Page 140 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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NEWS Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 8 RA evaluation results from last fall now available RA's prove to win the approval from most students Survey Results SA-Strongly agree, A-Agree, Ir-Dtsagree, SD-Strongly Disagree, NA-Dors Not Apply The results of the Fall 1995 Resident while only 8% disagreed or strongly dis- Statements SA A D SD NA Assistant evaluations by resident students is agreed. 1. My RA has made an effort to get to know 113 152 48 19 II now available. In addition, 84% agreed or strongly me. The results have been positive, and in agreed with "My RA handles the enforce- favor of RA's. Their job performance abili- ment of college policies in a fair, consistent, 2. My RA handles confidential issues on the 115 105 16 3 118 floor in an appropriate manner. ties ranked high as well as their fairness and constructive and non-judgemental manor" consistency. and on1y 4% disagreed or strongly disagreed. 3. My RA is available on the floor andlor 88% of the students responding agreed The "survey was conducted by the Resi- responds to messages left for her/him. 180 109 23 10 35 or strongly agreed with the statement "I am dent Life Department. 4. My RA maintains credibility through his! satisfied with my RA's job performance," Courtesy of Residence Life her conduct, acts according to college policy 188 124 12 I 19 and serves as an appropriate role model. 5. My RA's attitude about the RAjoh is 177 137 13 5 24 enthusiastic and positive. 6. My RA provides a variety and adequate 106 169 53 8 39 number of programs for our floor. 7. My RA has tried to help our floor develop an atmosphere where people respect each 156 139 19 8 41 other's rights and privileges. 8. My RA handles the enforcement of college 146 157 14 2 43 policies in a fair, consistent, constructive and non-judgemental manner. 9. My RA follows through on work orders 127 143 15 3 63 and other administrative tasks. 164 121 21 4 39 10. My RA follows through on work orders and other administrative tasks. II. I feel my RA is respected by students on 167 130 24 II 25 the floor 12. I am satisfied with my RA's performance. 188 123 20 13 9 SPRING BREAK 1996 Before you leave for Spring Break, please remem- ber to check these things before you leave. Dispose of all open/perishable foods All trash has been taken to the appropriate trash cans. All appliances, except refrigerators and fish tanks, have been unplugged. Windows have been closed and locked. Shades are lowered, or drapes are pulled. Radiator is at normal setting. Cover dishes and food items to prepare for the exterminator. Make sure you have everything you will need for break. You will not be permitted to reenter the building for any reason. Please take jewelry and other valuables with you. Security patrol of residence halls will be increased, but an empty resi- dence hall is attractive to thieves. The College cannot and will not be responsible for any items left in your room over bread, including fish. Lights have been turned off. Room door has been locked.
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