Page 134 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 134
Thursday, March 14, 1996 - Page 2 COMMENTARY Staff RUMINATIONS -------11 Michelle Hamilton, Editor-In-Chief tl------ Editor.In.Chief Michelle A. Hamilton '98 Managing Editor Sarah E. Sheckells '97 ith the new changes in Glar this small minority that has been behaving in this and immature. Behavior such as this needs Advertising Manager semester, people have voiced sev manner, it leaves the remaining students with to be stopped immediately, and other stu- Elizabeth Valuet '98 W eral opinions regarding the a poor environment. dents need to take a stand against it. changes. While some have chosen to ma- The students that demonstrated this be- As students, we need to voice that these News Editors turely express their opinions about the reno- havicr claimed that they were unsatisfied actions are unacceptable and we won't tol- Grant A. Rice '99 vations through accepted techniques such as with the changes Glar made. It doesn't re- erate them from our peers. It's rather dis- Christian Wilwohl '98 talking to the Glar managers and napkin ally matter why those few students were turbing that despite the improvements Glar notes, others have not reacted in these ways. upset, it does not give them the right to de- has made: variety of vegetarian foods, Features Editors Food has been thrown on the walls and stray the newly renovated cafeteria or the fresher meals, and more variety overall, these Jonathon Shacat '98 floor, chairs have been broken, and trays right to inhibit other students' comfort within particular students have chosen to focus on Jennifer Vick '98 have deliberately not been returned. This the cafeteria. Throwing food on the floor what they DON'T like in such a negative kind of behavior from students, especially does nothing to change issues that students way. Sports Editors college students, is not only unacceptable, may have about Glar; instead it reinforces I would encourage any student who has Carolyn Barnes '99 but embarrassing. While it is only a very the idea to onlookers that we are ungrateful a problem with the newly renovated Glar to write to The Phoenix, John Manard '97 or even write a napkin meet with a manager, It's time we note. LETTERS To THE Photography Staff start acting like adults and handling situa- Meghan Gross '98 tions like adults. It is disappointing that a Aden Moges '97 few students, at this point in their life, have John Manard '97 EDITOR 'not realized how to do that. It also is unfor- Liz Clark '99 tunate that they give the restofus abad repu- hope, for their sake, that Heather Jacoby '98 1 Sarah Snell I tation. I sincerely learn how to deal with situa- those students Circulation Manager tions that they find unfavorable in a posi- Laurie Cicero '98 tive, constructive manner in the near future. recent article in the Carroll County ICS, whether that was Slater's intention or not. If you have a letter to the editor, please General Staff Times prompted me to write my I do not appreciate the defamation of the submit it before April 2. 1996 to be included Aaron Ahlburn '97 A very first editorial. Reporter Sherry department I am a student of. in the April 11th issue. Letters can be Aaron Corbett '99 Slater had an article published in the Feb. Contributing to the degradation of dropped in the Phoenix box by the informa- Becky Cockerill '99 29 edition of the paper entitled, "Local stu- WMC's reputation is the arrangement of the tion desk or e-mailed to mahOO1. Adam Dean '98 dents act as delegates from Brazi1." The story. The inverted pyramid form of writing Joshua Foster '96 article was about the recent trip to Boston is used in journalism, because studies show Amy Hanna '99 for the Harvard UN simulation by Western that most readers do not have the time or VOTER Meghan Joyce '99 Maryland College and Carroll Community interest to read entire articles. Inverted pyra- Nicki Kassolis '99 College. mid means that the most important facts go is it pre- APATHY Stacey McIntyre '99 As a student of political science with a first. Is this proposal the most important re- Mike Puskar '99 minor in journalism at WMC, I was ex- sult from the conference? Why Heather Reese '96 tremely perturbed at the handling of the ar- sented first? I feel it is a highly unbalanced Todd Retchless '97 ticleby Slater. and derogatory story at the cost ofWMC stu- Sarah Snell '98 First, paragraphs three through seven dents and staff. Cameron Speir '97 concentrated on a bill presented which dealt The positive things which resulted from Emily Stamathis '99 with the legalization of drug exportation the conference, such as the hard work in the nother election year has Robin Zimmerly '99 from Brazil, the country WMC represented. January term course, the professional level come to visit it~ ritualistic True, this was an amusing anecdote about of the school's presentation, and the other A agony and depression upon the Adviser the