). For further information, please call iI Saturday 9:30 p.m. " Susan Milstein at X456, Located at 525 Old Westminster Pike in the Coca Cola Building, Westminster, MD
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