Page 173 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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creen T/1f11lr Sp""ts Front page.. . 20 Runners.. . 19 Tennia.. ..18 Lacrosse.. ...... 17 Volume XIV, Number II Western Maryland College Thursday, April 16, 1996 Marijuana seized Retention rate continues to fall in student's room WMC has lowest retention rate in centennial conference By SARAiI SNELL ANI) ounce. The incident was reported to With a freshman retention rate HEATHER REESl: Sial/Writers campus safety by a male resident of 78 percent, the lowest in the A stash of Marijuana was found assistant who smelled something Centennial Conference, is there in a Freshman residence hall at suspicious while on rounds. Ac- anything that WMC can do to keep Western Maryland College on Sun- cording to Webster, two campus students happy and on campus? day April 14 at 9: JI p.m .. safety officers trained in drug rec- In a survey of 100 students on Campus Safety notified the city ognition responded and confirmed campus, only 55 percent said that police immeadiatly after the dis- that it was marijuana. they would chose WMC again, and covery of the drugs. Westminster city police was only 41 percent would recommend Corporal Misty Sanders, of the then notified, as is policy, and the this school to a high school senior. Westminster City Police, is han- student was taken into custody, Right now the retention task dling the investigation. handcuffed and taken to Westmin- force, a committee formed in 1992 Sanders will not release any in- ster Police headquarters. to look at what retention is and why formation until the conclusion of "This [drug possesion] is one students leave, is examining ways the investigation, which is expected area where there isn't much discre- to improve social life on campus; to last a few more days. tion," said Webster. "I can't think which is rated by 69 percent of the The incident which occured on of anything on campus more students polled as one of the weak- the second floor of Whiteford Hall clearly stated [as illegal]." est aspects of WMC. And seniors Kim Van Horne fills out a transcript request in the registrars office, one of is still under investigation by Cam- According to Webster the stu- vouch that social life has gone the first steps ill getting accepted into another college and transferring pus Safety and Westminster Police. dent is permitted back on campus, down hill since 1992. from Western Maryland Coliege. However, Mike Webster, direc- although he could not confirm "My freshman year there were tor of campus safety, did confirm whether she had returned. things to do all weekend. this is a good time," he said. He added that the pub was de- that the amount found is estimated Webster expects that charges becoming a suitcase school. I look One possible way the task force signed for that purpose, but lost it's to be around one-eighth of an Continued on page /5 out into the parking lot and it is is looking to improve social life on popularity when the college lost it's completely empty every weekend," campus, according to Sayre, is to liquor license. "It was like Champs Students rally for the said senior Jessica president, Kevin make changes in the pub so that on a Thursday night. it was de- he Myers. Junior students can have a social place to class signed as a social atmosphere," life release of prisoners Lundell, also feels that social with at gather. "The goal," said Sayre, "is to commented. feels that this would be has declined in his three years Lundell WMC. "i am very disgruntled the social life and r don't even have a place to gather and hang out. a positive step that students would we have we just the space, .. By MICIIELLE HAMILTON of committing cold-blooded, pre- drink. Ijust like to go out and have haven't done it yet." Continued Oil page 6 Editor-in-Chief meditated murder." Abu-Jamal is The rally held on Thursday, currently on death row for the al- of a police official. April 18 in Memorial Plaza sought leged murder to Africa, the case hasn't Foreign lang. to be kept as Blar to promote awareness among According WMC students. been tried fairly and there is clear Other currriculum changes will effect incoming students The day long rally organized by evidence that he is innocent. the Progressive Students featured In the area, there also were By CAROLYN BARN~:S requirement, as listed in the Guid- Latin, German, French, and Greek speakers Pam Africa and Sister booths providing information about SpQnsEdilor ance Bulletin, states that each stu- were requirements for each student. Njinga who spoke on political Conway and Abu-Jamal, constitu- A proposal to significantly re- dent must lake "one or two courses Deveny mentioned that the prisioners Eddie Conway and rional rights, and voter registration. duce the foreign language require- of college level instruction in a for- school has recently opened a new Mumia Abu-Jamal. Speaker Sister Njinga spoke ment was recently considered and eign language. Those students who branch in Budapest. about the history of the Black Pan- denied in a March faculty meeting. have taken fewer than three years "Since wc are trying to interna- ther Party, and issues concerning The original proposal, submit- of foreign language or who wish tionalize the institution, we are go- 6 ted by Richard Dillman, chairman to stan a new language are required ing across currents when we bring of the communication department, to take two courses, unless their up de-emphasizing the foreign Ian- was to delete the requirement en- performance on the foreign lan- Continued 011page 6 tirely, but the faculty later voted on guage department's placement test a proposal only to reduce the re- places them above the 1101 course quirement, submitted by Dr. Ethan in that language." Inside Seidel, Vice President of adminis- The motion, submitted by Letters to the Editor 2 tration and finance and professor Seidel, was defeated' by a strong The Soapbox 3 of economics and business. majority of faculty members, a 44- The proposal submitted by 24 vote, who apparently believe Retention Rate 4 Seidel stated that the foreign lan- that foreign languages are an im- Leaving WMC 5 guage requirement should be in- portant and integral part of a lib- Spring Fling 7 cluded in the global awareness cat- eral arts education. Open Forum 8 egory rather than eliminated com- Dr. Tom Deveny, chairman of SubUrbia & The Fever 9 pletely. Seidel's proposal was sub- the foreign language department, Easy Gourmet __II , mitted as a compromise between pointed out that since the college's Movie review 12 Dillman's the study of one or more inception, proposal and the current Here,jrom left to right, stands Shannon Murry, Sister Njinga, and Pam requirements. foreign languages has been man- Letter from abroad 14 Africa. Each woman spoke at the rally Last Thursday. The current foreign language datory. In fact, in the beginning,
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