Page 136 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 136
Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 4 COMMENTARY Is DOLE FOR THE SOAPBOX MARYLAND? I Adam Dean I hat is honor? In the I noticed that there were a few cans and other that dictionary pocket I Amy Hanna • W happen to have handy, it is de- I trash lying on the floor. Honor is what made me pick them up. "Damn it" I thought, "I'm fined as "respect; credit." But respect from better than this. It is my right to live in a ob Dole. Who is this man, and why "adult leadership" throughout his campaign who? Is a man who is a liar and cheater in clean, comfortable residence hall. I am not are Marylanders so enthralled with advertisements. As a member of Congress private, when no one else is around or will going to let some pathetic, immature little Bhim? As the current Senate Major- for 33 years, the Senator also calls on his find out, but strictly honest in public, an hon- twit insult me and my honor by living in a ity Leader, Dole was able to win the primary World War II experience as one his main orable one? Notice that I said "man" here. I pigpen." Honor takes a person and raises him election in Maryland with over 50-percent strongholds. do not claim that women do not have honor, out of the mud. Honor takes you from the of the popular vote. And, since this bout, But, how does this candidate feel about only that my viewpoint on this subject is level of the animals and makes you a human two of his opponents, Lamar Alexander and key issues which face our nation? And, how rather limited by biology. And since I, my- being. Dick Lugar, have taken their hats out of the does this reflect Republican voters in Mary- self, am severely estrogen deficient, and This world is filled with males of the race. With their anticipated withdrawals, land? On the issue of abortion, Dole report- therefore can not see the world from behind human species, but there are very few men. some experts note that it will make it easier edly opposes it except in cases of rape, in- a pair of breasts: we are going to discuss Manhood is not a function of biology. It is cest, or when the mother's life would be in honor from a masculine viewpoint. something that you must earn through your is the Honor due to the pregnancy. actions. On the issue offoreign danger Economically, he supports a balanced exam, The other day as I was about to take an thoughts and your which you achieve it. All called mechanism through I was asked to sign something policy, Dole supports US budget and cites the eradication of the fed- an "honor code." And I started to contem- honor is self respect. Honor is not stuffy 18th Century gentlemen plate this topic. What is meant by "honor"? off in a duel, or eco- eral deficit as a crucial step in furthering facing intervention overseas - nomic growth. Dole also supports NAFfA Is it important? Who decides what is honor- knights trying to whack each other off their such as in Bosnia. Yet, he (North Atlantic Free Trade Agreement) and able and what is not? Is honor in decline, or horses. Honor is not violence, or other free-trade agreements, "as long as US has it merely been redefined? And what is pompousness. The whole notion of "defend- opposes placing US rights under these agreements are strictly honor worth? ing one's honor" is a farce, because true observed." And, he favors tax cuts; yet he From my perspective, honor is a very honor can never be attacked. Honor is that troops under the has been unclear as to where these cuts would personal, very vulnerable part of you that lets little part of you enthroned in your heatt that command of the United stem from. policy, Dole sup- you know Honor who you are and what you are makes you want to do what is right because worth. is a form of self esteem that and to those around On the issue of foreign you owe it to yourself Nations. ports US intervention overseas - such as in makes a man more than just a chimp with you. Bosnia. Yet, he opposes placing US troops pants. Honor is doing what you know in your True honor can be one of the strongest Amy Hanna under the command of the United Nations. heart of hearts you owe to yourself. Honor forces in the world, transcending self pres- . With all of these issues in mind, should tells you why you do not cheat on that test, ervation, desire, temptation, hatred, love and for Dole to solidify his support among mod- this indicate that all Republican-voting tell that "little white lie" to get what you want all the lesser emotions. All that is great about erate Republicans. Yet, he still needs 996 Marylanders support these issues as well? or take unfair or unjust advantage ofa situa- man, heroism, self sacrifice, love of the truth delegates to win the party nomination. No. It just means that they are familiar with tion. Honor makes you get up at 7 in the and righteousness are fired by honor. The Dole was able to crush his chief rival in Dole and aware of his lengthy political ex- morning so you do not miss your first class. nex.t time you sit .down at an exam and are the Free State, defeating Pat Buchanan 3+ perience. But, what this does mean is that, Honor makes you not abuse your body by faced with signing WMC's honor code, don't to-l . Adhering to his argument that experi- with his many wins throughout the nation overeating, drinking to excess or taking il- be insulted. Rather look upon it as an affir- ence is what his party needs, the 72-year- - Maryland included-, Dole is well on his licit drugs. You know who you are and what mation of _your humanity and of your own old is the oldest man in history to emerge'as way to becoming the Republican nominee. you are. You know that you are worth a more personal greatness. a prime contender for the presidency. Dole Amy Hanna is a Political Science and His- than that. Adam Dean is a sophomore Political Science projects the need for a national return to tory Major with a minor in Joumalism.