Page 175 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 175
----------~---------------------~~-------------------- .. COMMENTARY Thursday, April 16, 1996 - Page 3 LOCK AND KEY ------------------------------~I JonathonShacat .,------------------------------ And the winner is... material, thereby causing the stu- Case, who won the Distinguished the recipient of the Zepp award is dents have you seen doing this?" I At the Honors Convocation, on dent think critically about it. Teaching Award (DTA) in 1976 and nominated by a department chair or responded, "None." Nice point Dr. May 5, one WMC professor will Whether or not a student did the 1986, would also be a good candi- peer and then selected by a commit- Chambers. be awarded the Ira G. Zcpp Distin- homework assignment does nor date for the award. If he won it this tee. Winning one award does not Clorox to the rescue guished Teaching Award. matter to Deveny. Instead, he is year (1996), it would continue his preclude winning the other; however, I walked by Dr. Michael M. Who will it be? more concerned with getting the every-ten-year winning streak. Be- there must be at least five years be- Brown in the biology department Well, I don't know the answer student to learn. sides this fact, Ithink he deserves the tween awards. hallway recently and noticed he was to that question. But, I do have an Brown's ideas pertaining to award because of his incredible Offering both theZepp award and wearing his white lab coat as usual. opinion as to who might win the whether viruses are living or non- teaching ability. He knows his dis- the DTA will make the process more And then 1 thought for a moment. award. living are quite interesting and cipline so well that teaching it is sec- fair. It will give those faculty mem- Why are lab coats always so white? Professors who I think are good make the student think. and nature. bers who teach a course load that is Because of the dissection fluids or candidates for this award include: More generally, if someone ap- The Zepp award, honoring Ira not taught to very many students a other chemicals commonly found in Zepp, will be given in alternate years, chance to win, said Joan Coley, pro- a laboratory, one would expect them Deveny is one of the few professors at rotating with the current DTA, thanks vost and dean of faculty. These two to be stained any color other than to a donation by Charles and Carol processes of evaluation will allow us white. Right? So, I stopped him to WMC who, in my opinion, actually makes Moore. WMC alumni. to "not exclude one group" of fac- ask a question. I said (loosely the student "think dangerously. " The criteria one needs in order to quoted), "How do you keep your lab be eligible for the Zepp award, ac- coat so white?" And he responded cording to academic affairs records, (loosely quoted), "Its simple, I don't Dr. Thomas G. Deveny, foreign proaches him with a problem, aca- include: I) The ability to communi- BJ get it dirty." language professor; Dr. Michael demic or otherwise, he is able to cate ideas, knowledge. and enthusi- M. Brown, biology professor; Dr. reflect on his own life experiences asm for learning to students in and You sleep where? Gregory D, Alles, professor of re- to help find a solution. out of the classroom. 2) Emphasis I exited my suite the other day ligious studies; and Dr. Samuel Upon learning that the entire on praxis, the relationship of theory and in front of me was a sign posted It was the Daniel on the wall. Case, professor of exercise science class had not read the assignment, to the real world. 3) Competence in ulty,shesaid. Macl.ea Full Building 1996 Spring and physical education. I am bas- Alles stopped teaching for ten min- the field - demonstrated professional The Zepp award allows us to rec- Damages bill. ing my list off of personal experi- utes to allow the students to read involvement in the discipline. 4) ognize our faculty who do a great job On the bill is one listing; work ences with each of these profes- and later returned to continue the Commitment to the liberal arts as in the classroom, said Coley. "It order #76310. It was completed on sors. discussion. To him, it was more related to the individual's own disci- shows that we put an emphasis on March 12atacostof$lO, Accord- Deveny is one of the few pro- important to teach the material than teaching." fessors at WMC who, in my opin- it would have been to reprimand pline. In order for someone to be eli- Give a hoot! ing to this bill, the description of the job was, "Remove mattress from ion, actually makes the student the students for not doing the work, gible for the DTA, the person must On my way from Harrison House trash room." When I read that, Isaid "think dangerously." He relates especially since it was a busy part be tenured. Also, the person must to Decker Center, I saw President to myself, "Remove what from current and past events to the class of the semester. leach both semesters during the aca- Robert H. Chambers bend down to wherer' pick up a piece of trash off of the T.HE SOAPBOX demic year in which the award affairs is grass. He looked at me and said, repeatedly, I still wonder one thing: After reading the same sentence given, according to academic "You know Jon, if everybody did this I Adam Dean 1-1--- records. of the DTA is cho- we'dhaveacleancampus." He pro- How did this manress in the trash get there? The winner