conference with a colorful quote from issues studied about Brazil, were saved un- people from sea to shining sea, and another Terry A Dalton Dr. Charles Neal, political science profes- til the 25th and 26th paragraphs. Most read- chance for the American people to hear the sor and faculty sponsor, but, what of the 14 ers would never reach that far into the story. polls with wonder and amazement which re- other proposals presented by WMC? A parent of a perspective WMC student veal that more Americans are worried about None of them are even mentioned. Not may suddenly change their mind about send- what will happen to Monica, Joey, Rachel, The Phoenix is published biweekly. until the 20th paragraph does Slater men- ing their child here after reading this story Chandler, Ross, and Phoebe. The voters in The opinions expressed do not necessar- tion that there were any other proposals at because of the obvious and unfair slant. the exit polling are once again stating with a ily represent those of The Phoenix staff, all. In journalism, this is known as burying As a concerned student at WMC, I was loud and clear voice that they want some- the faculty, or the administrators of the facts. highly offended by this story and I hope that one else to be a candidate because (hey just WMC. Because of the late mention of the other other students agree with me. As a journal- aren't happy with the field of candidates on The paper welcomes free-lance sub- proposals, the article came across as label- ism student, I am astonished at the bias their ballots. ~~~~~~~ missions on Macintosh disks in most ing WMC students as drug-dealing alcohol- shown in this story. The problem is one which is inescapable word processor formats. The editor re- 1 Jim Boicourt I in our system of government, and in our so- serves {he right to edit for clarity, length, ciety. Quite simply, the fact is that America and libel and to publish as space permits. is a nation growing increasingly diverse, and All submissions (excluding self-ad- with this diversity which advertisements and dressed diskettes) become the property whole-heartedly agree. with Mi~helle criticizing two of the front page headlines. pundits claim to be a strength, there can be of The Phoenix and cannot be returned. Hamilton's commentary III the last Issue. This was an excellent opportunity for him no clear candidate which embodies the no- Please include a name and phone IWMC should expand opportunities for to encourage students to read the Phoenix tions of the best possible leader for all people. number for verification. Names will be access to the computer labs on the weekends. critically. Instead, he laughed, shook his The whole idea of diversity is that there are withheld only by lhe discretion of the Studying in residence halls is not practical head, let the paper slip to the floor and people who are different and they should not Editor-in-Chief. on Friday or Saturday night. Additionally, dropped the issue entirely. This teacher's be forced nor should they be coerced into a The Phoenix does not discriminate WMC offers little in the way of social ac- actions were inconsistent with the First Prin- way of life or a paradigm that does not seem based on age, race, religion, gender, tivities on weekends. As a result, many stu- cipals of Western Maryland College as stated natural to their cultural background or to sexual orientation, national origin, con- dents are left with little to do at these times. in the 1995-1996 Undergraduate Catalog. their emerging world view. dition of handicap, or marital status. Michelle is right, the school's academic phi- "Western Maryland College believes that So, who is the candidate for these diverse losophy is not consistent with their policies liberally educated men and women think and interests of society? Just call him Apathy. Mail to: regarding "access to materials they need for act critically, creatively, and humanely. We These people will still continue to go to the The Phoenix success." If WMC can open either lab dur- strive to place students at the center of a polls and vote for whoever they feel is the WMC, 2 College Hill ing these times, I'm sure that they would be humane environment so that they may see less of the evils they are given and then they Westminster, MD 21157 utilized not only by myself but by other stu- and work toward their personal goals while will gripe and complain when things aren't dents. respecting others and sharing responsibility the way they want them to be. In a system (410) 751-8600 On another matter; one of my professors for the common good" (p II). where self managed candidates anoint them- (410) 876ยท2055, ext 8600 came to class last week with a copy of The Jim Boicourt is a Communication Ma- selves to be the true representatives of the FAX: (410) 857-2729 Phoenix in his hand. He made comments jor. people's will, this is just a reality.
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