Page 178 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 178
Thursday, April 16, 1996 - Page 6 NEWS Student rally for release of prisoners Foriegn languages kept as BLARS Continued from page 1 anyone given time, said Monks. It may be the one skill that makes them mar- communities today. She also explained ef- "This is the nicest day of the year ... what Continuedfrom page 1 ketable enough to get ajob." forts of the Black Panther Party, which in- are people doing, hiding in their rooms?" guage requirements," Deveny said. He also He also added, "The requirements origi- cluded feeding the hungry. She asserted asked Political Science Professor Dr. Nichols added that "they are necessary for a quality nally were designed to at least give a smat- problems were not a race issue, but rather a Leahy during the event. The lack of atten- institution." tering of breadth, and now they have elimi- class issue. dance "just speaks volumes of the closed Deveny also pointed out that, "In today's nated some of that breadth. I hope the stu- According to Steven Monks, a Junior mindedness of this campus," she added. world, languages are extremely important dents will look beyond their immediate pho- Political Science and History Major and co- Nichols Leahy, as a member of Amnisty for communication, especially when we now bias and make intelligent choices concern- ordinator of the event, he hoped students International, also added that other countries have things such as the internet where you ing their futures." would begin to "think critically ... and throw were currently working on freeing political can instantly connect with other parts of the As to Lightner's opinion on the foreign away the shell of narcacism," as a result of world. A study of a foreign language also language requirement, he said, "I voted the rally. What are people doing, really open~ doors in terms of employment." against cutting the requirement because I Steve Walden, a graduate from Salisbury hiding in their rooms? At the December faculty meeting, the don't believe cutting the math requirement Statewho staffed the constitutional rights Academic Planning Committee reported the justifies cutting the foreign language one." booth, wanted students "to have an open Dr. Nichols Leahy need to create a new faculty position in Also, the literature and fine arts require- mind, to listen, and to think of different op- Spanish. ment and the humanities requirement have tions" after the rally. He also explained that prisioners in the US. Americans "can't work Dillman's rationale for his proposal came been folded into one category, where the stu- they were there to give information and let on their own country" she explained. from the fact that, "clearly, the foreign lan- dents will have to choose three courses. students draw their own conclusions. Student Katie Brown was also bothered guage department would not request the cre- Dr. Pat Reed, chairman of the Curricu- Althought the weather was exceptional by the lack of attendence by the student body ation of a new position if it did not have a lum Committee, said that the goal of this new for the rally, the attendence was rather low. at WMC. "I find the students passionless" need for additional staff. The proposed gen- system is to "make the curriculum more ra- Between 40-100 people were at the rally at at this institution she said. "Nobody really eral education requirements would leave the tional and accomplish in a more orderly way seems to care about anything .... " Brown foreign language requirement 'as is.' But our hopes for what the college experience added. the departments involved have already in- should be like." He added that one of the Professor to discuss Brown thought the efforts of the Progres- dicated that they are unable to staff the re- good things about the new system is that, "we "Afro-Germans" sive Students were positive, and she's hop- quirement 'as is.''' were cut or signifi- have done away with the fact that one course If the requirements could fulfill two or three BLAR's." attended ing students will become who Yvonne Posner, a professor at Howard "more informed." cantly decreased, the need for new staff Considering the new curriculum changes, University, will present "The Afro-Ger- Others, however, did not have such a would not be present, Dillman noted. Dillman said that, "I feel it is important to mans: Who Are They?" on Tuesday, April positive outlook on the group's cause. Jun- The need for a new staff also is a result study a foreign language, but I don't think 30, at 1:20 p.m., in room 116, at Baker Me- ior Psychology Major Cameron Henry said, of the school's recent change to a four-credit that it is so important that it is the only course, morial Chapel, Western Maryland College. "If he's (Abu-Jamal) in jail, obviously he system, where students generally take four except for those competency requirements, The lecture, free and open to the public, killed someone." Jeremy Osteen, as he classes per semester, opposed to the three- required for all majors. I think foreign lan- is part of a series sponsored byWMC's Ger- walked through the Plaza and into Hill Hall, credit system, where students generally took guage is just as important as math, but we man Club and Suite. For more information shouted,"He's guilty; the courts say he's five classes per semester. This means each have eliminated the quantitative analysis re- call Mohamed Esa, assistant professor of guilty." faculty member now teaches one less course quirement." foreign languages, at 410/857-2462. The event also was highlight by a WMC Courtesy 0/ Public Information graduate who spoke about the power of the l feel it is important to study aforeign language, but I vote, as well as other speakers. don't think that it is so important that it is the only • course, except for those competencyrequirements, all majors. I thinkforeign requiredfor language is ~ e,stffilJ)St{l just as important as math, but we have eliminated the quantitative analysis requirement. (()Q)=OJF .r Dr. Rick Dillman Dillman per year. should be folded in with the Since there are approximately 80 faculty foreign language also added that, "If anything, humanities category." of courses or sections Located at the Westminster Shopping Center members, 80 courses Hence, each department re- issue. Students Foreign also have mixed feelings Society on the have disappeared. Honor Language of courses has had to reduce the number 848-3200 quired for a student's major and BLAR's President Robin Carroll feels that, "Foreign languages as math, sci- are just as important (Basic Liberal Arts Requirements). Also, several other requirements have ence, and English, especially in today's world recently been revised because of these rea- where communication with other countries sons. Incoming freshmen in 1997 will be is more common, and you also gain insight Sign up.for a under the new curriculum in which the num- into other cultures by studying their language Checli Cashing Card ber of basic requirements do not change, but and traditions." a junior communication Jackie Brilliant, withWMCID several of them have been combined into a major, points out the other side of the issue: single category. *Call ahead to order The quantitative analysis requirement "1 agree that learning another culture is im- We also accept has been deleted and the math courses have portant, but there should be an option to take to fulfill the require- instead cultural classes ATM (Mac 6-Most) been folded in with the science courses. In- ment. Also, the amount of a language that a students coming would then have the choice and credit cards! of taking two science courses, two math student retains in college will probably not courses, or a science and a math to fulfill be useful to the person in the future, unless foreign language is their major." their requirement. Another conflict with the requirement is Students would then be able to meet the that many students feel that American sign requirement for science without. taking a Celeste Pizza-For-One math course if they wish. However, the ob- language should meet the requirement. student non-traditional Sophomore Microwavable Pizza: ligation to pass the math proficiency test still Dierdre Crowl feel that "sign language stands. even 50 cents off with coupon Dr. James Lightner, professor of math- should be considered a foreign language in it be- it has the word "American" though expressed his concern on the andWMCID. ematics, by saying, "I understand the reasons cause it has a separate deaf culture, a sepa- change behind changing the requirements, but I am rate grammar, and it is as difficult to learn as Expires May 18, 1996 any foreign language." concerned that students would be able to Also discussed by many students was the graduate without necessarily taking a math. to use computer to fulfill the option science The closest store &0 ca1npus! ~~~:,~;I!~;:~~~~~:S~oS~;I~h~n~~~'f~t~~:t y,!. requirement as another la~~~,a.~e:, .. , ....... ~-'" , I I ~,.,::~~~I~' "",'/ "h":"~_'"_' __ _;
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