Page 46 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 46
Commentary Friday. October 27.1995. Page 2 students Phoenix ~rom the difficult WMC's for first-year homecoming to dis- is on their own. cover annual geared Class the alumni. reunions mainly toward in the area, a pre- are planned Editor-tn-Chief is held Lisa T. Hill '97 t£ditor game reception non-reunion in morning and for reunion alumni, and events organizations Advertising Manager just Greek for their alums. hold special accord- year, This Bobbi Leister '97 ing to Beth Harlow Buckalew, assistant director of Alumni Affairs, seven classes News Editor Michelle Hamilton '98 met this year for reunions, although the Last issue, The Phoenix printed an way. total is usually five. anonymous letter to the editor in re- On Homecoming _ .• All campus organizations are invited On The Hill Editor Jonathon Shacat '98 sponse to Jonathon Shacat's "Lock and Last week, it was brought to my at- to enter floats in a parade down Main Key" column in the 9/28 issue. The tention that more than a few freshmen Street, which is open to both the West- Phoenix "reserves the right to edit all were confused about what a college minster and WMC communities. Sport- Sports Editor John Manard '96 submissions for clarity, length, and homecoming entails. I say freshmen ing events are open to all members of Iibel...[andJ names will be withheld only because these students are only familiar the community, not only to see the teams by the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief." with high school homecoming, usually play, but also for alumni, current stu- Layout Editor However, we do not yet have a policy involving a pep rally, football game, and dents, and even faculty and administra- Grant A. Rice '99 on unsigned letters. a dance. tors to socialize. During the football I want to now state that The Phoe- I have heard that many freshmen halftime ceremonies, several awards are Photography Staff nix will no longer print anonymous let- thought a campus-wide semiformal presented, including Alumnus of the Grant A. Rice '99 ters. If a student has an opinion about dance was going to be held Saturday Year, the Young Alumnus Service Award, Aden Mages '97 John Manard '96 which s/he feels strongly enough to night. But don't feel bad if you were the James Brant Memorial Award. In write in to The Phoenix, he should be one of those people. This was not the addition, the most recent graduating mature enough to stand by his beliefs first year students have been mis in- class poses for their 100-days picture, Circulation/Promotion Manager This means, signing his/her name. ~':JIII formed. because homecoming is supposed to be Harry Singer '99 We will not JlI~Qw members of the While this is a perfectly legitimate about 100 days since graduation day. college community to make a habit of misunderstanding, I believe that fresh- While homecoming at WMC is General Staff Aaron Alhburn '97, Cardtyn Barnes this. Besides allowing a person to deny man orientation should require that stu- much different from what many of us '99, Laurie F. Cicero '98, Aaron responsibility for an opinion piece, ano- dents be informed about such subjects. experienced in high school, it is an im- Corbett '99, Becky Cockerill '99, nymity allows a writer or source to em- Although finding out there is no portant part of WMC tradition, and of Adam Dean '98, Joshua Foster '96 bellish his story or comments. As the homecoming dance is not a huge prob- course, FUN! Amy Hanna '99, Ross Hollebon Editor-in-Chief, I cannot aJlow people lem, other information that is not cov- Lisa T. Hill '97,Heather L. Jacoby '98 Meghan to create unnecessary controversy this ered in the-student handbook could be Editor-in-Chief Joyce '99, Nicki Kasselis '99, Jill Marron '97, Mike Puskar '99, Sara Reyburn '9a, Sarah Sheckelis '97, Sarah 8nell'98, Cameron Speir '97, ~"'"" Lock; and 'l(£;!J tuith fonathon Sliacat Jen Vick '98, Christian Wilwohl'9B Layout Staff Study abroad participation ated with the college. 'Theoretically [students} the past, few students have applied for or been Lisa Hill '97, Michelle Hamilton '98, Each semester agroup of students who at- do not have to pay more than if they were here," awarded these scholarships. Currently there are John Manard '96, Stacey Mcintyre '99, tend WestemMaryJand chOOO:'.Sto study abroad. said liubbard.· . two scholarships thalare available to students at Mike Puskar '99, Jonathon Shacat '98, Studying abroad can be an important and excit. wr\.1C'dOes not give students tlie privilege Western Maryland. These include the Ameri- Sarah Sheckells '97 ing part ofastudent's college life .