Page 138 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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..--..~--~~..~~~--------~------~------~------~----------------~--------------------~- Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 6 NEWS WMC celebrates Leading women journalists woman's history month to attend symposium ................ Western Maryland College is hosting Woman's History Events several events in March and early April to Writers from USA Today; Washington Post attending honor women and their achievements. The community is welcome to join the Tuesday, March 26--- "Date Rape ...What WMC students will get a rare opportu- Washington bureau of Reuters news service; celebration, said Michela Patterson, coor- Does It Really Mean?" a discussion/pre- nity to interact with a half-dozen prominent and Carrie Jacobson, editor of the Carroll dinator of the College's Women's History sentation, 7:30 p.m., Sigma Phi Epsilon women journalists at a symposium next County Times. Shalal-Esa is the spouse of Clubroom. Month activities. month entitled: "Women in the Media: Mohamed Esa, foreign languages professor Highlighting the schedule of events is Overcoming the Glass Ceiling." atWMC. poet Elaine Upton, author of Children of Sunday, March 31- Movie, "The Last The symposium, cosponsored by the En- In addition to participating in the sym- Apertness, who will give a reading of her Days of Chez Nous," 7:30 p.m., Decker posium, several of the panel members have Auditorium. works on Wednesday, March 27, at 4:30 A high percentage of agreed to attend an informal dinner with in- p.m., in McDaniel Lounge. Tuesday, April 2- "Women in the Me- terested students in Englar Dining Hall be- The community also is invited to see communication majors ginning at 6:00 pm. the Women's Awareness Maze, a display dia: Overcoming featuring the Glass Ceiling," from a and journalism minors at During the week of March 25, students journalists symposium of the accomplishments and triumphs of the Baltimore-Washington area, 7:30 will be asked to sign up for a designated table women, in Kriel Lounge. p.m., McDaniel Lounge. WMC are female. where the journalist they wish to dine with The display will be up through March will be seated. and is supported by student organizations. Monday, April 8- "Celebration of Staff Reports The symposium will address a variety of For more information call Ms. Patterson glass ceiling-related issues, according to or- at 410/857-2755. Women's Creativity," a student an and glish and Communication departments in ganizer and moderator Terry Dalton, a Courtesy of Public Information performance display, 7:30 p.m., Ensor conjunction with Women's History Month, member of the English Department who Lounge. will be held in McDaniel Lounge on Tues- oversees the Minor in Journalism at WMC. day, April 2, at 7:30 pm. "We want to find out if the glass ceil- Music of Women Tamara Henry, national symposium will be ing, which suggests so far in their profes- in the women Headlining the that can rise just reporter media education for USA and Marianne Kynakos, is getting composers to be featured . Post. Today, reporter for The Washington sion, The journalism any easier to penetrate," Dalton . stated metropolitan that a professor added Two pianists will present "The Pleasure Ms. Ferencz, a certified teacher of piano Kyriakos was the Post's lead reporter in high percentage of communication majors of Your Company," a fundraising concert of and theory, has taught in the Western Mary- covering last month's deadly Amtrak - com- and journalism minors at WMC are female. the works of four women composers, on land College Community Music Program muter train wreck near Silver Spring, MD. "Rarely do these students have access Saturday, March 23, at 7 p.m. in McDaniel since its inception. She teaches Women and Henry works in USA Today's Washing- to the type of role models who will be on Lounge. Music duringWMC's Jan Term and has pre- ton Bureau after previously working for the campus April 2nd," Dalton pointed out. "It Proceeds will be used to buy a computer sented lecture-recitals on women compos- Associated Press, also in Washington. should be a wonderful experience for both for WMC community music program to aid ers at the Maryland Piano Olympics, the New Other confirmed panelists are: Sara the students and the participants." in teaching theory in the classroom. Admis- Windsor Sesquicentennial Concert and the Engram, deputy editorial page editor of the The symposium will include a substan- sion is $5 for non-students, $3 for WMC Maryland State Teachers Convention. Baltimore Sun; Gail Bending, news direc- tial question-and-answer period with the students. Tickets will be on sale at the door. Ms. Brengle, currently a media special- tor at WJZ-TV, Channel 13, in Baltimore; audience.' ) The program celebrating Women's His- ist at Manchester Elementary School, has Andrea Shallal-Esa, correspondent in the From Staff Reports tory Month, features pianists Judith Ferencz, taught music in the Carroll County Public a WMC music faculty member, and Peggy Schools and at Western Maryland College. community Egyptian Ambassador to Brengle and the music of 18th century En- She is now performing with the Dynamites, glish composer Jane Savage, 19th century a vocal trio, at area churches, French composer Marie JaeU, 19th century organizations and special events. German composer Fanny Mendelssohn For more information call Ms. Ferencz at visit WMC Hensel, and 20th century American com- 410/857-2552. poser Amy Beach. Courtesy of Public Information The assassination ofIsraeli Prime Minister Israel and Egypt. WMC Alumna chosen as Yitzhak Rabin. The recent string of terrorist the U.S., he also served as ambassador to Por- to Egypt's Before becoming ambassador Will there be peace in the Middle bombings. tugal, Belgium, East? Can it survive? and Russia. the U.S.S.R., MML's new Exec. Dir. Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt to ulty of Law in 1956 and joined his country's His Excellency Maher El Sayed, Ahmed from Cairo University Pac- He graduated the United States of America, will discuss the ministry of foreign affairs. The Maryland Municipal League's Board . peace process and current events in the Middle Mr. EI Sayed served in the cabinet of the of Directors recently selected Scott A. East on Thursday, March 28, at 8 p.m. in advisor of the president for national security Hancock to serve as Executive Director of McDaniel Lounge at Western Maryland Col- affairs and as chief of the cabinet of the minis- the statewide organization of cities and lege. ter of foreign affairs. towns. The Ambassador, brought to campus by For more information call the President's In addition to functioning as MML's pri- WMC Trustee Alleck Resnick, participated in Office at 410/857-2220. mary lobbyist at the local, state and national the Camp David peace negotiations between Courtesy of Public Information level, Mr. Hancock is the chief executive of- ficer of MML and as such is responsible for administering the association's financial op- RAPE MYTH erations, personal and services to the mem- bership. • ,I Hancock served as town manager in two New England communities immediately Myth prior to joining MML. From 1981-1990, Women often claim rape when it never happened Hancock served as town manager in Snow Hill, Maryland in 1980. Hancock graduated from Western Mary- Fact land College in 1977 and holds a master's in management and supervision from Cen- This myth is believed by many people. Because of the stigma tral Michigan University. A native of Hancock will be taking the helm of the MML attached to rape, and because they aren't sure what happened Pocomoke City, Maryland, he and his wife as the new Executive Director. Ellen have two children, Alex age 5 and MML works to strengthen the role and ca- was rape, many victims delay reporting the crime, if they Carrie age 3. pacity of municipal government through report at all. The difficulty of proving rape in the courtroom The Maryland Municipal League is a a program of services that include legisla- nonprofit, nonpartisan association represent- tive representation, research, training and practically assures that only cases with substantial ing 151 city and town governments and two technical assistance. evidence ever go to trial. special taxing districts throughout Maryland. Courtesy of Maryland Municipal League
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