Page 43 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 43
SPORTS Thursday, October 12, 1995 Page 15 .S44 save percentage. leads the Terror women with seven By JOHN MANARU Sports Co-Editor Some of Backof's success can goals. Classmate Stephanie Van Despite outstanding play by be attributed to the improvement of Deusen has racked up six goals, their defense over the last two the defense. Led by senior Becky but hasn't scored since the 23rd of weeks, the WMC women's soccer Deux, the defensive backs have September. team has found it tough to gel a win adjusted to the new formations that Sophomore Judy Remnitz since their red-hot offense cooled. Flynn put in this year. scored the team's only goal against The Terror tied Elizabethtown "It has taken time for our vet- Haverford. She has six on the year. I-Ion October 4th, and dropped a eran players to adjust," she re- Erin Murphey scored her fifth heartbreaker last Saturday at marked. goal against Swarthmore. Haverford before they traveled to But now that the defense is in This Sunday, the 15th, the Gettysburg on Tuesday, October sync, the offense that was on a Terror will take on Frostburg State 10th. (Results were not available at record pace has slowed down. in a non-conference match. press time.) Over the past week they have The game will be a tune-up as The women held a 5-3-1 mark managed only two goals after they the Green Terror will finish the before the Gettysburg game. Their had been averaging close to four season with four conference conference record was 2-1. A loss goals a game. opponents. at Gettysburg would almost elimi- with a Elizabethtown player last week, as she goes for the bail The offense is so loaded that it The Terror also get the bo- nate the Terror from the title hunt sophomore keeper Julie Backof. head coach Jenny Flynn. "If you shouldn't be long before someone nus of playing four of their last while a win would put them right Last year's 1st team All-Confer- wanted to see Julie play, this was breaks out of their slump. five games at home. back in the hunt. ence goalkeeper made her bid for the game." For the first time in the school The team needs only five The key to their success may a second straight selection with an Backof has kept opposing history the women's soccer pro- goals to set a new scoring have to be their steadily improving outstanding game against E-Town. teams to under two goals in a game gram has four players with five or record and one win to tie the defense. "This [the E-townl game was five times this season. more goals. record for most wins in a sea- The defense has been keyed by abigtimeJulieBackofgame," said She has made 65 saves for Freshman Natalie Hannibal son. WMC volleyball to host 14th Annual G_reenTerror Invitational are senior Kath McKenzie, and ,;; ern Maryland re- urday as they take on Gallaudet Uni- By CAROLYN BARNES sophomores Chris Ann Becki, cent1y lost to Mary versity. As of September 27, StaffWriler On Friday and Saturday, October Cindy Goeke, and Mary Wright. Washington at the Gallaudet displayed an unde- 13 and 14, the women's volleyball Becki, Goeke, and Wright gained Mary Washington feated record of 16-0. They team will host II teams at Gill Center valuable experience in 1994, as College Invitational also beat Western Maryland in Clas- 1985 in the North/South for the 14th annual GreenTenorInvi- they started as freshman. The on September 16 sic Tournament,, 15-S, posting a score of 0- Saints motto for the 1995 season ~'s=:~~a;;~=~ 3. Also, in 1992, the and 15-S. the qualifying tatio~enC-:- is: ''Wmningisn'teverytbing,but Eagles beat Western Following striving to win is." Classic, and in 12out of those 13 years, Fotiowing their4:00 PM game Maryland to hold the rounds, the top two teams from Western Maryland College has con- on Friday, the Green Terror meets NoilhlSouth Classic each pool will advance to the tended for the championship in the fi- Bridgewater immediately aftcr- championship title Semifinal round at 3:45 PM. nal round of the tournament, winning wards at 6:30 PM. Tn 1988 for the first time with Western Maryland only plays seven times. BridgewaterwontheNorthlSouth scores of 15-3 and teams in Pool A in the quali- AI 4:00 PM on Fri&y, the fLTSt day ClassicToumamentoverWestem 15-3. Seniorcaptains fying round. Pool B consists of the tournament, the Green Terror Maryland with scores of 15-12 Melissa Dowell and of Washington College, Catho- will begin game play against theSaints and 15-1 I,butWestem Maryland AngieLong will lead lic University, York College, of Marymount University. Coached retaliated in 1990 with scores of the Eagles squad of Franklin and Marshall, by Beth Ann Wilson and Assistant 15-10, 12-15, and 15-10. After ""-==""i~five freshman, one Susquehanna University. and Coach Jeff Billington, Marymount Bridgewater, WMC will play ~!.!!