Page 47 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 47
Commentary Friday, October 27, 1995, Page 3 • WMC Crossword Puzzle Letter to the Editor To the Editor, "all Americans are fat." These poorly chosen words were taken Iam writing in response to the out of context from a ironic joke I Thursday, October 12 Phoenix ar- made during the interview. I now ticle titled, "Smith experiences realize that it is foolish to joke cultural rules of Thailand as ex- with reporters because these few change student." Because the selected phrases made me look story is about my experiences. I like a racist. have to admit that I was offended Furthermore. the general tone by its presentation and content of the article is superficial towards when the article first came out. the Thai people-as if they were The first and most obvious strange specimens in a jar that 1 problems with the article were the was viewing cautiously from a photograph and caption. The distance. Iwas not outside of the photo that I turned in was a pic- Thai culture--I became pan of it ture of my Thai host-sister and I by living within it. For example, testing condoms for an A.I.D.S. the quote "function in another awareness activity, but it turned country where lsbcl cannot speak out to be a portrait: "Cheryl Smith the language" is incorrect because smiles as she recalls her experi- I can speak the Thai language--l ences in Thailand." I know that learned i\ while I was there and pictures must be cropped for clar- tbat is why Icould function tbere. ity when the layout is designed, I understand that the article's but this one has been rendered in- author is a first year student and 9] famous boxer 7] Bair Stadium visitor accurate because of the thought- this was probably her first writ- dfmu_ """1-Q] Great Barrier _ 11] mascot (first word) less caption and cropping. ing for the Phoenix, so my com- 71 vs. Susquehanna (first word) 14]'deep hole 131 used in game wi [7] down My second complaint has to ments are not meant to hun her 191 events in high school, do with the writing itself. The feelings or make her look bad. I 101 male winner 15} possessive lacking article lege not col- 17] empty; 231 female winners most noticeable mistake in the text only hope that. in the future, the 28] pre-game tradition 20] not out 31] second word in [11] down is that Iam a Cross-Cultural Stud- newspaper staff (editors in par- 38] spectator words 21] gym class (abbr.) 35} introduced during halftime ies Major. This is impossible be- ticular) will make a better attempt 44] vs. Bryn Mawr 22] hello (Sp.) 40] second word in [7} across cause there is no such major. Iwas to ensure that articles written for 60] relevant Monkees song 24] this man had no heart 41] returning crowd also misquoted in three instances: the Phoenix are factually correct 25] ashes container "they all look the same" in refer- before they are published. Miscellaneous Clues 26] not front Miscellaneous Clues ence to Thai students; that the Thai Across 27] hospital dept. (abbr.) Down people "thought all American girls Sincerely, 32] steel, e.g. were sluts;" and that Thais think Cheryl L. Smith I] bovine beast 1] lawn 4] "Bingo!" 33] soap 56) Northern state 35] third letter 2] nautical tenn 57] battery size • Editor's response to letter 36] Do, re, me, fa, so, _ .. 3] Ukranian city .. _ 37] either. 4} related In responseto Cberyl Smith's let- ize when it is appropriate to "joke peets of each article, for if the editors 42] id's counterpart 5] punch ter to the editor, I want to apologize around" withajournalist This will be had experienced the interviews first- 431 astrological lion 6] article for the problems the article in ques- a learning experience for all involved hand, which is the only way we could 48J your (Fr.; pl.) 8] opponent of victor tion may havecaused for her. Misun- While the editorial staff tries very be absolutely certain the facts are all 50] go (Fe.; third person sing.) 14] about 2217 derstandings often occur when a re- hard to edit weU everything we pub- correct., we might as well write all the 51] trash container 16] affirmative porter, even a very experienced one, is lish, the time constraints and other re- stories ourselves. steff 55] Swiss city 18] Homer's tale intetviewing a potential source. inex- sponsibilities we all have, myself ES- In the future, The Phoenix 58] opposite of [16] down 21] cat sound perienced reporters have an even PECIALLY, prevent us from catching will work even harder to make sure 59] raw material 23] quiet tougher time. People who are not used every single error. Inaddition, we must we present all facts to puc readers ll!nfl! 28] wife of a peer to being interviewed do not often real- rely on our reporters for the factual as- clearly and accurately. 29] endorsement 30] god in the next "Green Terror" Mike Puskar '99 32] ~, myself, and I 34] "Hey,you!" presents Dmen 45] forever and_ 39] a long time_ 46} rant and _ TCffOr 47] anger railway 491 overhead 51] color 52] Edgar Allan _ in N Phoenix n-«: 53} lower digit 54} make a mistake pt. 2 ................. 551 baby sound Have an opinion you want to share with the conununity? Send a letter to the editor, do The Phoenix
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