Page 148 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 148
"'.I:!lit{ ~ t1l SPORTS Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 16 Golfers have talent Experience and depth help men start season with two victories Losing only one player from last season, points (two goals and seven as- Continued mostly sophomores return to compete Challenging from page 18 sists). One more point for Hoppe gree in Sports Sciences at Ithaca While at Ithaca he twice College. Torpy's goalkeeping position is freshman and he would have tied the school's led the lacrosse team to the NCAA Matt Enoch. Enoch, a single-game record for most points playoffs and earned First Team All- sophomore Matt Harding with a Cockeysville, MD native. is con- scored. America and conference Most By CAROLYN BARNES score of 79 for the first round of sidered by Coach Reitenbach, as In their second game against 'Valuable Player honors in 1992. Sports Editor eighteen holes, and a 78 for the sec- "No question about it, the Widener, played at Loyola College Shoulberg will provide excellent Green Terror golf looks for- ond. goaltender of the future." because of inclement weather in experience tutelage for the attack ward to an extremely successful The past two years, WMC's ri- Other key players for the men Westminster, they also finished vic- and coordinate the extra-man of- season this spring. val team has been Gettysburg. will be senior midfielder Marshall torious. WMC outscored Widener fense. Head coach Scott Moyer com- WMC has fallen second place to Brown, junior defender Steve 19~9 to become 2~0 for the season. WMC's next games will be mented on the past seasons and his Gettysburg in the Conference Hallowell, junior midfielder Scott Top scorer for the Terror was played Saturday, March 16 and hopes for the upcoming one. "In Championship for the 1994 and Schenzer, junior defender Ryan Hoppe with five- goals and four as- Sunday, March 17. The team will the past five years, we have either 1995 seasons. This year the Green won the Centennial Conference Terror are expected to conquer the (1991, 1993), or we have come in Bullets because Gettysburg's team "The type of season that I would like to have this year is one in second (1992, 1994, 1995). I be- from last year was nicknamed the which my top players earn post-season honors. " lieve this year that we are the fa- "dream team," meaning all senior Head Coach Keith Reitenbach "In the past five years, we have either won Winship, junior midfielder Mark ststs. Following him was Schrott travel to Madison, New Jersey to the Centennial Conference or we have Frey, and sophomore defender with four goals and then Coccia meet Colby on Saturday at 4:00 come in second. I believe this year that we Russell Cromwell. with three. PM, and to compete in the Drew Brown, hailing from Westmin- The Terror also have a new as- Tournament on Sunday. The times are the favorite, especially because we are ster, has been a face-off stalwart the sistant coach this season, Charles for Sunday have yet to be an- last two years and is poised to as- Shoulberg. He joins WMC after nounced In their next home game, loaded up with sophomores." sume the first-line leadership role assisting at Mountain Lake High the Terror will host Randolph-Ma- for his final season. School, the 1995 New Jersey state con at 1:30 PM on Saturday. March Coach Scott Moyer Volk has been playing both ends champions. He played on champi- 30. of the field for two years, and onship teams at Mountain Lake vorite, especially because we are golfers, all experienced, and they Hallowell will provide exciting fast before attaining his Bachelor's de- loaded up with sophomores," he lost everyone. breaks with his shift to a long-stick stated. The team will compete in ten role. Hallowell is also the leading FREE TAXHELP Those sophomores are one of tournaments plus the Centennial scorer on WMC's club games. the team's strong points. Fifteen Conference championships held in Midfielder Schenzer was people are carried on the team, and late April in Ocean City, Maryland. known in 1994 to be a tough act to the majority of those are sopho- Of those ten tournaments, three follow. He should be a leader on mores. This means that cach of ace considered primarily Division the field this season. FOR WHOM: __For Students and Dther Low to Low., .,,' these