Page 171 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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SPORTS Thursday, April II, 1996 - Page 19 OFF THE BEATEN TRACK John Manard , The 1996 spring sport season grabbed a line drive and made the easy have all had good starts this year. ing quick speed and a take no prison- Heather Seaburg will only make her is off to a great strut here on the Hill put-out. At theplate Scott has also been Zimmerly and Nonh have already ersstyleofattackZimmerlyislooking better. and a handful of young rookies and srong. Batting in the number two SIX't, become strong members of the attack. to be one ofWMC's next big stars. Over at Bair Stadium the veterans grizzled veterans are making people behind centerfielder Kari Thompson, Sharing playing time with veterans North has registered 4 goals and 3 are making names for themselves. take notice. From the rain soaked dia- has give her plenty of opportunities to Denise Sarver, Jodi Wagner, Chrissy assists and is ranked third in overall Senior Dean Coccia and junior Matt mond to the mud pit that is known as drive in some runs. Scotthasalsobe.en Pardew, Courtney Boden and Mary scoring. Her speed and quickness isjust Hoppe are the backbone of the nation- Scott S. Bair Stadium players on ev- showing some skills on the mound. ally ranked men's Iacrossetearn. Sat- ery team are showing what being a Against Swarthmore she picked up the urday Coccia moved into second place Green Terror is all about. win after what looked like a shaky start on the schools all-lime scoring list with Over on the softball field a pair of and earned another win against Wash- 255 points. The senior attacker has freshman have become stars. Noone ington. put up great numbers this year, notch- was expecting much from 5-5 rookie Right next dooron the baseball dia- ing 27 goals and 25 assists. right-handed pitcher Kim Ruprecht mond another freshman is quietly im- As asophomore,Hoppecameinto But all the Oarksville,MD native has pressing the fans. At 5-7, 150 pounds, his own earning honorable mention done is post a remarkable 6-0 record. rookie second baseman Pat Durand honors on the All-Conference team. 1bis year he is making a statement to" At the start of the year my sources won't usually catch your eye. Espe- thought pitching might be a problem cially when he is playing right next 10 be a first teamer. The junior from this year. TheLossofConferenceAll- the 6-3, 190 pound Brian Van Deusen, Duluth, GA. has scored 27 goals and Star Jenny Stewart looked ominous. theTerror's star short-stop. But Durand assisted on 20 others to help lead the Sophomore Amy Allen wasretuming has caught some eyes and that is why undefeated men. but no one knew who would replace he is starting. A combination of good Freshmen Matt Enoch of Stewart. Ruprecht has done that and fielding, speed and a patient eye have Cockeysville, 'MD. and Tim Whittle is poised to have an all-star season her made Durand a nice addition for head of Baltimore, 'MD have seen a lot of self. Last week the tough freshman coach Dave Seibert's squad. Durand action behind junior John Torpy. The pitched her first collegiate shutout. has become a regular at second. He pair have been getting a lot of action Against Swarthmore she was over- could be the only freshman to get sub- and should create an interesting prob- powering giving up only two hits and stantial action this year. lem for Coach Keith Reitenbach now striking out three. Playing beside the cool and confi- that he has three competent goalies. The newest addition to the Green dent Van Deusen can only be a plus for The rookies and veterans alike are Terror infield is rookie short-stopf the rookie. Van Deusen has already lit combining for some exciting action pitcher Jan Scott. The 5-7 freshman up the diamond this year with an im- around the hill this spring so make SW'e fiumChesapeak:eCity,'MD is already pressivesceakof 14successful plate ap- Softbal/'s Kim Ruprecht is one of several freshman that WMC fans are you check them out. being compared to some ofWMC's pearances. expecting big things from past greats at theposition. Athletic Di- On the women's lacrosse field three Beth Francis the pair have notched the tip of the iceberg for this talented john Manard '97 ,is an English rector Richard Ql!penter was singing freshman have broken into the !ineuR ei~n ~ints. Zimmerly is second Xoungster. major from Frederick, MD. Commems can be sent by e-mail 10 her praises during the Swarthmore with their strong play. RobinZimmerJy on the team in scoring to Sarver. In Hannibal,ahigh-school teammate double-header. As Dr. Carpenter of Lisbon, 'MD, and Amy North and four games she has scored II goals. ofNorths, has become a steady player spoke, the sure-handed Scott calmly Natalie Hannibal of Sykesville, 'MD, She has had three 3-goal games. Us- ondefense. Playing alongside veteran Ravens look at WMC Raven's officials have been in lege. The economy would benefit Westminster to inspect the football greatly, not just for the college, but facilities on WMC's campus to de- also for the community. Also, termine whether they are suitable Helen Utz, executive director of to host the Baltimore Raven's foot- the Carroll County Chamber of ball camp this summer. Commerce, stated that, "It's great WMC is one of four colleges publicity and tremendous public throughout Maryland in the run- relations. You can't buy that type ning, according to Joyce Muller, of advertising for the town." director of public information. Another advantage forWMC is Baltimore's director of operations the fact that the Baltimore Colts and information, Bob Eller is in- held their training camp here from specting the possible sites. Eller 1950-1971, a consecutive 2 I years. spent-all of last week touring, and The Colts were expected to return was unable tocomment. to WMC in 1984, before they left Muller stated two months ago, for Indianapolis. Dr. Carpenter "I don't think the college will be commented on the Colts stay at interested any time in the near fu- WMC, stating, "I've been around tore (in hosting the training camp)," Western Maryland long enough to but presently she has stated that the have fond memories of when the college is "exploring this." Don Colts trained on campus." Foot- Shumaker, the associate director of ball coach Tim Keating also 'com- public information, contradicted mented, "I think it would be great. Muller's statement somewhat by I would love to see it." ON THEIR WAY TO THE TOP. remarking that the school had al- The major problem with the If you didn't sign classmates i By the time you have graduated from as a up for ROl'C ways been interested in the camp, Colts coming to campus would be freshman or sophomore, you can still college, you'll have the credentials of but was not going to pu~sue the the fact that WMC hosts many catch up to your by an Army officer. You'll also have matter. summer camps. Manyofthechil- Although it is "an early stage" dren attending the camps will live ~:~:in;~~J~~:~e~m~~~~ ~~;:.-~o:~::~n~o~:~p:~ of finding a facility for the train- on campus during that time, occu- course in leadership traming. beyond ing camp, Ravens spokesman pyingmostoftheschool's dorms. Rd" Kevin Byrne said, Eller contacted ~ A solution for this problem would ARMYROTt Dr, Richard Carpenter, director of be for the players to stay at the athletics on Wednesday, April 3, Comfort Inn, which holds lOObeds TIE SMARTEST COllEGE C01JISE YOUWI TAlE. and on Friday, AprilS, Eller vis- and is owned by the school. ited the school. - More information will follow Floor, Gill Gym or con For details, visit the 2nd Many advantages would result as to any decisions made. 857ยท2720 from the Ravens coming to the col- From Staff Reports
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