Page 141 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 141
NEWS Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 9 Madrigals perform Greek chamber music Housing SGA NEWS BRIEFS dents. Choral music in this type of By CHRISTIAN WILWOHL festival setting offers the students the Changes News Assistant Editor Who was "passing time with opportunity ''to share music with oth- Next Open Forum and good company" in Little Baker on ers outside the competitive environ- By MEGHAN JOYCE Saturday morning. February 24? ment," according to Boudreaux. SraffWrirer The WMC Madrigal Singers and Boudreaux further commented Complete chaos," is the best way Student Forum chamber choirs from various Mary- that the notion of "passing time with to describe the Greekhousing room land high schools. This occasion good company (is the) motivation for assignments from last spring com- The Open Forum is April 1st (no joke) at 7 pm marked the Fifth Annual "Just choral music." mented Sarah Sheckells, the new In- and the Student Forum to follow up on the Open Voices, No Microphones" Chamber Senior Kimberleigh Nichols, who ter Greek Council President. Music Festival. attended this festival as a student at Next year, with a new proposal Forum is April 8th at 8pm. Please come and The festival began with the com- South Carroll High School and now developed by the IGC, the Greek voice your concerns. bined ensembles singing Henry a member of the WMC Madrigal task force, and Residence Life, the VIII's madrigal "Pastime With Good Singers, voiced that she enjoyed par- room assigning process will be Company." Dr. Margaret Boudreaux ticipating in this festival while in high much less complicated. explained that Henry the VIII was a school. "It (the festival) had a lot to The proposal, known as the Eq- Thanks patron of the arts and even wrote do with my decision to come here uitable Cuts proposal, will take the The SGA would like to thank everyone for their madrigals in his spare time when he (WMC)," explained Nichols. forty additional spaces away from was not changing wives. Along these lines, Dr. Boudreaux Greek Housing. Cutting each Fra- input last semester and look forward to new ideas After this, the individual cham- commented that this festival gives ternity/Sorority room numbers by this semester. ber choirs performed their reper- high school students a good oppor- four to seven spaces. toires, ranging from traditional folk tunity to discover WMC. She often A 80%-20% ratio will be en- songs to moving spirituals. stresses that a liberal arts college af- forced where 80% of the spaces al- Meeting Time Changed Dr. Margaret Boudreaux, who fords students the opportunity to in- located to the organization must be once taught high school, enjoys volve themselves in music even if filled by its members while the re- The SGA now meets from 6:30-7:30pm on working with the high school stu- they are not music majors. maining 20% will be for invited in- Wednesdays in the Leidy room. dependents. Germany's St. Nicolai housing when Residence with Greek New Residential Task Force Report arose A problem Life rec- Choir to visit WMC ognized that many of the Greek or- The new and revised Residential Task Force were not filling all the ganizations rooms on their floors. The Youth Choir of St. Nicolai This is the choir's first tour of the Currently, the Greeks occupy about Report is available at the Information Desk. from lanbeck, Germany, will perform United States which opens with a 70% of the housing given to them. atWestemMmy1andCollege on Tues- March 24 concert at Washington With the new proposed cuts, Greek Register to Vote day, March 26, at 7 p.m., at Baker D.C.'s National Cathedral and in- organizations will occupy almost Memorial Chapel. cludes nine other performances at 90% of the housing granted to them. If you permanently reside in Maryland, you can The concert is free and open to churches and colleges in New Jersey, Any Greek group that is able 10 now register to vote. Pick up the yellow registra- the public. Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Vir- fill their entire floor with their re- tion form at the display at the Information desk. The choir is part of the larger ginia. turning membership will be guaran- Kinder und Jugendchor SI. Nicolai, Thechoir toured The Netherlands teed their entire floor. the children's and youth choir of St. in 1991 and Poland in 1993, accord- Sheckells believes the "JGC and SGA Has Email Nicolai Lutheran Church, and was ing to choirmaster Karin Salzer, also the Greek task force did an excel- founded in 1980. the founder of the choir. lent job with the housing proposal If you have questions, comments, or concerns, Today the choir has more than The concert at WMC is sponsored for next year." please email the SGA at sgaOOI. You can also 100 active members, ages 4 to 23. by The German Club and Suite. Most Greek organizations are The touring group is comprised of For more information call pleased with the outcome and they contact us by phone at extension 631. the choir's older members. believe this new proposal is fair and Members are from Einheck and reasonable to all the Greek organi- zations on campus . .~~ 'Westminster's 'Fu{{ Service :J{aircare Center Walk-inor call for an Free Local appointment Delivery (limited area) 848-2820 99 W. MAIN ST INTERSECTION MAIN ST & PENNSYLVANIA FREE PARKING IN REAR
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