Page 45 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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"r r CfClJR T/1ffjJr ,SpMU Front page ... Profile: Stephanie Dcuscn ... gaged" in the educational process. Believing thai studying five sub- jects at ooce inhibits students from get- ting a firm grnsp on each discipline, Coley thinks studying four courses is more manageabJeandwiUresultin in- creased learning. However, studying Still, classrooms were kept small five classes may still be possible, de- Hill byrededicatingirscentral academic to preserve class sizes of around 30 so pending on the classes. project to one of her classes to justify building in his name. students continue to reap the benefits Disharoon has not heard many the extra credit She admits that sci- Mr. Hill, a college trustee and the whatanenormousswitch conunentsabout the newsystem since ence classes, especially those which re- proud father of a 1993 graduate con- of personal attention from their teach- ers. Even the two amphitheaters fea- the new system requires. She hopes her first-year students do not have pre- quire labs, are very intensive and per- !riooted$15milliontosupportWMC's tured on the first floor seat only 40 that students will be encouraged to do vious years of experience for compari- haps are worth more than four credits, building progmm and annual fund. This people, the perfect venue for a political more library work, valu- see Four-credit debate or poetry reading. is the largest gift ever made to the col- In his remarks, Homecoming 1995 continues traditions lege by a single living individual. attending evening Mr. Hill spoke of at WMC classes The historic building, formerly known as Memorial Hall and opened years ago and neverquite finishing his members of the college community Albertson and Danielle Gandrimo in 1929 as Science Hall, will now be degree. He described the pride he felt BY CAMERON SPIER at Commencement '93 when he who stand out. The Alumni As- were announced as king and known to future generations of students SraffWriter Alumni, students and faculty at sociation as well as most frater- queen. and faculty as Martin KP. Hill Halllt handed his daughter Jennifer her di- Western Maryland celebrated nities and sororities set up hospi- The Phi Mu sorority won the is a monument toeducation as impres- ploma and he thanked the facu1ty and homecoming last weekend. tality tents for former students James Brant Memorial Cup for sive as the gift that made it possible. administration for allowing him to be- cornea part of this vibrant community. The festivities began at 12:30 who came to the game. Other the Greek organization that has As one of our own sociology stu- on Saturday with a parade down' campus organizations like most excelled in academics, dents Tun Collins remarked, "Inside of Courtesy of Public Information Office Main Street in Westminster. A Bacchus and the German Club athletics, leadership and ser- these halls hopes are realized, dreams Inside good crowd turned out next to used the opportunity to raise vice. arechased,andcareersarestarted NQI,V rrfze Phoenix, we have a building that will provide us Alumni Hall to watch the parade, money. Two alumni were also rec- although some felt it was too Freshman Rob Newman de- ognized at halftime. The presi- with the same opportunities as before, Commentary 2-3 Asso- short. Senior Amy Sheriff arrived scribed the business of selling dent of the WMC Alumni presented bet in ways that were never possible" Green Terror Cartoon 3 Sally Gold, Theinfrastructureofthe66-year- ciation, a short time after 12:30 and was raffle tickets for the class of '99 the Alumnus of the Year Award old building has been much-improved WMC crossword puzzle 3 surprised to find that she had as "very profitable." to D. Robert Beglin and the during the last year, yet it has retained missed most of the procession. "I Meredith Fordham, of the Young Alumnus Service Award its character as an intimate setting for CS poster contest. 4 think the old cars were the best class. of '65, said she had enjoyed to George Brenton. Mr. Beglin, study and discussion of the humanities Open Forumresults ,.5 part, but we missed most of that," this homecoming and was pleased have SGA Bullentin Board .5 with the changes that have oc- a member of 1943, was honored and socia1 sciences. Blackboards she said. for his service to WMC, his ser- been replaced by specialized marker Sorority takes Brant Cup 6 Alpha Nu Omega took first curred at WMC. War Il, his status prize for the best float, followed The homecoming court was vice in World of Tuscarora, Inc. and boards that are designed to accept any Sisters for Justice .., 6 as founder writing material and can also be used by the Black Student Union and introduced at halftime. It in- his outstanding contributions to as projection screens, classroom con- Papal parade 7 Phi Sigma Sigma. All three cluded Jaime Walker and Scott his community. Mr. Benton, a figurations enable teachers to become Common Ground Gospel groups took home cash prizes. Borgman (class of '99), Heather 1985 graduate ofWMC won for facilitators rather than lecturers and Extavaganza 9 The football game offered cur- Huffer and Will Marshall (,98), 60 Seconds 11 rent and former student a chance and Brandy Mulhern and Mike his service to the school, his class desks are equipped with data commu- aa.sifieds. . .11 Association. and the Alumni to enjoy themselves and to honor Welter ('97). Seniors Chad nication ports. The entire facility is !lOW
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