Page 51 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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News Friday, October 27, 1995, Page 7 WM students participate in Papal parade Four-credit system introduced at WMC HY CHRISTIAN WILWOHL Staf/Writer On Sunday, October 8, the from page 1 Holy Father, Pope John Paul II, vis- ited the city of Baltimore for a but, if the classes were structured any long run. Mass at Camden Yards and a pa- other way, the students wouJd not be Political Science professor Dr. rade through the streets of the city. able 10 gel such a finn, deep under- ,CharlesNeallikesthenewsystemand Nine members of the WMC Catho- standing for classes in their majors. thinks it can especially benefit fresh- lic Campus Ministry participated in Overall, Iglich thinks the system is man students. Upper level classes may the parade as parade marshals "working well and allows me to spend not require many changes because they more time with the students." rather intense, though he werealready through the Young Adult and Youth Biology professor Dr. Michael has changed many of his courses to Corps. On Saturday, October 7, the ~li"::~~~iQ~.U~'M. Bro~ thinks the system is more meet the higher expectations of the ~ beneficial because students have a WMC students, along with 1,500 ~ smaller course load and their attention "[The system is] other enthusiastic Maryland ~. is not being focused on too many high school and college stu- working well and ~ things at once. He recalls, ''When I dents, attended a training ses- -; was in college and took five courses, allows me to spend sion at the Baltimore Conven- tion Center for their activities { therealwaysseemedtobeonecourse more time with the on Sunday. The students re- which 1 never really worked in but students. " ceived information regarding managed to do well enough to slide -Dr.EsterM. their assignments Sunday by. Under this system students will morning and the parade. Later takefourclasses and will haveenough IgIich, biology in the day, the students gathered c:~~::::::::..::::::.:~~::::-=::.::..::::::::::_---_:_:~~. ~ time to devote to each one and per- professor 'form well in-all faur of their classes." for Mass. Regarding the Mass, Elena Ti ll i felt a strong sense of Smith and Boys II Men. city, welcomed passers-by. They Dr. Wilbur Long, also a biology unity among "the youth of Early Sunday morning, the distributed pamphlets and di- professor, has some misgivings about four credit system. Neal thinks that in order for the Maryland," and that everyone students gathered at their stations rected people to Camden Yards thechange. Hedoesootseethechange systemtobemoreeffective,theremUSI as being any more bcnefici.allhan the was "there for a purpose." In throughout the city to serve as for the Mass. Then the Young previous system and questions its ne- be some way to encourage or coerce the evening, the Young Adult and "ambassadors of good will," wel- Adult and Youth Corps gathered more professors to use the flex hour Youth Corps attended a concert at coming people to the day's cel- once more at the Convention Cen- cessity. He uses the extra class hour Pier Six Pavilion, highlighted by ebration. WMC students, sta- ter for a brief prayer service be- but does not think it is really helping. and to upgrade their courses. Neal performances by Michael W. tioned in a residential area of the fore the parade. However, he believes it helps in fast- said, "I think it would be unfortu- Prior to the parade, students paced courses because he can spend nate if students can successfully take were able to hear the Mass inside more time on difficult concepts and five classes [under the new system) Camden Yards as they eagerly can offer students more time for re- because it shows that nothing has awaited for the parade to begin. viewingmaterialbeforeexams. How- changed. Four classes at four cred- During the parade, WMC stu- ever, Long questions, ''I wonder why its should be more than equivalent dents caught a glimpse of the students are not upset, considering that to five classes at three credits." He Pope as he drove by in the pope- now they [science students J must do viewsthesystemasagreat waytoori- mobile. Following this, a group more work and for an extra week [than ent new students to college academia of about 800 students, includ- they have in the past] for the same but knows that it will require more ing the WMC representatives, amount of credits." work on the pan of students and fac- joined the parade as marshals Also,hedislikesthefactthatstu- ulty. and marched along side other dents havelesstirretoprepareforeech Students have mixed opinions of ensembles such as the Univer- class since now some classes meet the new system Some are unhappy sity of Maryland marching band three days in a row instead of two days that students were not given more in- and the various ethnic churches a week with a day off in between. put about the transition while others ofBailimore. Upon the conclu- Long has increased the material he think there needs to be more consis- sion of the parade. the WMC covers in his classes which were for- tency among professors in the way students returned to campus af- merly three credits, but in the classes thai they adopt the new system. ter an exhausting and exciting which were previously worth four Sophomore biology major Jen- weekend. nifer Hess favors the change be- Director of the Catholic "...theprofessorshave cause "u helps that you can double Campus Ministry, MaryAnn added a lot more up, as far as counting classes as ful- Friday. said that the she would reading ...{butJ [like it filling more than one BLAR. Ilike "never forget this experience" because itgivesus the it because we have to take fewer classes." jD~Si:aII~: and was happy to have shared her ability to have a more "It's a lot more work because through it with the students connection with the Ministry. concentrated study and the professors have added a lot more &-u! 7~ 6:~ft-."". Expressing unable that the Min- the mokesus more reading and independent assign- regret ma- sociology ments," said junior was istry to attend Uetk~~~ Mass at Camden Yards, she was competitive. " jor Samantha Dwoskin. "But it's ~~ glad the Ministry acted as par- -Samanlha Dwo.kin, probably a good idea in the long run. ticipants in parade, not just ob- junior sociology IJII1ior Ilike it because it gives us the abil- servers. Both Mrs. Friday and ity to have a more concentrated Daniela Webber agreed that tak- study and makes us more competi- , RECREATION I CHILD CARE ing part in this event was a once credits (lab courses) he has not made tive." Howard County Recreation and Parks is seeking qualified in a lifetime opportunity that significant changes in the curriculum Another junior, Heather individuals to work in its liscensed child care programs. Appli- they could not have passed up. and does not use the flex hour. O'Brien, says she feels like she's in cants should be enthusiastic, reliable and enjoy working with Students who attended in- He worries that the new system high school because "there's more children. Hours are 7-9 a.m. and lor 3-6 p.m. part-time benefits cluded Maria Duva '96, Mike will cut down on the liberal arts edu- work to do in a shorter amount of available for those staff working over 20 hours per week. Experi- Sanford '97. Kevin Hord '97, cation students can enjoy while they time." ence with children ages 5-12 and coursework in education, Christian Wilwohl '98, Elena are here, and he is unhappy that, be- Some problems still need cor- psychology, recreation or related fields is required for some Tilli '98, Stephanie Price '98, cause he must teach an extra week and recting in the two-month old pro- positions. Salary range is $5.31 to $9.70 per hour. The De~art- Daniela Webber '98, Grant Rice the flex hour interrupts his schedule, gram, but overall, the transition ap- ment is also seeking companions to work one-on-one WIth '99, Crystal Muia '99, and his own time to conduct scholarly re- pears to be going well. Only time children having developmental or physical disabilities. Please call MaryAnn Friday, director of the search is diminished, something which will tell how the system will affect (410) 313-4700 to receive an application and more information. Ministry. he thinks will burt the college in the the school in the long-run.
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