Page 179 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS Thursday, April 16, 1996 - Page 7 Egyptian ambassador lectures at WMC Michelle After post-ponement by peace talks in D.C., His Excellency visits campus Zepp to By CHRISTIAN WILWOHI. Assistant News Editor McDaniel Lounge became a venue for peace talks on the perform evening of Monday, April 15. WMC hosted the Ambassador of Michelle Zepp of Woodbine the Arab Republic of Egypt, His will present her senior recital Excellency Ahmed Maher El on the French horn on Friday, Sayed, for a discussion on the con- April 26, at 7:30 p.m., in tinuing peace process in the Middle McDaniel Lounge. East. She will be accompanied by El Sayed expressed anger and Don Horneff, a lecturer at deep concern about the recent WMC. The recital, also featur- atrocities in Israel and Lebanon that ing the WMC Brass Quintet, threaten the peace process. He de- will include compositions by scribed these atrocities as "a bump Mozart, Haddad, Jacques, and in the road to building a better fu- Whittman, as well as four ture based on friendship and fra- pieces by Ms. Zepp written for temity." the brass quintet. The Ambassador admitted "ev- A music education and mu- ery country has a right to security." sic theory and composition However, he emphasized that double major, she is the daugh- groups such the Hamas are "en- ter of Me. and Mrs. Norman emies of peace, trying to sabotage Zepp Sf. of Woodbine. what we've been patiently build- For more information call ing." He argued that these terror- 857-2599. istic groups are "happy to see vio- Courtesy of Public Information lence prevail." WMC Trustee Aileck Resnick welcomes the Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to the U.S. Aimed Mahar According to EI Sayed, the Is- £1 Sayed to Western Maryland College. Afterwards, El Sayed addressed the audience about Middle East peace. raeli response to the recent out- breaks of violence, the closure of affirmed that the Camp David ac- Middle East and the assistance of emment considers Arafat a partner the West Bank and Gaza, will en- cords, which he helped to create, the United States and the United in the on-going peace process be- courage people to perform actions were the first step in establishing a Nations are necessary. cause he is able to rally the sup- contrary to their self-interests. comprehensive peace in the Middle He stressed the need to "create port of the Palestinians. He stressed the absolute neces- East. bonds and common interests," in- In light of the upcoming elec- sity to "o~ercome problems of se- El Sayed emphasized that the strumental to the peace-building tions in the United States, EI Sayed curity without augmenting the an- majority of Arabs and Israelis want process. affirmed that they should not have ger and frustrations of terrorist~." the peace process to continue. Once such things are created, a major impact on the conditions Although El Sayed conveyed These groups, particularly the the Ambassador asserted that it in the Middle East. much anger in his speech, his mes- Israelis and the Palestin'e Libera- would be "difficult to revert to situ- He stressed the "constancy of sage contained a strong sense of • lion Organization (PLO), must ations of abnormality and vio- importance of the Middle East in hope. He commented that "hope overcome their misconceptions of lence." U.S. foreign policy." is deeper than anger." one another, which serve as im- In addition, El Sayed described EI Sayed concluded his speech ~ _l_~~ _ _L j EI Sayed explained that WMC's pediments to peace. the role ofYasser Arafat, the leader most optimistically: "Don't look at LUNCWLATE II proximity to Camp David is "a In to create a lasting of the PLO, as "essential to the what lays just under our feet; look ~o~in~J\..