Page 146 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 14 FEATURES Coffeehouse, a place to relax and The Easy unwind, is WMC's best kept secret Gourmet DMC Lounge serves as current meeting place for the group hints for By EMILY $TAMATHIS of communication between herself and the play an instrument, or write and read po- Sraff writer students running the Coffeehouse. etry. Sarah Dexter-Thornton is in charge of success For those who are bored with staying Responsibility for the room was also an coordinating the performances, having one home watching "Friends" on Thursday acknowledged problem. "Everyone was re- every week if possible. She also distributes THE EASY GOURMET nights, gather some buddies and visit the ally excited about it in the beginning, then fliers and phone messages encouraging StaffWriler WMC Coffeehouse, the campus' own "Cen- no one wanted to take responsibility for keep- people to come to the Coffeehouse, and sets Spring is just around the corner; the tral Perk." ing it up," said Candice Craig, who has been up other special events. weather is wanner, the sun sets later, and the The little-known Coffeehouse, located in involved with the Coffeehouse in the past, In March, there are two special events birds have once again begun to chirp! the basement of Daniel McLea, is open for and has also performed there. Managing planned for Women's History Month. On Before you know it you'll be dragging service on Thursdays from 7 to 9:00 pm. A problems forced the Coffeehouse to close for March 14 the movie "The Burning Times," out the shorts, t-shirts, and UGH bathing cup of coffee is just a quarter, which pays a year. about the history of the witch trials, will be suits to embark for your Spring Break desti- for the coffee and other supplies. Despite the The Coffeehouse reopened in November shown a(7:oo pm. March 28 at the Coffee- nation. Now, I know that everyone is starl- caffeine that steadily flows, the regulars 1995 and currently, the Progressive Students house is Women's Music Night. ing to get nervous because spring break is mainly consider it a place to escape, unwind, are its sponsoring organization. They are us- Candice Craig hopes to be singing as a one gigantic beauty contest. And as the days and relax with their friends. part of Women's Music Night. On Febru- tick by, it is becoming harder and harder to "It seems that everything to do on campus is ary 29 she sang at the Coffeehouse for the get a stair master or bike at the gym. Yes either Greek or run by facuity, but this is just "It seems that everything first time, after Dexter-Thornton heard her you guessed it, we are now in the middle of a laid back environment," said Crystal to do on campus is either at WMC's Jazz Night and approached her spring training. Everyone is working hard Zagomy, who has visited the Coffeehouse a about performing. Craig gave what she to get in shape for the bikini clad beaches few times in the past. Upon going to the Greek or run by faculty, called a very casual, a Capella version of and perfect peck horizons gracing every Coffeehouse for the first time, Cathryn but this is just a laid back the PJ Harvey song, "Rid of Me." She re- tropical haven during the month that is ev- Trego immediately liked the unstructured at- ally enjoyed the experience and said the re- ery beach bar owners pot of gold. mosphere and the fact that it's "run by stu- environment" sponse to her song was very positive, de- To help all you spring breakers stay trim dents, for students." spite the small crowd. "The Coffeehouse until the big trip I've chosen a recipe that is The idea to open a coffeehouse was pro- Crystal Zagorny doesn't seem to get very much publicity," easy, light, fresh, and LOW FAT! You can posed to Charlene Kinsey, Assistant Direc- Craig observed. enjoy it as a meal or save itto snack on while tor of Residence Life, by a group of students Kinsey said she preferred the Coffee- you're studying late at night! in 1992. They recognized the need for a gath- ing it as the home base for their meetings. house stayed small and low-key, even more Bon Appetite! ering place that didn't affiliate itself with a Gerard Millan, the club's president, thinks limited to those living in Daniel McLea, be- certain group, and wasn't centered around the Coffeehouse is the perfect place for the cause it is still technically the DMC lounge Green Goddess Fruit Salad. alcohol. Kinsey agreed and decided the Progressive Students to meet until they get Use of the lounge was originally supposed Dressing: group could set up in the Daniel McLea their own clubhouse. Millan said his club has to be temporary. 112 cup sugar Lounge. a good relationship with those living in She hopes that in the future the Coffee- 112 cup water For the first year the Coffeehouse ran Daniel McLea, and that they are conscious house will be able to find a more accessible, Juice of 1 lime or lemon smoothly. but then gradually went downhill. of noise and keeping the Coffeehouse in or- permanent home. Kinsey thinks the perfect Grated peel of I lime or lemon Kinsey received complaints about the noise der after they use it. The Progressive Students place would be the back of The Pub in level from those living in Daniel McLea, and meet on Wednesday nights at 7:00. Decker College Center, but no definite plans Salad: there was a problem with upkeep and clean- One of the features of the Coffeehouse is to move the Coffeehouse have been made 1 ripe honeydew melon, halved, seeds re- ing of the