~~~~~~~~~.{~sophomorc,twojun- Salisbury State University. sports a young team, but an experi- Chowan at 9:00 PM. '; iors and two seniors. The winners of each of these enced one. Theyonly lost three letter- Starting the second day of the SKY HIGH: Carrie Shadrick and her jump serve One of the Green games will compete for the winners from 1994, while seven re- tournament, at 10:15 AM, the will lead WMC in the Green Terror Invitational Terror's toughest Green Terror Invitational turning letter-winners bring depth to MaryWashingtonCollegeEagies this weekend. matches will take Championship at 5:00 PM. the squad. Marymouht's top players will meet the Green Tenor. West- place at 1;00 PM Sat- Men's soccer readies for strecth run Van Deusen from p. 16 By Ross HOLl_ERON freshmen Daniel Stine and Martin tenn ial Conference. Monday plays (82), passing yards His current career playa they rescheduled game COniriburingWriler Oswiecimka, sophomores John (443), and total offensive passing yards per game av- Coach John Plevyek'sOreen D' Andrea and Jeffrey Patten, jun- against #3 ranked Muhlenberg, yards (415). erage of 250.9 would place by a game Tenormen'ssoccerteamboltedout iors Eric Laurence, Chris LeCron, followed on Wednesday at Johns He also holds the single him in a tie for seventh in night. Hopkins to an impressive 5-0-1 record to start Drew Jahn and Dave Mascke, and "This is where we can season school records for Division III history. The the season, included a 2-1 confer- senior Eric Farrow. Sophomore passing completions (204), football co-captain is also ence win at Haverford, but since that goalie Mark Rohme, playing the show what we are made of as a attempts (376), yards (2,315), currently fifth in Division win the team has dropped four of majority of the games, has an .S15 team, and give some individu- touchdown passes (7), total III in total offense with an out five games. save percentage for the Terror. als the- chance to step it up offensive yards (2,209), and average of 294.4 yards per The key to the early season 'The beginning of the year we when we need it the most," said total offensive plays (453). game this year. success could be the team's state of had the right attitude and worked Edwards. Van Deusen also has the But for now, Van mind as well as consistency. well together," said scoring co- "We need to come out posi- opportunity to break quite a Deusen is just focusing on Early season scoring came leader Abildso. "We have a chance tive and playa physical game few more conference records this year. "I havn't though from allover the field, with sopho- right now, if we continue playing in order to win against Hopkins this year. He needs just 397 about all the records now. more ChristiaanAbildso and junior well, to knock off some very good and a big, physical Muhlenberg passing yards and 426 total I think one day they will Maschke. said team," Brett "Poodle" Edwards contribut- teams and make a name for our- With the year coming down offensive yards to set a new be nice things to have and ing 3 goal performances against selves as we tum this into a posi- to the final six games, the Ter- conference record in those ar- look back upon," said Van VlllaJulie and Albright College re- tive, winning program," added ror will have their opportunity eas. If he throws two more Deusen. spectively. Junior Rick Estes joins Abildso. 10 finish with a least a .500 touchdown passes he will also Abildso and Edwards as a goal scor- With some very big games this record and gain more confi- set a record for most career ing co-leader with eight tallys. week the Terr.or have a chance dence heading into next year. touchdown passes thrown. Other key performers include to make some noise in the Cen-
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