Page 147 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 147
...------------------.,....---------- -~----~-----~-~--~- ------ FEATURES Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 15 "From the Governor's 'Coming Soon' movie previews Office" Saving By MIKE PUSKAR meta- now 20), with whom the SraffWriler our Welcome to the second take on years-old. falls in love. No, Brandon ence to Eric Draven. and the new "Water is a very important what's Because phor in this movie," he feels the first movie Crow says Pope. below the surface, "What's Lee's image will not be computer- had "a lack of drama" wildlife discuss three upcoming round will animated during the film's demise (a film focuses more on this rather than above the surface, time and what's re- as as was done in the first This Soon." "Coming flected." film after Lee's untimely as in the comic book, Perez features. action, and shoot- Locale change shooting "Eric Draven states, in the movie resources Summer Preps in the ing), nor will Eric Draven, Draven was closer to Edgar Allan Poe in a a well. The Crow: City of Angels Lee's be returning- Devil's moves character, the setting from way, and my character Two films to be released is more month of May are Mission: Impos- gained his retribution and was laid mixture of Jim Morrison and Ham- Night. or Halloween Eve, in De- sible and Twister. troit to Day of the Dead, the day With federal land conservation Bill Paxton and Helen Hunt will "I did a little research and found that the following Halloween. in Los An- policies in a state of change, it is seek out nature's spinning dancer crow- the bird- is a positive symbol in geles, where revelers carrying time Marylanders take more of a beginning May 15 when Twister skulls dance in death-masks. leadership role in identifying tears into town. Great FX will be many [places], such as Asia and India." Reality's setting, in some unique natural areas of our state delivered. minds, posed some danger too. and ensuring they are not lost. This A week after the tornado Vincent Perez Many feel that Lee's tragic death is why, several weeks ago, I pro- strikes, yet another remake of a created a bad cadence 10 follow, . posed legislation that will more that television series, Mission: Impos- to rest in peace. The protagonist let." but Perez disagrees in that he double Maryland's Wildlands Pres- sible, will come to the big screen, of the new film, mechanic Ashe Though action is less empha- doesn't believe in bad luck. "That ervation System. after having been originally sched- Corbin, will be portrayed by sized. it is still abundant. Perez is was another movie," said the ac- This proposal was recom- uled for a '95 holiday seasonal re- Vincent Perez (Indochine, Queen not a martial artist like Lee but is a tor. "I did a little research and mended as part of our recently lease. This is sure to be another Margot). a Swiss-born actor of good fighter. "He [Perez] is not found that the crow- the bird- completed Strategic Plan for Rec- Firm role for the lead, Tom Cruise. Spanish and German blood who scared of being physical," says is a positive symbol in many reation and conservation on our Emilio Estevez (Mighty Ducks) has a French accent. The change Pope. "I'm rarely using stunt- {places], such as Asia and India." state's public lands. The permanent and Jon Voight (Return to Lone- in protagonists is the main reason men .... " The Crow: City of Angels, with protection of these sites will ensure some Dove) also star. why the new film is not serial. Ac- Another major difference is in a variety of moods created by the that a significant cross-section of cording to producer Jeff Most. setting. The villains Curve, por- yellows of sodium light and its in- Maryland's natural areas and liv- Rantin' and Raven Crow-creator James O'Barr meant trayed by singer 199y Pop, and sight on sex and violence, will ing resources will be available for A movie to caw to attention is "to create a character arc much in Judah, portrayed by Richard Brooks reach theaters this summer. long-term scientific research. Just the second of its kind but is nOI the the wayan anthology is drawn .... " (Law and Order), do away with Next time, "Coming Soon" will as importantly, it will provide second part in a series. The only As to how the new Crow is seen murder witnesses, Ashe Corbin and see Daylight. present and future generations the similarities between this film, The by people of his world, the views his son, by drowning them, a change opportunity for enduring, distinc- Crow: City of Angels, and its pre- vary. Director Tim Pope says thai of setting indeed. In the first film, Information gathered from Wiz- tive recreational experiences. decessor are the approximately $20 Corbin is seen as "priest," "saint," death and resurrection take place on ard: The Price Guide to Comics As our population grows and million they