Page 176 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 176
...----------- -e- ------_ -~ ------- Thursday, April 16, 1996- NEWS Western Maryland retention rates continue to fall Continued from page I respond 10. "J think that it is a possible step. It is like the internet. [which] is some- thing that everyone is on now," he said Another complaint by students, both surveyed and around campus, is that the school has developed rules that prevent students from having fun, Pat Godfrey, an active member of Al- pha Gamma Tau, feels that the new re- strictions on clubroom parties is unnec- essary. "I think that the faculty and adminis- tration-has made it worse by making rules. It's like the old adage, 'if it isn't broke, don', fix it.' The clubrooms are a perfect example," he said. Lundell agrees, saying that the rules have not changed as much as the extent to which they are enforced. "As change goes, with anything, people don't like that. It's like changing the rules half way through the game," he said. Godfrey, a senior, feels that the stricter enforcement of rules does not prevent un- derage drinking and is unfair to students who come to college as a stepping stone to the real world. "College is not for drinking, it is for education. But if you don't have the so- "Three nights of Greek Week are out these' complaints from students, but finds center got built. The student voices cialIife on campus than when you get into at bars and it is supposed to be an on cam- that it is not a major reason people leave were heard by the Board of Trustee," she the real world you get culture shock," he pus thing," she said. WMC. said. "A lot of students pulled together asserts. Dean Sayre agrees that this is a prob- Results from exit surveys conducted on and said 'this is what we want.' Once it In addition, Godfrey feels that as the lem and feels that alcohol and drinking students show that it is not the students happens, it can happen again." college continues to crack down, drink- is an issue that will always be present. who leave that complain of rules prevent- Lundell also feels that the student's ing socialactivity, rather it is the students . 'I,··t' who stay that are. th, at the SChOO,I.iS= ~70L Dr. C,aro} Fritz, assistant athletic direc- . \J, lw"c'. Wo,.', 1d""'''1 tor and an active member of the retention ~ taSk,forcefee.lS, ;:~~~:.rd t9 find ne\y w~ys to Imp~~,\~ re~ ".,' ~:: \ ' ' She feels that student affairs, academic ::: affairs, an'\. admissions are exploring ev- ~.0 ery option to find a solution, however she ' ,0 feels that it is very hard to pill point one ; 0 problem. : SodaI LI,. c,.... 0,.. , "Ie "The people in student affairs are working very hard to get things on cam- arc making their voices heard and are pus, like the concert and that is a positive making changes through the strong stu- step," she said. dent leadership that has evolved. Junior Melissa Farrell feels that while changes "There there are not as many clubroom or floor happening. are a 101 of positive the leader- I just hope that parties as in past years, the college has ship stays, now that we're at this level offered more activities like The Dirges, let's keep it there and get it higher," he Deep Blue Something, and the moonlight said. cruise. O'Connell agrees that large activi- "There are a lot of positive ing and driving is going to become a "There will always be tension about ties like the Deep Blue Something con- greater problem because students are go- it, and there isn't one answer. People cert are positive steps toward keeping changes happening. I just ing to bars to hang out. want us to ban alcohol all together, Ithink students happy, she also attributes the hope that the leadership "If you want to drink with friends you that is totally unrealistic," he said. stays, now that we're at have to go off campus," he said. Sayre feels that while the school can Iw~.~o~._" I this level let's keep it there ~ Results from exit surveys conducted on students '"OIL and get it higher, " ;.0 show that it is not the students who leave that Kevin Lundell ." complain of rules preventing social activity, rather it '.. is the students who stay that are. '" O'Connell also hopes that students ." :.0 continue to make their voices heard be- .osou .. ,IIT..... ,,, ... "_m"" G_UIo cause she feels that is the key to mak- "Granted you should be able to have not ignore the students who are 21 or ing students happy and keeping them at fun without alcohol, but that is what stu- older, they also have to provide social WMC. dents want." outlets for those who don't drink. "[The concert to students who worked very "I just wish more students would Myers agrees citing this year's Greek drinking age] divides our campus so- hard and spoke out. come forward and say why they aren't Week as an example of how students feel cially," he said. "If students are passionate their passionate. Those reasons need to be that they must go off campus to hang out. Dean Horneff also admits to hearing voices are heard that is how the fitness recognized," O'Connel said.
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