Page 180 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS Thursday, April 16, 1996 - Page 8 Choir to perform in honor Duva named WMC's of the late Richwine Becton Dickinson Fellow The Western Maryland College Choir formance. Maria Duva has been named a Becton after graduation. will pay tribute to emeritus faculty mem- "Iwould like to do whatever I can to bring Dickinson Fellow at Western Maryland Col- Becton Dickinson & Company manufac- ber Keith Richwine at its spring concert on this music out," she said, noting the WMC lege for the 1995-96 academic year, an- tures and sells a broad range of diagnostic Sunday, April 28, M 3 p.m., in Baker Me- concert will be only the third public perfor- nounced Patricia Williams, Director of Fi- systems and medical equipment and supplies morial Chapel. mance of the piece. "His music is so acces- nancial Aid. Underwritten by Becton Dick- for use by health care professionals, medi- The East Coast premiere of a piece by sible and it really deserves to be heard." inson & Company, in cooperation with the cal research institutions and the general pub- Dave Plank will be dedicated to the The choral program also will feature Independent College Fund of Maryland, the lic. memory of Dr. Richwine, who passed away "With the Lark," a composition by WMC Becton Dickinson Fellows Program recog- The Independent College Fund of Mary- last month. He was a professor of English music professor Glenn Caldwell and based nizes superior academic achievements in the land continues an ongoing commitment to for 32 years at WMC before retiring in on the poetry of Paul Dunbar. Life Sciences. independent higher education in Maryland 1994. "It uses the lark," Dr. Boudreaux said, "as Maria Duva is a senior Biology major with the Becton Dickinson and Company Mr. Plank's composition, a juxtaposi- an analogy to the sense of freedom that can from Frederick County who maintains a 3.40 Fellows Program. ICFM solicits annual con- tion of two poems, Robert Louis be gained from even the most dire situations. GPA. She has been selected by the Biology tributions for operating expenses from the Stevenson's "Requiem" and Lord Alfred Glenn's setting for it is marvelous." Department faculty as the recipient of the business community, private foundations, Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar," is a won- Another special part of the program will 1995/96 Isabel Royer Biology Scholarship. and individuals. derful tribute, said choir director Margaret be the double choir treatment of Banchieri's Duva hopes to pursue an advanced degree Press Release Boudreaux, associate professor of music "The Battle," as the choir splits into two and chair of the music department. groups, marching to opposite sides of the Person hit by truck "Dave Plank is one of the most brilliant stage, Dr. Boudreaux said: Each "army" will composers I know in setting words," Dr. be joined by members of The Voice of the Boudreaux added. ''This is a truly magnifi- Turtle, an Early Music (IOOO-1700A.D.) in- On Friday, April 19, around 4:30pm. a taken to Carroll County General Hospital for cent piece and a nice treatment of the po- strumental group from WMC featuring pe- male was injured by a truck near the loading treatment etry, which makes it very fitting for a riod instruments such as the rackett, the docks. The ambulance and Westminster Police rememberarice of Keith, both as an out- krumhorn and recorder. Each side will then The man was standing between the dock Department both responded to the incident. standing English professor and friend." take turns launching vocal and instrumental area and loading dock area on the bottom The police issued several motor vehicle ci- The unpublished composition, simply ramparts at their opponents across the hall. titled, "Requiem/Crossing the Bar," hasn't Dr. Boudreaux said the piece will be done in level when a truck backed into the victim. tations to the truck driver. Staff Reports The van, used to carry food, hit the man been heard in public since 1973 when a English and Italian. in theleg area, and he fell to the ground, re- louring group performed the piece in The choir includes faculty, staff and stu- ported Campus Safety. Czechoslovakia. Dr. Boudreaux, who be- dents at WMC, as well as area residents. The There are no reported major injuries, but 1997 President Applica- came familiar with Mr. Plank's work in the concert is free and open to the public. For the victim complained of pain in his legs, 1970s, always liked the composition for its tions Deadline extended blending of music and words and has Campus Safety also released. The person was wanted to include it in a WMC choral per- Due to the fact that no applications !were received for the position of Students voice ideas at SGA open ine has been extended until Friday, the dead- lass of 1997 President, forum about residence hall renovations i'\priI27, 1996 by 3:30pm via cam- us mail attention Brandy Mulhern, GA President puter Services. ties. A suggestion was also made for of- By AARON CORDETT ficers to be more personable and less con- Legislative Officer Sw!fWrilcr The next topic were suggestions about Few students were present at the sec- the budget that would be presented to the frontational. Elections ond open forum hosted by SGA two Board of Trustees. A great amount of time was spent dis- pate: Monday, April 29, and Tucs- Students set priorities to include more cussing retention: Students are tired of weeks ago, but those who attending ay, April 30, 19961. money for student groups, funds to expand Campus Safety breaking up parties on the voiced their opinios loudly. the libraries selection of academic journals, weekend when it is their time to relax. ime: 1l:00am-2:00pm The first of the issues covered was repaving of the parking lots and add a new Students are also concerned with the lack Place: Outside the Pub concerning the computer labs. A proposal parking lot below Winslow, and finally to will be made to extend the regular hours until 9:00p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays. do residence hall renovations. Specifically regarding Candidates Running for Specifically regarding residence hall Also the request of an added late day renovations, students who voiced their Positions during the end of the semester should also residence hall renovations, include Thursdays until 2:00a:.m. opinion would like to see improvements to students who voiced, their lass of 1997 "Maybe, we should include extended target Rouzer and McDaniel. President: application accepted In Rouzer, handicap access, bathroom hours during recognized rush times dur- opinion would like to see ,mtil April 27 renovations, and getting rid of the "prison ing the semester," said Dave Mirra. look" should all take the front seat for im- improvements to target Senators: Dave Demski, Samantha , Ideas about how to make computers available to both people using the com- provement. Rouzer and Mclraniel. pwoskin,Ryan John. Mike Welter puters for class work and also the Internet The main concern for McDaniel was to lass of 1998 included designating a computer to fix the electrical system. Suggestions were President: Heather Huffer Internet research and also making it a also made to wire the building for Internet, Senators: Sara Beth Reyburn, take care of the leaky pipes, and make the of diversity among the academic depart- building "look nice." ments and their resources. A proposed effery Solz, Becky Tothero Maybe, we should As a conclusion to the 24 hour door re- questionnaire for students leaving the col- lass of 1999 would like to suggest students include extended hours. locking, to the open door policy during the lege would hopefully identify weak points President: Aaron Corbett, Harry turning the college. about inger during recognized rush day and putting desk attendants in place Support for people with eating disor- Senators: Amy Absher, Mandy during key hours. ders, those achieving success beyond GPA times during the The other suggestion was to develop a and sports, and for a shuttle off campus. ~offstetter, Scot Hoover, Shannon The semester. floor by floor door locking policy. the campus. forum address many concerns of inney, addressed was in regards A new issue to Campus Safety. Students want to see The premise seems. to be that students Dave Mirra Campus Safety officers in the dispatch of- came to this campus for a reason and they fice at all times. More safety patrols and like to be reminded of the great things Vote for your publicized policy that people with work less ticketing was a concern voiced. about this campus. to do are given precedent to those using It expanded to include establishment of One way to accomplish this is to have the Internet for entertainment or E-mail. safety issue priorities. better student administrator communica- choice! These proposals as well as one for. a In other words, quicker response to tion. '24 hour.lab will gc,..Dnji'wifuJ.istl6..cQru'.!· ... l:;.t®tg_eJl.fle.s.r_a!~t:;.r_t..h!l[i br~!Cln.&. up .P-3!:. .. .. _I
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