Page 172 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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creen Teoor "orr the beaten track" creenS~"J'b considering mrmr Sp,,)'ts Terror Scoreboard John Manard... with .. .. 19 17 Women's lacrosse 18 Baseball... . . 18 T Ravens WMC. .19 Volume XIV, Number 10 Western Maryland College Thursday, April l l, 1996 Coccia leads nationally ranked men's lacrosse By CAROLYN BARNES men. Following Schrott and Coc- final score of 12-8. Schrott and Sports Editor cia were junior attackman Mati Coccia again led the men with six Senior auackman and Pasa- Hoppe with four goals and one as- points apiece, Schrott scoring four dena, MD native Dean Coccia sist • senior midfielder Marshall goals and having two assists, and '\noved into second place on the Brown with one goal and two as- Coccia scoring three goals and hav- Green Terror all-time career scor- sists. freshman attackman Ed ing three assists. Hallowell scored ing list with 255 points on 123 Swiatek with one goal and one as- one goal and had three assists.jun- goals and 132 assists on Saturday, sist, freshman attackman Jeremy ior midfielder Scott Schenzer April 6 against Swarthmore. Kober with two goals, junior scored one goal and had two as- Coccia passed alumnus Joe attackman Mark Frey with one sists, both Hoppe and Brown Furnari's record of 248 points, but goal. sophomore midfielder Mike scored one goal and had one assist, to break the all-time record of 344 Sargent with one assist, and junior and Sargent had one goal. points set by Joe Hallot, Coccia midfielder Steve Hallowell also March 17 against Wooster the would have to score nearly ten with one assist. Terror won 12-9, with Coccia lead- points per game for the remainder All three of WMC's ing with six goals. Hoppe followed of the season. goalkeeper's, junior John Torpy, with two goals and two assists, Coccia and sophomore Bo freshman Matt Enoch, and fresh- Sargent had two goals, Brown Schrott led the team to a 16-4 win man Tim Whittle had the opportu- scored one goal and one assist, in their Centennial Conference nity to show their skills in theSwar- Hallowell scored one goal, opener in Scott S. Bair Stadium to thmore game. Torpy played the Schenzer had two assists and up their overall record to 8-0. The first half giving up two goals and Schrott had one. win enabled WMC to get off to the making three saves, Enoch played WMC's closest game yet was ~est start in school history, better- the third and the beginning of the against Lynchburg College on ing the 7-0 start of the 1982 squad. fourth saving eight and giving up March 23. The team pulled out of The eight consecutive victories one, and Whittle played most of the a close game with a victory of 13- also ties the school record. The fourth quarter saving three and giv- 12 victory. They dynamic duo of Green Terror is also ranked 19th in ing up one. Schrott and Coccia again led the this week's United States Intercol- Looking back at the five other men with three points apiece, legiate Lacrosse Association Divi- games since March 14, the last is- Shron's three coming from goals sion m poll. sue of The Phoenix, the Terror de- and Coccia's coming from two Schrott scored five goals and feated Colby, Wooster, Lynchburg, goals and one assist. Following had one assist and Coccia scored Randolph-Macon, and Goucher. two goals and six assists leading the Against Colby, WMC won with a Continued on page /6 Dean Coccia,'96, moved into second place on Western time scoring list with this shot against Swarthmore. Softball wins fourth in a row By JOSHUA FOSTER 5-0. Ruprecht continued her outstand- StafflVriter The Terror jumped out early in ing season by scattering six hits over One thing we knew about the the game, scoring five runs in the five innings in theopeneragainst Wash- Green Terror softball team was that first inning. Swarthmore did not ington. Ruprechtisnow6-Dwitha3.07 they could score runs. So when help their cause as they commit- ERA. they went into a little hitting ted nine errors in the game, includ- The Terror blasted Washington's "slump" recently, it was only a ing three in the first inning. pitcher for six runs in the second in- question of who the poor team was WMC would go on to score ning to blow open the first game. going to be whom they would three runs in the second, three in the Game two saw another strong break out against. third, and five in the fourth includ- pitching performance from Scott She That team just happened to be ing a two-run home run by Kelli went all seven innings for the Terror Swarthmore, who came to West- Bowen that completed the scoring gaining the win. Scott is now 2-0 on minster last Wednesday to playa for the Terror. the year with a 2.43 ERA. She held doubleheader only to lose both In the second game, Washington to two runs on seven hits. games by a combined score of 32- Swarthmore actually scored a run WMC knocked in six runs on 13 hits. 2. The Terror continued to roll with in the first inning to take a 1-0 lead. WMC continued to play excellent a convincing doubleheader sweep However. in the bottom of the sec- in the field. They did not make an er- of Washington College last Satur- ond inning, the Terror's bats once ror against Washington. The day. WMCwon 12-3 in the opener again came alive as they scored five Shorewomen made 12 over the two and 6-2 in the nightcap runs. Those would be the only runs games. Freshman Kim Ruprecht that starting pitcher January Scott As a team, WMC is now hitting an started the first game against needed as she held Swarthmore to astounding.371 andhasoutscoredtheir Swarthmore for WMC despite hav- 6 hits over five innings, giving up opponents 103-48. Kari Thompson ing pitched a complete game the two runs, walking one while strik- continued her strong play and is hit- previous day. After losing her bid ing out four. Every WMC starter in ting .434 this season, witha team-lead- for her first collegiate shutout the the game had at least one hit, as they ing 13 runs and 20 hits. JenPmwinski day before, Ruprecht finally got it racked up 17 hits, and every starter also is hitting over .400 with a .463 as she shut out Swarthmore 16-0, drove in a run except Scott. average and a team-leading 14 RBIs. in a game that was stopped after Swarthmore committed five more With the sweeps, the Terror moved five innings. Ruprecht gave up two errors in this game to hurt any their record to 12-2,and6-DintheCen- Leftfielder Laura Everhart, '96, relays the ball into the infield during the hits, walked four and struck out chance of tile game being competi- tennial Conference. doubleheader against Swarthmore. Everhart is part of the softball's teams three as she saw her record go to tive. senior trio. She is batting .37~ on the year for the 12-2 Lady Terror.
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