Page 143 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 143
FEATURES Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 11 Band tells of life on the road in exclusive interview HEATHER REESE his brother, 25-year-old Toby. SrajJWrirer In fact, this Dallas-based band Imagine waking up on a bus in got their start in college under the a different city everyday, seldom name Leopard Messiah. But even- remembering your past or current tually changed their name to Deep location and doing the same thing Blue Something after their song of day in and day out for almost a the same name, which they played year. Thursday night before ending with For the past 10 months that has "Breakfast at Tiffany's." been what you would call life for The band members were re- the members of Deep Blue Some- laxed and entertaining after the thing. They have spent their days show, granting photos and auto- doing radio spots, their afternoons graphs to the lucky back stage pass doing sound checks, their evenings holders. However, they could not doing shows, and their nights deny being tired from the perfor- asleep on that same bus, only to mance. It took Todd, at least, 10 wake up the next morning some- tries to get the commercial spot for place new with the same agenda radio station, 10aX before he fi- as the day before. nally decided to write it down. "It's the same thing everyday. "That's why it's called Dope," . this is our fourth time around joked 25-year-old drummer John America, but it's the first time in Kirtland, who quickly looked up most of these cities," explained toward the sky like a mischievous Toby Pipes, vocalist and guitar child. He and 25-year-old bass player for the band. player Qay Bergus were present As their current tour winds but busy greeting fans and were down, the members and crew Of unable to participate in the inter- Deep Blue Something's lead singer, Todd Pipes, guitarist Dirk Tatom. drummer John Kirtland, and Toby Pipes Deep Blue Something will barely view. playa tune for lasl Thursday's crowd. have time to catch their breath be- Being in a different city every fore launching the "Rolling Stone day doesn't leave much time for the schools we played and there songs," he explained. They drink beer (preferring Bud or Magazine Tour" at the end of extracurricular fun and the band were like 5000 people in one apart- Todd and Toby feel that their Amstellight to the Miller they were April. The band chose this 22 city members said that life on the road ment, it was just too damn music is inspired by Pink Floyd and drinking on Thursday) and hang college tour over other options isn't as glamorous as it is por- crowded," said Todd, who is the The Cure, but they try to keep all out before the show, and afterwards because it allows them to continue trayed. only married member of the group. of their songs diferent from one they greet fans and sign autographs. playing for the crowds that support "The biggest myth [about tour- With their busy touring sched- another. "It's boring to go to a con- But despite all of their innocent them. ing] is the girls. You go to parties, ule, they would like to do a world cert when all the songs sound the concert behaviors, they even cut the "We want 10 play for college and 99 percent of the people are tour since their hit single is num- same," Todd said, explaining why stems on their roses to make bou- people because they are the ones cool and then you end being cor- ber three in New Zealand and Aus- "Breakfast at Tiffany's" is so dis- tonnieres for their leather jackets, who are buying the CD's, anyone nered by some drunken idiot," said tria, the band can't say when their tinct. these guys maintain that they are who won't play colleges is getting Toby. second album will be released. In fact, Toby assures fans that not the Shiny, happy American too big for their britches," said 28- In fact, the band isn't usually "It takes forever to get a new their next album will be slightly boys that people think they are. . year-old vocalist Todd Pipes in a in a city long enough to take time album out with all the touring," different, and not as radio friendly "We are portraying the great post concert interview. "College out to party with the fans. But they explained Toby, who doesn't like as Home. Rock and Roll swindle," Todd students understand what's going did have the opportunity in one to write on the road. "You always These guys are as laid back in laughed, warning the world about on. That's where it's at," added city."We went to a party at one of end up writing 'life on the road' person as they appear on the stage. Deep blue Something. Crowds roared as Deep Blue Something hit the Hill not including the complimentary "This was the perfect band for "It took a lot of time getting tickets that were given out and the us to start with [because] they were ready for the concert with the sound staff which was over 100 people. very appealing, and they left a good checks for each band, so we started Security was handled by an off- image on the [WMC] community," late," said Collins. "People were campus police officer, campus said Mulhern. "I am thankful to wailing outside in the cold for safety, and volunteers from frater- everyone that helped and came out awhile because of the delay and so nities, including Alpha Gamma to support us and glad that we could safety and fire code measures were Tau, Gamma Bela Chi, and Sigma bring something to students that followed in the lobby of the gym," Phi Epsilon they would enjoy." Senior sociology major Chad So. how did students react 10 Junior sociology major Mike Albertson was a security guard the performance? Caldwell also enjoyed the show from his fraternity, Sigma Phi Ep- "It went pretty well for a first and was impressed with SGA's and silon. Although he had to deal with big concert, and the two groups put CAPBoard's efforts to get a popu- a few problems. Albertson was still on a great show with the sound and lar band at WMC. able to enjoy the show. the use of the lights," said SGA "I thought it was a really good "I enjoyed helping with secu- Vice President Randy Rytter. "I step for our school," he said. "Ac- rity. Overall, the only real prob- hope that students will come out tually, I was pleasantly surprised lem was crowd surfing," he said. and support the concert next year," and impressed with the turnout." "[Nevertheless], I really liked the Junior psychology major Junior bio-chem major Sherrie music and was impressed because Heather Lee shares a similar opin- Bermel was excited with the results [Deep Blue Something] was a good ion. of the concert. She heads live band." "J was in the front row, and it Mainstage, a committee of Any plans for the future? was neat to see everything up CAPBoard that brought Deep Blue The Concert Committee has the close. This was definitely a big Something to WMC. same hopes for next year. Because step for the college," said junior "It went really great, better than of the great turnout and support psychology major Heather Lee. "I I could of hoped for," said Bermel. from the administration, volun- COURTESY OF CARROLL COUNTY TIMES only knew one song. so I was kind "I was a little scared because not teers, and campus organizations Drummer John Kirtland performs for the WMC community. of hesitant to go, but now I'll prob- many people have heard of Adam's SGA and CAPBoard are looking ably get the CD." Farm, but they did a good job." forward to another concert, some- By SARAH E. SHECKELLS opening band Adam's Farm played Managing Ediror on Thursday, March 7, in WMC's SGA President Brandy So, were there any problems? thing that the college do annually. For those who were not at the PELC. Although the show started Mulhern was happy with the turn- Treasurer of SGA and "Hopefully, we will do this as a concert/on Thursday night, it was a little late, the waiting was worth out and says that the reactions CAPBoard Tim Collins said that all yearly thing," said Rytter. from the students and administra- of the "behind the scenes" work Bermel and Mulhern both said definitely a production that should it. not have been missed. The concert was technically tion thus far have been very com- went smoothly. However, there to "come out and support the con- Deep Blue Something with sold out with 862 ticket holders, plimentary. were a few minor problems. cert next year!"
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