Page 137 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 137
NEWS Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 5 New registration process to take effect this semester New affinity group equitable system. But we'll see. in the mail. Continued from page 1 It's a new system so there'll be It is very important to note that 10 contact the Registrar's Office at bugs to work out; so, please bear this will be the only copy the stu- takes place of SSW x215 or x216, and reschedule their with us. It's really hard to deter- dent will receive unless changes are appointments. Students are also mine how many appointments to made to their schedules. By AMY HANNA the Studen't Safety Watch and ex- able to return during a free time slot schedule at a given time. Upon obtaining the Courses of StajfWritu pressed their concerns and the need at the middle and end of each day Since we've never done this Instruction booklet, students must WMC students have formed an for more involvement in the pro- to tum in your schedule. before, it's basically a guessing meet with their advisors to acquire organization in order to take CARE gram. The Registrar's Office reminds game at this point. But, it should their course request forms which of the campus and residents. CARE subsequently took over students that they may return dur- help improve some of the past reg- will have their individual appoint- Well, recently this has all the reigns of the SSW and thus ap- ing any time slot after their origi- istration problems to some ex- ment limes listed at the top. Stu- changed due to the establishment of plied for Affinity Housing based on nally-scheduled appointment, tent." dents' basic biographical data will a new affinity group here at WMC. this affiliation, as well as the stu- whether it's that day or the day af- When asked it she thought also be noted on the form. CARE (Community safety, Ad- dents' involvement with admissions. ter, etc. WMC may adopt a phone-in reg- If there are any corrections to be missions, Recruitment, Education) "It all happened very quickly. We The only way to change an ac- istration (like the University of made, students are to note them on was originated at the beginning of had wanted a faculty advisor closely tual appointment time is if you have Maryland system) in the future, their forms. Yet, if there are cor- this semester by seven freshmen. related to both aspects of our group. a class, special studies, or an intern- Shaffer said it was all a question recuons to be made concerning They saw the need for such a But, Campus Safety has been unable ship during the scheduled time. of money. ,major/minor/advisor information, group and decided to initiate one. to help us with the planning of our Any other conflicts will have to be The Registrar's Office will be see the Registrar's Office and com- These entrepreneurs of CARE in- group thus far. On the Admissions resolved by either attending a free looking into it during the next few plete the appropriate forms. clude Aaron Corbett, Michelle forefront, though, we have Julie time slot or an open day (Friday, years - beginning possibly with The Registrar's Office reminds Garvey, Crystal Hagan, Scot Biddinger as our sponsor. Basically, April 19). the graduate school. Then, if the students that they will facilitate the Hoover, Meghan Joyce, Wanda we had really wanted advisors on The Registrar's Office does not system goes well at that point, it preregistration process it they have Malihom, and Jameson Pain. both sides of the spectrum," noted have enough staff to reschedule may be adopted for the under- done the following: one, filed their Several of the members noticed Corbett and Pain. appointments based on outside ap- graduate program, as well. health records with student health how dark the campus had become CARE also patrols the campus pointments, conflicts, etc. services; two, obtained appropriate and how it produced an unsafe en- between II p.m. and I a.m. on Fri- According to current Registrar HI think it [the new signatures on their registration vironment for students. days and Saturdays in which they do Barbara Shaffer, as some students forms: three, met all prerequisites; Members Aaron Corbett and a "walkthrough" of the campus look- need classes more than others, this . system] sucks four, selected alternative courses. Scot Hoover attended a Dean's Chat ing for suspicious behavior andlor system seems to be more fair on a because it makes it In the end, with the arrival of a and spoke with Dean Sayre regard- activity. whole. new registration process, an old tra- ing this problem. They are equipped with phoning Not only will it be a better sys- harder for people dition will be lost. In the past, stu- As a direct result of their efforts, devices which are used to contact tem for students in that they won't who need certain dents camped outside the Forum for a new light has been added by the Campus Safety in the event of an have to camp out, it will also be Registration. Some looked forward gazebo, the lights lining the stairs emergency. less stressful on the faculty and classes and credit to it, yet just as many detested it. between Whiteford and Hill have In addition to patrolling, CARE staff as the appointments will be hours to get them in Freshman Kathi Snyder didn't been lighted, and further lighting has provides an escort service through- spread out during the entire day. like the camping out idea because been added behind PELC. out the course of the entire week, as The change has been brewing order to graduate!" she saw it as unfair based on the In addition, it has been specu- well. for quite a few years now as a di- numbering systems (which didn't lated that Red Square will be receiv- Through this, they act as a liai- rect result of the long lines and Paul Charbonnier work) and the frigid temperatures. ing at least one safety phone. As it son between Campus Safety and stu- camping outside of the