\) brut j¥"\'~ source of inspiration and hope (for peace, EI Sayed argued that the peace process." at what is at the end of the road. 1 ["-------, him) that peace will prevail." He cooperation ofa11 the peoples of the He affirmed that the Israeli gov- can tell you it is beautiful." ': Spring Fling kicks SPRING lNIGHT SPECIA .. 'I I $7.99, off the season May 1 FLING'96 IA 12" medium ~lZZa wi~h your I I I~~~~~~~~'!a~~~~~gi~~:t~f Finally, the big day is on Satur- ICoc~-Cola Classic or Diet Coke, I By AMY HANNAH Staff Writer day, May 4, beginning in the Quad MAY 1st-4th I~~~~t\oln~~~~;~g~$t'O:~~~M: Clubs are organizing, bands are and ending in Memorial Plaza (Red practicing, and anticipation is Square). All events for this day Wednesday, May I in the Forum Opening Act: Puddleglum (formerly spork) ;~ff¥f;fk1:4i§;§i : growing for Spring Fling, which have been planned by the Special 8:00·8:30 pm Comedy Troupe: Selected Hilarity ~'." ••._.'" '~.m"'"," 8:30·9:30 pm kicks off next week. Events Committee. Happy Hour with ICC 1C;;:;';; - -1-1-1 The first even will be held May Dinner that evening will be a Thursday, May 2 in the Pub I opening with Peddleglum (for- picnic from 5:00 - 6:30p.m. in the 5:00-7:00 pm 1 SPECIAL merly Spark) will perform from Quad. 6:00-8:00 pm .Karaokewithprizes $7.99 : .. : 8:00 - 8:30p.m. in the Forum. Then Remember to bring your own Friday, May 3 at Carroll Community College from 8:30 - 9:30p.m. a comedy blanket, for basking in the sun and 9:00 pm-I:30 am Double Feature Outdoor Movie- ThelurorandBravehearl troupe called Selected Hilarity will keeping warm if the wind kicks up. Transportation is available by bus at PELC from : Any Large Pizza with you~ perform. "Committees have been work- 7:30-8:45 pm and will return after the movies I choice of one topping. I On Thursday, May 2, there will ing hard for several months for the 1 Additional toppings I be a happy hour with the Inter- events for Spring Fling ...Ijust hope Saturday, May 4 in the Quad 1 $1.46 extra, I Greek Council from 5:00 - that people will come and enjoy the 1:00-2:30 pm SkaBand:TheSmoOlh~ I ~"(::::~~,'::~i.".!:.:~:::'·ri/': I 7:00p.m. and karoake from 6:00- activities," Brandy Mulhern, Spe- 1:00-4:40 pm SmdentOrganizalion Booths Open I ~'OO~,::;:,~:";:~!:;~.""':';;,'='Do':';I Balloon Sculpture Artist I:OOA:oopm 8:00p.m. with prizes for winners, cial Events Committee executive, 1:30-5:30pm Human Foosball & Balloon Sculpture Artist L__.::,:::::,.::.,m==:.. .J all in the pub. commented. 2:00·6:00 pm Recording Studio ($1.00 per person) 01!9l('.(l~'1I(I'1~·m,l"" Next, on Friday, Carroll Com- T-shirts celebrating Spring 2:30-4:00 pm Dance Band: Kraze Band: Faded image Alternative munity College will host a double Fling '96 will be on sale in the 4:00-5:30 pm Dinner(AliSludenlswilipicnicintheQuad.) ICmllll 5:00-6:30 pm feature outdoor movie from College Activities office for $8. 5:45-6:45 pm Reggae Band: Mama Jama ~§'7QS)S)S)~ 9:00p.~. - 1:30a.m. The movies The shirts are tye-dyed blue and are The Juror and Braveheart. purple with the Spring Fling logo Saturday, May 4 in Memoriat Plaza in front of Hoover Library 330-140 Village Road WMCRadio Coordinated by the Films Com- on front. 7:00·8:00 pm Mountain HOISprings Hot Tub Party" Mon-Thurs. llAM-IAM 7:00-12:00 midnight mittee, transportation is available Other items, such as squeeze 8:00-11:00 pm Reggae Band: Mama Jama by bus at PELC from 7:·30- bottles, will be given out on Sat- II :00-12:00 midnight WMCRadio Fri-Sat llAM·2AM 8:45p.m. and wiU also run after the urday in the Quad and Memorial Sun llAM-12AM movies, back to WMC. Plaza. tB.Y.O.B. - Bring Your Own Blanket to these events
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