Page 142 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 10 FEATURES Herlocker continues to make a strong comeback By SARAH SNELL Growing up and throughout his adoles- cence, Herlocker said he looked up to his Smff wrlrer Entering Dr. David Herlocker's jam- grandfather. His grandfather was a lawyer, packed cubby-hole of an office is quite a the president of a savings and loan, and challenge. Herlocker added, he just "seemed to have His office is nestled behind a small room his life together." His grandfather died while filled with beakers and test tubes. A glimpse Herlocker was still in graduate school, he of the 55 year-old chemistry professor is pos- said. sible through the partially opened door. Herlocker is married and has two chil- The Chicago native joined the Western dren, Caryn, a graduate student at the Uni- Maryland College faculty in 1956,30 years versity of Georgia, and Daniel, who would ago, after completing his doctorate degree have received his bachelor degree this spring. at the University of Illinois, Herlocker said. Instead, Daniel remained at home to help Herlocker decided he wanted to be a chem- take care of his father. istry professor at a small college while at- Upon entering Herlocker's office, he does tending Knox College for his undergraduate not rise to offer a seat. In his situation this is degree, which is about the same size as understandable. WMC, he said. He added that he enjoyed On August 10, 1995, Herlocker began the small college atmosphere. facing the greatest challenge of his life. Ac- Shortly after joining the WMC staff, cording to Herlocker, he and his friend, Terry Herlocker became friends and running part- Burk, owner of the Treat Shop in the Cran- ners with Dr. Sam Case, professor of exer- berry Mall, were out jogging on the side of cise science. They co-instructed a January the road. The driver of a car traveling on Term course in running. the same road fell asleep at the wheel and Case, along with Dr. Richard Smith, Jr., ran off onto the shoulder which Herlocker the acting chair of the chemistry department, and Burk were running on. attested to Herlocker's dedication to the Burk was killed in the accident, while WMC community. Herlocker is highly Herlocker received severe injuries including knowledgeable about the overall curriculum, a broken nose, jaw, pelvis, leg, and a severely both co-workers said. Smith added that dislocated knee, as well as the loss of his Herlocker even filled in as the school's reg- voice and internal injuries, Herlocker said. istrar for a semester. Doctors were not sure whether Herlocker Herlocker has also been an active mem- would survive. ber of Phi Beta Kappa, a general honors so- Dr. Sam Case, member of Herlocker and ciety, and taught several chemistry courses, Burk's running team, was at the scene al- including Physical Chemistry, Smith said. most immediately. Several students also praised Herlocker's "It's not something I care to experience efforts. "He expected a lot out of us and ever again," Case said of viewing the acci- made us learn more," sophomore chemistry dent. After the initial shock, Case said, his major Heather Wittenberg said. Mary Can- first concern was for his two friends and their non, a sophomore biology and chemistry families. major, agreed. Sophomore biology major Herlocker spent the initial part of his re- Jen Belbott added, ''Thanks 10 Dr. Herlocker, covery at Montebello Rehabilitation Hospi- we have cookies in chemistry seminar." tal. He has since begun walking without Smith agreed with the students' assess- crutches, but with a limp. His right foot is ments, "He's rigorous on the outside, a softy still so swollen that he must wear a size 13 on the inside." Herlocker deeply cares about right shoe in comparison with his size II left Herlocker stands here watching over students as they do their work. chemistry and the students, Smith said. foot. Herlocker said his area of special inter- Because of his bad right leg, Herlocker full-course load. This semester he assists achieve what he had been able to do before . est is inorganic chemistry, which is the study said his teaching ability has been impaired, with the general chemistry course and the accident, but if he is unable to run again, of the elements other than carbon. His re- as well as his driving ability. He said that he teaches senior chemistry seminar. he will deal with it. search has included the making of colored should know in a month or two whether he Case described Herlocker's recovery as Herlocker added that he "appreciates the compounds, such as cobalt and nickel, to will be able to drive again soon. For now, "miraculous. .a tribute to his will power." concern" and "visits and cards" of his friends, learn about their properties. he relies on his family for rides to and from Herlocker said that he would like to family, and the WMC community. His favorite color is blue, but quickly and work. firmly added "a lighter blue." That is the Since the accident, Herlocker missed the same color as his eyes. fall semester and currently does not teach a How healthy is your diet? Black Student Union Some people think honey is healthy. absorbed into the small intestine, the body and other less refined sug- Honey, molasses, ars have been promoted as healthier alter- can't tell whether the glucose and fructose come from honey or from refined it absorbs natives to table sugar since they contain white table sugar (Source: Nutrition by Lori The Black Student Union would like to thank the some nutrients that have been processed out Smolin and Mary Grosvenor). of pure white sugar. Candy and baked goods WMC Human Performance Lab is offer- Western Maryland College -Cornmunity, Faculty, made with honey are often marketed as more ing a personalized diet analysis to help you Administration and Staff for supporting Black His- nutritious. these sweeteners do have more assess how nutritious your diet is. For easy instructions and a food recall form, call Car- Although tory MOnth. We had a very successful month and micronutrients than 'table sugar, the amounts rie at 848-1646. There is a $5 charge for are too small to add much to the diet. Since this analysis. we hope that everyone enjoyed it as much as we sucrose from any source, even honey, is bro- ken into glucose and fructose before it is Contributed by WMC Performance Lab did. Black History Month is just one part of the cultural diversity that WMC thrives on and your WMC Human Performance Lab Offers diet analysis during the months of excesses, nutrient deficiencies, and recom- support enables us to bring cultural events here. February and March to answer commonly mendations for healthier food choices. asked nutritional questions. To have your diet analyzed, obtain a re- Thank you for attending, supporting, and learning. The lab addresses why people gain call form and simple instructions on how to weight on no-fat diets, proper vitamin in- record your food intake, drop you completed take, and the amount of fat, cholesterol, and recall form to Carrie (Box 826) and set up Sincerely, sodium a person takes in. The personal- an appointment for your diet analysis. ized analysis provides: A thorough nurri- Staff reports The Black Student Union tional breakdown of foods you eat, nutrient
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