Forum. Snyder said, "I think this new is, the nearest phones to that loca- dents. And, they hope that students ._ 11 'J< A.s Shaffer formerly worked at There are i1so a few other system will be more fair to the stu- tion are at' McDaniel, Daniel will feel more comfortable calling on both University of Maryland and changes which will be accompa- dents as a whole." MacLae, Whiteford, and inside the their peers as escorts. Johns 'Hopkins, she familiarized nying this year's registration pro- Yet, Sophomore Paul Library, when it's open. With this, they hope to increase herself with their modes of regis- cess. Charbonnier vehemently disagreed 'The purpose of the program is the usage of their newly-created pro- tration. It will be the first time that a with Snyder's view. "I think it [the to ensure the safety of incoming stu- gram. She also has contacts at Villa personal computer and printer will new system] sucks because it makes dents, as well as those returning. We Advertising will begin at the start Julie which has been successfully be on hand in the Forum. it harder for people who need cer- believe that students helping other of next semester for this service. using this system for a few years This will help eliminate carbon tain classes and credit hours to get students will be more effective and But, in the meantime, students now. copies of registration forms. And, them in order to graduate!" more accessible to everyone on cam- may obtain student escorts by call- Coincidentally, they have the students will be able to have their Horneff hit it right on the nose pus," stated Malihom and Garvey. ing Campus Safety (x202), Aaron same computer system as WMC; schedules put directly into "the when she said, "Nothing works in Upon the creation of the group, Corbett (x8510), Scot Hoover this allowed our Registrar's Office system" and have a print-out copy pleasing everyone. Registration is several members met with the up- (x8440), or Jameson Pain (,,8454). to obtain the needed software from of their schedules when they leave basically a no-win situation." perclassmen formerly in charge of that school. Registration; this will eliminate MD Student Legislature Shaffer said, "I think it's a more having to wait for them to arrive Alcohol use and behavior commission By SARAH SNELL Cheryl Kagan (D) of Montgom- At the end of the seminar, Continued from page J "it's up to them to change." StajfWriter ery County. those attending participated in a Long also said that one reason On Saturday, March 2, Western In a lO-way race, involving mission will de-emphasize in- she believes students drink heavily Maryland College was represented two incumbents, Kagan took the mock debate of a bill requesting creased enforcement because of is because "it's a small college, by seven of its students at the single uninhabited seat against the elimination of public funding student input. there aren't many places to go. Maryland Student Legislature her other eight opponents. of the National Endowment for "What we are finding out from Leadership Training Institute in the Arts and the National Endow- belief Kagan has a strong that, students is that they tend to drink Some students probably feel that the Legislative Services Building especially at the state level, "one ment for the Humanities. The drunk is the only thing to getting responsibly at parties, where they in Annapolis. person can make a difference in bill was ultimately defeated. want a relaxed social atmosphere," do." Some schools were deterred by WMC students attending the "Is it the college's responsibil- politics." conference were Freshmen Scot Horneff commented .. ity to provide things to do, 24 the bad weather, which gave the She authored the bill to out- Problems arise when, to escape conference a late start. After an Hoover, Amy Hanna, Aaron hours a day, or should students be law tinted license plate covers in Corbett, Sophomores Allison enforcement of alcohol laws and expected to occupy themselves? half-hour delay, MSL Governor Maryland which was passed. It college policy, students get drunk Susan Dill opened the meeting Forman, Cody Northcutt, Jeff That's one of the things we [the is unusual for a freshman to have Seltz, and Junior Sarah Snell. in their rooms. commission] will take a look at," with an overview of the confer- a bill signed into law, she ex- Dcnielle Long, an RA who is ence and the subsequent April 19- plained. on the commission, says that alco- Horneffadded. Dean 21 conference. Sayre also believes that alcohol is "The best defense is a good of- Get involved, and hol abuse can create problems for no more of a problem here than Following Dill was an expla- fense," Kagan said of negative her. In certain areas of her juris- anywhere else. nation of the process of bill and advertisement. She added that write for the diction, students don't drink "" resolution creating by MSL Del- she did not use negative advertis- The commissions role is to find sponsibly and vandalism, excessive egate from the University of ing in her campaign, but "had Phoenix. out how students feel about the is- noise and trash (and worse things) MarylandlBaltimore County Jody stuff ready to go" if necessary. sue. Dean Sayre also said he is end up in the hallways. Uncertain what, if any, recommen- Kaplan. A bill is a proposal for a In the past, Kagan was always "I think the students drink more dations the commission will make. change in law, while a resolution active in politics, but mostly on responsibly and don't give me too The goal, he says, is to dis- is more of a suggestion. the national level. She formerly Call x8600 for many problems," Long stated. cover "how we can make the com- Speaking at the MSL confer- worked with Sarah Brady on the more details. She hopes that kind of behav- ence was 34 year-old Delegate munity better." gun control bill, she said. ior can spread to other students, but
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