Page 181 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS Thursday, April 16, 1996 - Page 9 SubUrbia & The Fever on stage SGA NEWS Two student directors bring meaningful productions to the Hill BRIEFS Two theatre majors will sit in the director's chair for the upcom- ing Play Fest at Western Maryland College featuring "The Fever" and "SubUrbia." Holly Aspelmeier, a senior from Baltimore, will direct Wallace Shawn's "The Fever," winner of The SGA recently accepted nominations for the Execu- the 1991 ObieAward for Best Play, tive Officers. One application per position was received, on April 25, 27 and May 3, 5. therefore all four candidates were installed Wednesday, Eric Lyga, a junior from April 3. 1996. Hampstead. will take charge of "SubUrbia" for shows on April 26, The officers for the 1996-97 year are: 28 and May 2, 4. Brandy Mulhern, President All Play Fest shows will be held Randy Rytter, Vice President at 8 p.m. in the Dorothy Elderdice Amy Dreibelbis, Secretary Studio Theatre. Tickets are $5 for Andy Kalisperis, Treasurer adults, $3 for seniors and the WMC community. ''The Fever," a one-man show Deep Blue Something Revenue Update originally produced at the New Revenue generated from the Deep Blue Something York Shakespeare Festival.centers This scene captures the atmosphere of "SubUrbia .. concert has been calculated. The figures are: around a nameless narrator visiting $16.805.47 revenue (CAPBoard. SGA. ticket sales) a poverty-stricken country. "SubUrbia" by Eric Bogosian among the friends is punctuated -$18 345.38 expenditure As a political execution draws presents a similar challenge for stu- with absurd moments, sheer vio- near, the narrator fights an internal dent director Eric Lyga. ''The play lence and a tragic ending they re- $5,460.09 will go into next year's Concert Fund battle with his memories and con- hits so close to home for myself and alize could have happened to any science. all challenged by the mis- all of Generation X," he said. "I one of them. You're moving in when? ery and poverty of the people think everyone needs to absorb its Clive Barnes of The New York Thanks to the SGA open forum, Sophomores, Juniors, around him. message." Post ranked it among the best Richard Burgin of The New Taking place in a convenience plays of the season ..."one of those and Seniors will be able to move in Sunday. September t, York Times noted the play asks in store parking lot, "SubUrbia" ex- rare must-sees." 1996 next fall, two days prior to the beginning of classes. "a highly original way: is it pos- amines life among a group of 20- "Older generations," Lyga On September 2 the Bookstore, Registrar, and Bursar will sible, or even right, for a sensitive ish friends. As they sip and chug added, "can learn about the reck- be open, and on September 3 classes will begin. person 10 be happy in today's beer, munch Oreos, and get high on less youth of today and younger world?" , weed, the group begins to ponder generations can learn what they're "I'm very pleased to have this the success of one of the friends. headed for in life." opportunity," Ms. Aspelmeier said. The chatter suddenly evolves For information about Play "It's a very challenging play for the into an argument that rolls into a Fest caJl410/857-2599. Madrigal Singers to actor and contains a message uni- jealous dispute that festers into bit- versal to all audiences." ter anger. The building tension perform on the Hill PHASERS coming to WMC's You'll swear you hear flutes and ral programs, fashioned a vocalized Physics Dept. to test future lasers for NASA; logo needed other instruments. But you will see setting that will have the Madrigal only men and women singing. Singers replicating the sounds of Don't be stunned when you Dr. Guerra said. Currently sys- logo. Don't blink or rub your eyes or tug the instruments. hear campus folks shouting, tems that record the information All of the projects have at your ears. However, there will be real in- "PHASERS." use a mirror system to reflect the logos that are then used on all , The men and women arc mem- struments on stage for part of the And, no, Scotty, it doesn't laser up or down .into the items associated with the bers of the Western Maryland Col- program, but they won't be instru- mean Star Trek's Capt. Kirk and troposphere's boundary layer project. Dr. Guerra said many lege Madrigal Singers and they are ments most of the audience will the gang are beaming down, which makes for a much bulkier projects have giveaway items "playing" the instruments you will recognize, she added. The Madri- tricorders in tow. system when mounted on a satel- such as buttons or stickers. hear. By singing. gal Singers will be accompanied on Although it does mean that lite. So there's gonna a contest. They are the instruments. some compositions by The Voice somewhere on campus, someone Since every ounce rocketed Whoever comes up with the best The unusual composition will be of the T~rtle, an Early Music is gathering data about the atmo- into space can equal a million logo for PHASERS will get to just one of the featured highlights (1000-1700 A.D.) instrumental sphere just like Mr. Spock used dollars or more, according to Dr. see their art work used on any of "An Evening of Madrigals" on group from WMC featuring period to do. Guerra, the lighter hologram, items associated with the Tuesday, April 30, at 7:30 p.m., in instruments such as the rackett, the PHASERS is the acronym for which bends the laser, would project. he said. Baker Chapel. krumhom and recorder. a laser project that Dave Guerra, make the equipment much more "We'd like to see what The piece, Milcho Leviev's The program also will include assistant professor of physics, cost efficient. people can come up with," Dr. "Pavane for a True Musical Prince," pieces by Dowland, Purcell, Henry students and others are working The equipment will soon have Guerra said of the contest that according 10 director Margaret VIII and others with the Madrigal on for NASA's Goddard Space a new home on top of Lewis Hall will run through May 9. Boudreaux, associate professor of Singers performing in English, Flight Center. where it will be used to record in- All contest entries can be music and chair of WMC's music German, Italian, and Spanish. PHASERS, Prototype Holo- formation about the tropospheric submitted to The Department of department, was originally written The concert is free and open to graphic Atmospheric Scanner for boundary layer around Westmin- Physics, clo Dave Guerra. For as an instrumental for the new age the public. For more information Environmental Remote Sensmg, ster. more information call Dr. jazz ensemble, Free Flight. Dr. call the Arts Management Office at will test the world's only HOE or But unlike all other NASA-af- Guerra at 857-2481. Boudreaux, who likes to incorpo- 410/857-2599. Holographic Optical Element, filiated projects it doesn't have a Courtesy of Public Information rate new compositions into her cho- Couresy of Pulic Information i E. MAIN ST. EMERGENCY Party Ice & Supplies REXALL PHARMACY IN DOWNTOWN WESTMINSTER REPAIRS COMPUTERIZED PRESCRIPTION SERVICE ·7
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