Page 139 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 7 Damages hurt Glar in long run Westminster Choir performs Continued from page 1 cil for discussion. The purpose for The carpet is supposed to last for brining it to the forum was to lei at Western Maryland College years, but with more damages the other students know what was hap- carpet will have to be replaced pening and make them aware that sooner, Roloff added. peers were jeopardizing many of The Glar workers also suffer the privileges the new Glar offers The Westminster Chapel Choir In addition they performed tradi- Choir has toured since 1960, per- from the immature behavior of the "It was brought to the ACe be- performed at Western Maryland tional fold songs and spirituals. forming in churches, schools and unruly students. Workers will have cause they hoped that students College on Tuesday, March 5, The Westminster Chapel Choir concert halls. It has also performed to steam clean the a fore mentioned would want to correct their own be- 1996at7:30pm. The concert was is composed of the newest under- with symphony orchestras includ- area of carpet over spring break, havior," Seidel said. held in Baker Memorial Chapel. graduates attending Westminster ing the Trenton Symphony Orches- taking time and money that Glar "Other students are upset at the Directed by James Jordan, the Choir College of Rider University tra, the York Symphony and the management could be putting to damages which have occurred," choir performed works by Britten, in Princeton, NJ. It is one of five Queens Symphony. better use. said Roloff. Hancock, Gabrieli, Hadley, major performing choirs at West- James Jordan has had extensive Even chairs have been damaged Sharon Irwin, a freshman, com- Copland, Mendelssohn, Parry, minster. experience as a choral conductor. costing the school. ments, "They should find an alter- Mathias, Weelkes and Dockworth. Founded in 1946, the Chapel Before joining Westminster's fac- ''Two chairs were broken prob- native meal plan such as bag ulty in 1992, he served as a chair ably costing ... $32 to repair each," lunches outside of Glar if their be- About the choir for music education at the Hartt Seidel said. ' havior continues, if they can single School of Music of the University If this behavior continues, the anyone student out." of Hartford. While there he con- cost of repairing and cleaning could On the possibility of Glar lak- and program ducted the Hartt Symphonic Choir well add up and soon be an over- ing away table napkin dispensers, and was music director of the whelming burden on the school. Junior Melissa Dia said, "I don't greater Hartford Youth Chorale. Not much action has been taken think we should blame the entire Westminster Choir College of ties. The Symphonic Choir, com- Choirs under the direction of to curtail such activities beyond student body for the behavior of in- Rider University is a center for posed of 200 upperclassmen and Dr. Jordan have performed fre- speaking with the students at fault. dividuals. They should reprimand music studies located in the heart graduate students, regularly per- quently at the national and regional "[We] didn't want to start a them ... instead of hurting the entire of Princeton, NJ. At Westminster's forms with the New York Philhar- conventions of the America Cho- crackdown on student student body." core is a four-year music college monic, the Philadelphia Orchestra ral Directors Association and the behavior ... but are hoping the situ- The damage is ongoing and will and graduate school that prepares and other major symphony orches- Music Educator's National Confer- ation will correct itself," explained increase unless students realize that men and women for careers as tras. The 40-voice Westminster ence. Seidel. they are only hurting themselves in music leaders in schools, univer- Choir performs throughout the US Courtesy of Ridner Universtiy That is why the problem was the long run. sities, churches and professional and is in the chorus-in-residence presented to the All College Coun- and community organizations. It at the Spoleto SC. Festival USA in Charleston, that each week has been estimated E-mail bomb Westminster graduates conduct and professional musicians come AHtr !o~fJ 0( \l1i"\. Each year over 4,000 amateur ~rt!