Was someone sleeping by asking, "How many stu- ceeded room? students while I hope not. sen by undergraduate Bob Dole. The man, The myth, The legend.Oh, and the Senator SORRY, YOU'VE BEEN from Kansas. You all know him, that wacky senior citizen who wants to be your next President. Not that I don't support the aged in their pursuit of a way to maintain a Slake in society. I am in favor of the DISCONNECTED elderly keeping active. But as President? I'm not so sure. Bob Dole is of an age where he could literally drop dead in a heartbeat. I know he I Mel Brennan I is healthy and works out every day. That still does not change the fact that most people in their 70's don't tend to live that much longer. No one like to ask this question, but would a President Dole survive his FORESHADOWED On the contrary, I consistently hold prehensive, shifting, and intimate first term? There is a very real chance he would not. And this man has Don't get me started. the position thai there is no reason that only a mind as powerful as not yet even picked a running mate. When a man of this many years is Don't get me started on how ir- to think that types of change such what many of us conceive God to running for office who ... Ah, this is too BORING! I'm feeling very relevant the Presidential race is, as the spontaneous grass roots be could embrace them all, and artistic today. I think maybe I'll sing about Election '96. Would you don't get me started on the "Middle movements that took hold (among compute the precise outcome. like that boys and girls? Good, I knew you would! You'll have to pro- East" (East of who?), and don't get an underwhelming minority, let me And yet what lingers in my vide your own sing-a-long music because this is a newspaper. Mae- me started on that weak turnout at mind are the comparisons one can stro, music if you please: the Red Square rally on the 18th. There is no method make with America today, and What I do want to posit is the for turning change "great" empires of the past. Is Bobdole's too ancient, Ross is an And real journalism my. how we more discerning idea that relevant America, due to her inherent con- out patient and Clinton has grown rmss you change is taking place here, almost on, or turning it off. struction, sentenced to the igno- WIser, always, but rarely does it have to miny that so many so-called na- But his wife is a witch, Ross is too $0 Vote for 01' Bill, do with those events submitted to add) during the civil rights tions have gone to before it? rich and Bobdole seems a miser. Or Bobdole if you will, you and I on the evening news, or struggles of the 50's and 60's would I don't know, but what I am But we don't have to look, Or throw it away on Ross. even in The Phoenix. Change ever happen again in my lifetime. aware of is that change is taking For which one is a crook, For though it may make you ill, Or maybe a scandalous thief. This decision it will, within the Campus, in an ever-ef- And yet, for those willing to pay place. From Red Square to Los They're all quite the same (except Come down to a coin-toss. fecting symbiosis with change in attention, willing to go beyond their Angeles to Oklahoma to wherever, Ross who's insane), our community and in our nation, own space, place and time, the the sense that we are indeed mov- As if that should be a relief. Because Clinton is too horny, is always happening. changes are here, and WMC, like ing from whatever America is now Bobdoleis too wormy, Its clear to me that we are every other place, is sharing to something else is a present and But friends don't despair, And Ross is up to his old hijinks. steadily moving within it, but can America's. change. as subtle as a breeze. Sometime Or pull out your hair, What we need is a candidate you step outside (or, more accu- lis like when you ask someone you can't feel it unless you strip Or grind your teeth into stumps. Before it is too late rately, move further inward) of "How can you just stop loving down and pay attention to the trees. There is always one test, This campaign now really stinks. yourself enough to see it? It is all me?" There is no love switch, and Far from waxing philosophic, I Which equals the rest, around us, operating in subtle ways concomitantly there is no "change am saying that the idea of change We can see who looks better in Hey Collin Powell, that are not apparent to those with within society" switch. There is no coming is not new, yet that has no pumps. We need you right now! To make this election more no sense of time. method for turning change on, or bearing on whether it is accurate. Because despite all their tricks, entertaining. Please do not take me for an turning it off. And while one might You tell me ... do you sense it? Can This is Ninety-Six, He won't run you know, individual so lost in his arrogance be able to intuit those changes that you feel that your campus, your A campaign without any issues. He is home working on his volvos. that he believes, simply for the sake take place in the heart, the phenom- nation, your world is changing? Character they talk about, And somewhere it is probably of believing, that significant ena of social change is a continu- If you can, the question then (Something they do without), raining. change must occur in his lifetime. ous combination of factors so com- becomes, "Changing into what?"
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