golfers bring at least one year L These are Loyolla, the Naval Junior Winship, a two year Moderate Income Taxpayers I' of collegiate golf experience to the Academy tournament and the Wil- starter for the team will be a tough WHERE: team. Experience and dedicated liam and Mary Invitational. Due . defender and is expected to set the Western Maryland College-Gold Room-B: players will make a strong team, to our past record and performance tone for WMC's defense. Frey, a and one that is hard 10 beat. we are usually the only Division III quick former attackman can dodge, WHEN: The team returns all but one of team invited to these major tourna- feed and shoot. He should be an Tuesday Thursday Saturday their players this season, last year's ments. impact offensive player in his first 7-9 pm 7-9 pm llam-2pm captain, Brian Gullizzo. Juniors Coach Moyer stressed the sig- full year of Green Terror lacrosse. February 15 February 17 Kevin Jamieson and Greg Hebding nificance of these three tourna- Cromwell, a Cambridge. MD February 20 February 22 February 24 will replace him to serve as this ments mainly because it is ex- native, must step up as a top de- February 27 February 29 March 2 year's captains. tremely uncommon for a Division fender this season focussing on la- March 5 March 7 . March 9 The season opened two week- III team to get invited to a Division crosse this year after playing foot- March 12 March 14 ends ago when the team traveled I tournament. This is one of the ball as a freshman. March 26 March 28 March 30 to Virginia to compete in the Will- draws for recruits, besides the fact Several new faces will appear April 2 Apri14 April 6 iam and Mary Invitational Tourna- that WMC has its own nine-hole on the field this season, many in AprilS April 11 April 13 ment. The final results were not golf course directly on campus. key positions for the team. Sopho- available at press time, but WMC Despite their difficult schedule, more transfer student Mike Sargent walk-Ins welcome from February 15 - February 29 did beat VillaNova and Rutgers, the Green Terror is expected to con- can play attack and midfield. By appointment only after February 29 both Division I teams. tinue achieving victories against Freshmen Matt Enoch and Matt The low man for the team was these Division I schools. Moscato will push for starting spots, and freshman Jeremy Kober of the Track andjie¥ team expected tofair well action Also receiving a glimpse will be at goal this season Continuedfrompage 19 hopeful, semor Carl Von Tobel, freshman and Baltimore, MD na- pring BreakbeginaMarch 15 lauuruo.uneMareh25 placed 2nd in Nationals (DIY III) tive Tim Whittle. healthy, Greg is oneofthe top 8001 last year in the javelin, with a shot In the team's season opener 1500m runners in the conference. of 217 feet. Carl will most prob- against Villa Julie. the men scored Senior Steve Eckstiom is ca- ably find himself winning often and a school-record 32 points to RAZZMATAZZ pable of walking away with nu- competing in the Nationals this outscore Villa Julie 32-11 in the merous medals in the long and spring. non-conference game. The 32 goal Hair Studio triple jump. "We are excited about the up- record tops the 1989 record of 30 (next to Frisco Pub) goals in a game against Haverford. I r. "We are excited about the upcoming Senior Dean Coccia scored College Night: season" seven goals to lead the men. These seven goals put Coccia over the Assistant head coach Becky Martin 100-goal mark for his career. $Si2P:??~~~~hcutos~U~15fl~~:::"~,., Coccia moves into seventh place on Matt Helfrich placed 5th in in- coming season." assistant coach the school's record list with a total door pole vault. Matt will also run Becky Martin said. The track team of 103. (reg. $39.95) hurdles this spring. appears to have a lot of young tal- Following Coccia. sophomore or Ron Miller is a senior who ent determined to make their mark Mike Sargent scored six goals and single sessions $3.00 each should score high in many events in the 1996 season, which will sure Bo Schrott made five for the Ter- HOURS: M 10-5, H9:30·8, S 8:30-3 such as sprints, and 400 hurdles. to make them tough competitors in ror. Junior Hoppe had a total nine 876-0654 Walk - ins welcome Outside shot Olympic trials conference play.
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