space. She attributes this to a lack to have students perform, whether they sing, at this time. moved 3 kiwi fruit, peeled Program reviews books during lunch 2 Granny Smith or other tart green apple 2 ripe pears 112 lb. seedless green grapes time in the history of the program that stu- will be reviewed by community leader, Mary NICKI KASSOLIS SlaffWrirer dents served as the reviewers for a novel. Lou Dewey. Procedure: If you love to read books, share your ideas Muller had long desired to "get students in- Both Sharpe and Muller agree that they I. Place the sugar and water in your hot pot and knowledge with others, of just eat lunch volved" in the program so she approached would love an increase in student involve- and tum the temperature setting to medium. somewhere other than Glar, then the WMC Nancy Palmer, director of the honors pro- ment in the program. Sharpe wishes that The sugar will begin to dissolve; bring the campus offers a program just for you. gram. more "people would lake advantage of [the syrup to a boil and cook it for 5 minutes with- The program is called Books Sandwiched Three students, Ann Bevans, Kristen Bol- program]," since she feels it is "a neat thing out stirring. Unplug the hot pot and allow In and has been a constant mainstay on the ster, and Ray Walke~, volunteered to review we do." In order to attend a book review, the syrup to cool. Stir in the lime or lemon campus for eleven years. Christina Garcia's Dreaming in Cuban. This you don't have to have read the book. And juice, and the lime or lemon peel. Transfer Books Sandwiched In features a series particular review was held on February 15, by introducing a novel by a particular au- the syrup to a bowl; cover with plastic wrap of book reviews which take place through- 1996 at a special evening time slot, giving thor, Sharpe understands that the reviewers and chill. out the semester during lunchtime (12:10- more students the opportunity to attend. can "introduce you to other works of the au- 2. Cut the melon halves into more manage- I :00) in McDaniel Lounge. The programs Muller acknowledges that the students "did thor, 10 wet your appetite." able pieces, remove the rind, and cut the flesh are free to both the WMC campus and the just a beautiful job," by splitting the review Muller credits the series with giving the into bite-size cubes. Place the melon cubes community. Librarian Jane Sharpe views into three different sections, the novel's his- "opportunity for people who enjoy books to in a large mixing bowl. Set aside. Books Sandwiched In as "another way of tory, content, and writing style, and then al- share likes and dislikes." Herself an addict 3. Cut the kiwi fruit into 114" slices and then having the community interact with people lowing a separate student to address each as- reader, Muller enjoys to watch "people draw cut each lice in half. Add the kiwi to the on campus." The program is "jointly spon- pect of the book. The review was well re- others to want to read a book, [a] wonderful melon. sored" by the Hoover Library, the office of ceived,leaving an audience in which "every- outcome" of the program. All members of 4. Cut the apples and pears into bite-size Public Information, and Locust Books in one was so impressed," according to Muller. the WMC community are given the invita- pieces (do not peel), and add them to the Westminster. The next book review will be held on tion to review a novel, "if anyone has any melon and kiwi. Add the green grapes and Joyce Muller, director of public informa- March 21 at the standard lunchtime hour. ideas, they are welcome to call Dave Neikirk toss gently, tion, has been involved with the program The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand is celebrat- [at the library] or Muller [in the office of 5. Drizzle the chilled dressing over the salad since it was first established. The idea came ing an anniversary year and will be reviewed public information)." The book reviewers and toss gently. from Dr. Robert Chambers who was, at the by Allen MacDonald. MacDonald is a pro- are provided with a free gift certificate from time, serving his first year as president. fessor at George Washington University and Locust Books. Write for Chambers had previously worked at has traveled the world as a renowned art his- Books Sandwiched In gives readers the Bucknell University where they had a simi- torian. The novel "celebrates an architect's chance to share their ideas with others, gain- lar program which was popular with both the integrity and artistic vision as he rails against ing a great deal of knowledge and having a The Phoenix school and the community. Chambers chris- conforming to society's lower standards." great deal of fun. tened the program by providing the first book On April 18, the semester's third and fi- Don't miss your opportunity to take part novel on Call x8600 for review and Books Sandwiched In has been nal book review is scheduled. This Books in the remaining two book review programs going strong ever since. Sandwiched In program features Robertson and if you don't see your favorite Each semester brings with it a new se- Davies' novel The Cunning Man. Muller the list of upcoming reviews, take the ini- ries of books which are reviewed on various describes Davies as "one of the most well tiative in presenting your own book review details dates. This spring semester featured the first recognized writers" of our time. The novel
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