(oonI 4 w"l musi- and teach over one million to It! fi oulolli~ ivAI, overloads system cians worldwide. of study are to Westminster studies to pursue through ;-------- '-. their music The major program distinctly career oriented, leading Westminster's Saturday Seminar to Bachelor and Master of Music and Summer Session programs. Monmouth student has been charged with damages degrees as well as a bachelor of Summer Session, one of the larg- At Monmouth University, West Kenneth Weiner, LaScala's attor- Arts degree in music. Programs est and most diverse summer mu- Long Beach, NJ, ajunior has been ney. include music theory and compo- sic programs in the country, offers accused by the FBI of mastermind- "This is as common in 1995 as sition; music education; church one-week graduate level courses. ing a revenge scheme in which he panty raids were in 1955," Weiner music; voice, organ and piano per- A summer program for high school used an ..e-mail bomb" containing said. formance and pedagogy; choral students offers specialized pro- 24,000 electronic messages to In addition, Weiner contends conducting; and piano accompany- grams in composition, organ, pi- J overload the college'S electronic that the school's system suffered ing and coaching. The Bachelor ano, and voice. The intensive, one- mail system. no real damage, and the majority of Arts degree offers concentra- day Saturday Seminars are offered ~o~in~fi.41 bft4i Jl'«\.~ The flood of messages, filled of its five-hour downtime was tions in piano, voice arts adminis- throughout the academic year. r;:U';C;'::T;t- -1-' with random text pulled off the spent tracing the source of the mes- tration, psychology/sociology, the- Both programs provide courses in Internet, dismantled the sages. ater/ literature, religion/philoso- music education, church music, INIGHTSPECIA .: university's e-mail system for But Grey Dimenna, vice presi- phy, voice and piano. organ voice, piano, and choir I $7.99 :. I about five hours on November 20. dent and general for Monmouth, Renowned for choral excel- Two administrators of Monmouth's said he wants LaScala's prank to lence, the college has seven major Courtesy of Office of External IA 12" medium pizza with your· I choirs providing all students with Affairs, Rider Univ: Ichoice of 1 topping, Twisty I "We hope this sends a message that if you extensive performing opportuni- IBread, or salad, & 2 cans of ICoca-Cote Clas~ic or Diet Coke. I do this, it is possible to trace back to the I~:I~~ti~Jn~~~~~~g~ $l~~~~~IM: sender and you'll get caught. " Common Ground on the Hill ;:~ffff~~§:4j§;§: Grey Dimenna 1-='.V~"'~' presents its IC;;:;;~- -1-1-1 computer department were the re- be an isolated incident. cipients of the messages. "We hope this sends a message Spring Gospel Extravaganza ISPECIAL Dominick S. LaScala, 21, is that if you do this, it is possible to $7.99 .• : charged with tampering with a trace back to the sender and you'll computer used in interstate com- get caught," Dimenna said. : Any Large Pizza with you~ merce to send data he know would Dimenna said that no other part A Benefit Concert for Common Ground choice of one topping. I damage the system, a felony; and of the school's computer system Featuring: The Union Street Gospel Jubileers I Additional toppings I using a computer with disregard, a was affected and the e-mail system misdemeanor. He was freed on had never been abused like this be- Walt Michael & Company I $1.46 extra. I $10,000 bail. fore. The Western Maryland College Gospel Choir I ~:::\f.;':;;:;~'2.?i::-~~::I Systems operators and FBI of- "I've gotten the impression that l2!Joo""""""' ...... _""'r"u"" .. ,.. o. .. I this could happen to anyone's sys- The Strawbridge Ensemble ficials traced the messages through ~='=:='=;;;~~a~ a maze of various Intemet accounts tem. There's no way to protect against it without limiting all the to another account used by another Saturday, March 30th, 7:00pm ClJlllll other messages," Dimenna said. Monmouth student. LaScala ear- "That's the downside of technol- lier had lost his own computer Alumni Hall (Theater on the Hill) ~~'VQ~~~~ privileges for repeatedly posting ogy." Western Maryland College He said that LaScala soon will 330-140 Village Road commercial messages on inappro- face the university's student life Mon-Thurs. llAM-1AM priate Internet sites. La Scala is facing federal committee and find out if he will $5 student tickets! Fri-Sat lIAM-2AM charges because the trail ofIntemet be punished by the school. Sun lIAM-12AM accounts crossed state lines, said A. Courtesy of the Gettysburgian
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