• 1 .rr of using college financial aid for study abroad. can Institute for Foreign Study (AlPS) Minority WMC has entered into a formal associa- Patricia Williams, director of financial aid, said Scholarship and the Center for Cross-Cultural Adviser tion with several colleges and programs across that the reason for this policy has to do with bud- Study, inc. (CC-CS) Scholarship. Terry A. Dalton the world. Many other options for world-wide get. 'We give you this money to go here;' said The CC -CS Scholarship has been awarded study are also available. Williams. I to only one student from WMC since it was first The Phoenixis published biweekly. Many students do not tafe advantage of the Is study abroad for girls only? offered two years ago. The tuition award is $500. are given out each se- scholarships TIle opinions expressed do not necessarily study abroad program that is ava'i1abl'eat WMC. program Inthe past, the participants in the study abroad Numerous It is open to Americans of any race but mester. have consisted of mostly at WMC represent those of7he Phoenix staff, the fac- The number of students who arecwrently study- ing abroad at WMC is four people, allof whom women. In the Fall of '94 three women and one minority status is considered a positive quality ulty, Of the administrators ofWMC. man studied abroad, in the Spring of '95 four .in determining who gets the scholarship. The paper welcomes free-lance are girls. The total student population at WMC Since the AlPS Minority Scholarship submissions OIl Macintosh disks in most word is about 1,200. women and zero men studied abroad, and in the first offered (two years ago) notxxiyfrom WMC was Fall of '95 (this semester), there are four women processor formats. The editor reserves the The student involvement at Gettysburg Col- and zero men currently studying abroad, accord- has applied for it. This program awards one fnlI right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and legeisquitediff"erentfromthatofWestemMary- tuition"'~!~.:~~i~~:h~~:ioI land. According to Marilyn Hubbard, interna- ing to Martine Motard-Noar, study abroad coor- to publish as space permits. All submissions tional student coordinator at Geuysbcrg College, dinator. each semester. (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become The reason that men, forthe most part,don't all students in America Considering the num- the property of Tne Phoenix and cannot be 100 students arecwrently studying abroad, com- participate in the study abroad program is a bit of her of smdents who can apply, it seems that one's returned pared to a total student population of ahout2,200. Please inchlde a name and phone Thirty percent of the graduating class last a mystery. chance of getting one of these scholarships is Motard-Noorthinksthattherrosonisbecause number for verification. Names will bewilb- May at GettysOOrg had studied abroad for at least ''men are tied to their baddies and don't want to unlikely. But, I ask, isn't it still ~O~ ~nlv",,?1 held only by the discretion of the Editor-in- one semester, according to Hubbard. About five leave them." I think so. If you are interested in'studying ebroedard I Qrief. percent of the graduatingclass of 1995 at WMC For more infonnation The Phoenixdoes not discrirninaIe studied abroad for at least one semester, accord- Hubbardsaiditisanationaltrendforwomen in study abroad programs, based 00 age. race. Jdigioo. gender. sexual ingtoBarbaraShaffer,registrar. Coosideringthe to be more involved would like more information ext 467. rut admits that she does not know the true reason of these two colleges, thisis a large Motard-Noarat similarities Martine orientation, national origin. condition of I'm sorry! why reason, I don 'tunderstand Whateverthe ,-, interested'in Study alxoad, said in another culture and learn from it. I wge pm.bID~m'~a~~~[~.·~&krul bandicap.ormarilal stIlUS. difference. involvement at GettysOOrg has in- more men are not involved in this program. It is In the previous edition of L Student Mail"" creased significantly in the past five or six years. anexcellentexpe:riencethataIbvs st:udent<; tolive was made in the section isduetotbe Moo. of the reason fortheincrease workoftheoollege.·'1here.isabigeffortmade" funds in the tudget is part of the is not fer girls only. Study.abroad everyooe.Udu,_ lab closes early on certain days." to get student<; Minority Sug allows the oudenIs 10 use coI- theoppommity. rect. It is not a lack ofiunds in ~fu&"'~in~l~am~b,usedl 1
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