both had as a budget and "demon." Most comments that land whereas the sequel puts demise #55 and Cinescape (Feb '96) development in our state intensi- and the fair maiden, Sarah (then 13 Corbin "is a kinder hero," in refer- and reanimation into the water. fies, accessibility to a variety of recreational activities-or simply to a peaceful place in nature where we can "get away from it all" -becomes of Natural Resources (DNR) origi- eagles as well as preservation of increasingly valuable and improves nally initiate a thorough evaluation Mattawoman Creek, part of one of the quality of our lives. Myadmin- of its 360,000 acres of public land the nation's best bass fisheries. SpJllne ?'JlUlk istration is committed to protecting holdings in 1989. Our Strategic Somerset County's Cedar Is- Maryland's most. unique natural Plan for Recreation and Conserva- land Wildlife Management Area resources and 1 personally view the tion on public lands was built upon offers tidal wetlands that provide "Wildlands" designation as the that study, and was used as a frame- habitat for the endangered tiger most appropriate way to protect work for choosing the newly pro- beetle. a species of insect that sci- 196 these areas for ourselves, our chil- posed Wildlands sites. Last sum- entists now little about, except that dren and our grandchildren. mer, Department of Natural Re- it is rapidly declining globally. Q: Governor, what exactly is the sources staff met with sportmen's Protecting areas where the tiger Wildlands designation? groups, local forest and park man- beetle is found will give us the op- PNG: Absolutely not. The Wild- agers, wildlife and natural heritage porrunity to study the species and i}t.~au~t~~alt lands designation actually ensures biologists, and conservation orga- learn more about it. that some forms of recreational nizations to hear their ideas. Fi- Q; Governor, what is your re- activity-cincluding fishing, hiking, nally, comments from nearly 1.000 sponse to some business interests hunting, trapping, birdwatching, people across the state were re- that are concerned about the eco- Cceca~Me~ and horseback riding-vwill con- ceived during the public participa- nomic impact of some of the new tinue to be available to Maryland- tion process--allofwhich were also Wildlands additions? ers. Restricted activities generally evaluated. PNG: Well, first I would like to Or choose from over 25 include only those that will alter the Q: What are some of the unique state that the positive response other cities across the US natural make-up of the area, such natural attributes of the newly pro- from environmentalists, sportsmen as constructing roads or buildings. posed sites? and citizens far outweigh (he nega- Q: How many sites are earmarked PNG: The oldest and largest area tive. Second, my record has been of serpentine barrens on the East clear over the years: I am a friend 7Cu,eiOI. "}7ut "'Bt!HIISg"Dav aH~ under this proposal? PNG: This legislation recom- Coast, a native grasslands area that of business, and my administration 2 /JiUAt 7C1.St!~ta"t!HfHft!~atit!HS mends that 17 sites, totaling 22,790 provides habitat for more than 20 is trying to foster business and eco- acres around the state, be added to threatened and endangered plants nomic development throughout the pillS Hft!~I.! the current Wildlands system of 11 and flowers, is part of Soldiers's state. But responsible environmen- sites totaling 14,400 acres. Delight Natural Environmental tal policy is good business, and we Five Star Traveler offers you discounts on: Q: 'Where are the new sites? Area in Baltimore County. must continue to work together to PNG: The proposal includes eight The Middle Fork section of find a balanced path balanced be- Hotels, Cruises, Air Fares, Condos, sites totaling 11,489 in Western Savage River State Forest in tween proposal that minimizes im- Car Rentals, Recreations, Attractions, and Maryland. four sites totaling 3,833 Garrett County is recognized as one pacts 10 the forest products indus- Vacations acres in the Baltimore metropoli- of the premier brook trout fisher- try in Western Maryland, while cre- tan area. two sites totaling 3,050 ies on the East Coast. It also pro- ating new opportunities to promote acres in Washington, D.C. metro- vides mature forest land and rug- tourism and enhance some forms Only $39.95 (with College ID) politan area and three sites total- ged terrain for hikers. of recreation, such as world-class ing 4,418 acres on the Eastern In Charles County, the trout fishing and hiking and primi- Shore. Mattawoman Natural Environmen- tive areas. Call (410) 840-9870 Q: How w:re the new sites cho- tal Area provides a mix of wetlands sen? and upland hardwood forest that Courtesy of Governor's Press PNG: The ~aryland Department offers nesting territory for bald Office
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