('99) This moming as I walked down the hall, Major. THE REMNANT OPINION I Naida Zecevic • ately, I have encountered many ques In order for lasting peace to be reinstated again. Out of fear they will make sure that the government never wanted the occupa- tions with regards to the latest in Bosnia, her people have to be convinced the areas they live in are empty of Serbs al- tion of American troops. It is very clear to L Bosnian peace accord signed in Day- that they will be protected by the interna- though these Serbs may well be supporting them that these soldiers are putting their lives ton, Ohio. For optimists it meant that the tional community. This does not require the multi ethnic Bosnia. in danger and that such a sacrifice is not nec- Balkan crises finely came to its end and that sending of American troops, but it does de- The Dayton peace agreement does not essary nor important. The Bosnian people with the help of the West, Bosnian people mand that genocide, perpetuated by the vio- provide the essential elements for peace in and the government would have preferred will finely start to reason. In this article I lent Serb fraction, is not rewarded with 49% Bosnia. On one side, it left Bosnians de- to be supported from the air and given weap- hope to express some realistic and serious of Bosnian territory. It also asks that one of manding justice for their dead, demanding ons to defend themselves. But they never had concerns held by people who support Bosnia its perpetrators is not signing the peace their land, and security. On the other side, any choice in such matters. The great pow- in its multi-ethnic fonn. The Dayton peace agreement in Paris as we saw it happening the Dayton peace left Chetniks (Bosnian ers decided what is best for Bosnia. Ameri- accord will not create a modem state out of can presence is making Bosnians extremely Bosnia. In fact, it will destroy what ever was The Dayton peace agreement does not provide the nervous because there is an apparent chance left of its multiculturalism. of American casualties. It is a common as- When fighting in Bosnia started it was essential elements.for peace in Bosnia. sumption that they will then withdraw and not a civil war as many have argued. In my the whole world will easily abandon Bosnia. opinion, that argument is exactly the wrong Naida Zecevi It will be remembered as a hopeless case assumption about Bosnia, and that logic has rather then a place where just peace was intensified and prolonged the conflict. In its in the case of Serbian president Slobodan Serbs allied with Milosevic and Karadzic in never attempted. first year the majority of the Bosnian popu- Milosevic. At the same time peoples, mostly I the campaign of genocide) with a completely During the war people sympathetic to the lation supported and believed in its existence Croat and Muslim, who suffered genocide distorted picture of the Bosnian war given Bosnian cause as well as Bosnians them- as a whole. Since the international commu- could only agree to a unified country if their to them by Serbian propaganda. Told to fear selves were shocked one time after another nity decided to keep the embargo against present enemies would admit their guilt. Oth- other Bosnians, they are leaving their houses of criminal nature, ignorance, and indiffer- some Bosnians and, therefore, perpetuated erwise, their suffering will remain in them behind. The present peace accord is in fact ence of our world leaders such as Douglas their victimization, for'ces of nationalism as though it never happened and will only encouraging segregation' of Bosnia which is Hurd, Boutros Boutros Gali, Presidents Bush were allowed to grow. The lifting of the em- grow into hatred and nationalism. Today, in in itself unstable, artificial, and dangerous. and Clinton, Mitterand, ... etc. At the time bargo would have ended the war sooner as Sarajevo, which was the shining example of It may sound unappreciative that Bosnian Bosnian people and their supporters still had well as kept this multi-ethnic group unified. a multi ethnical existence, this hatred is al- people feel angered and disillusioned after energy 10 be angry, to argue, and believe. Unfortunately, as bloodshed continued, some ready appearing. In the Bosnian countryside the international community put so much The Dayton peace accord leaves them wonc people in order to survive went to a side it has already been there awhile. Many money and time in their crises. American dering when the next genocide will occur as which did provide. support for them and did Bosnian Muslim and Croat communities fear troops are now in Bosnia as well which well as weary and confused about the pur- not keep them defenseless. This was the na- another genocide in which the international seems as the ultimate sacrifice for the peace. pose and legitimacy of our systems. tionalistic side. community will possibly abandon them I have to say that the Bosnian people and Naida Zecive is a progressive student.
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