Page 13 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 13
Scoreboard Field Hockey. Cross Country... ; FootBall M's & W's Soccer. Students Complain of Electrical Problems Residence Life says there's no reason to worry. By ADAM DEAN cert Staff Wrirer Recently, residents of West em Dixieland, German and American Maryland College have been expe- march music for a crowd of about riencing troubles with the electri- 200 in Baker Memorial Chapel The group, which has already cal system on campus. Whiteford, Wenesday, September 20. _, toured the l..l.S. four times, has also McDaniel and Blanche halls seem Co-founded in 1958 by Ger- performed at events such as the to be the most affected by these man and American music enthusi- 2(}()th anniversary of Los Angeles. troubles. asts, the Ensemble is comprised of The brass orchestra is distin- According to Latrice 35 musicians ages 18 to 35 whose guished by its wide raageallowing QuickJey, a first yem' student and tour of the U S 'includedstops to for an extensive repertoire of works Whiteford resident, "Whenever I Did you know? by such composers as Bizet, Ander go into my room and tum on some- >The Brass Orchestra Lloyd Webber and Bernstein. thing, like a fan, ... the lights dim." The program on Wenesday in- Another Whiteford resident has 150 members cluded a wide range of music, vary- complained, "These dimming >They were originally ing from Michael Jackson's "Heal the lights are strange. I'm worried that named "New Choir World," to Broadway show tunes. it might be [something] dangerous, Community Berlin" in Conductor Axel Wolff has [like] a fire hazard." 1935. been directing this ISO member or- Other students mentioned that ganization since 1986. He cur- in addition to the dimming lights, >The youth band has rently works as a tax official in they had trouble with circuit break- performed at the 200th Berlin but devotes all of his free ers being thrown, or other power anniversary of L.A. time to music and the Ensemble. outages. Many people were con- >This group performs The program was sponsored cerned with the explosion near every year at the Berlin by the German Ambassador, the Peterson Hall a few weeks ago. German Club and Suite, and the Casey Dean. class of '99, said, Zoo on Whitesunday. foreign language department. "The transformer or whatever that will go up, like ka- Student Gov't revamps blew up got me worried that this Inside whole place boom!" %ePfwe~ According to Scott Kane, Di- Plans on being more proactive, according to Mulhern rector of Residence Life, the elec- Commentary .•••..•...2 trical problems on campus are BY CHRISTIAN WJLWOHL their representatives. According to President "pretty serious" but not dangerous Staf(Wriler There are several changes in Mulhern, the SGA Constitution Cartoon debut .......3 to students. He said that unautho- The Student Government As the election process this year. For has not been revised since 1987. rized room air conditioners had sembly recently held elections for instance, candidates may run only Right now, SGA is in the process New ROTC Instruc- been causing some trouble, as have the class of 1999. There are not for a single office. In the past, can- of rewriting the organization'S con- the large number of electrical ap- only new first year student repre- didates who did not win the presi- stitution. One major purpose of tor 4 pliances used by students in the sentatives in SGA, but there arc dential election could run for one the new constitution is to restruc- Classifieds 4 1990's. new policies, voting procedures, of the representative positions. ture SGA's many committees. According to Kane, "students and a new Constitution this year as Now a candidate must choose only Expressing her interest in in- Food Committee 4 expect to use a lot of electric de- well. one office for which he or she creasing campus awareness of vices now that were not in use when Looking forward to his posi- wishes to run. SGA. Mulhern would like SGA Feminist Art S many of these buildings were con- tion in the organization, Paul Luse, In addition, candidates must to be more "proactive for stu- New faculty 7,8 structed. Hair dryers, stereos, TVs President of the Class of 1999, said present a picture of themselves dents." To accomplish this, SGA and computers all use electricity, he is "enthusiastic about being able along with their applications. Fa- instituted a hot line this year, cam- Freshmen surviving but when these buildings were put to participate in SGA." cilitating the election process, pus extension 631, advertised by up, theY,;-veren't in use in large The election pool consisted of four President Brandy Mulhern felt that the teal-colored flyers around cam- first semester 9 numbers. presidential and five senatorial can- this new procedure would enable pus. The hotline's purpose is for He also mentioned the new didates. The first-year students the first year students to match a students to express their problems Dean honored 9 Microfridges may be taking up elected Paul Luse as their president name and a face when voting, and concerns to SGA, which 60 Seconds ll more than their fair share of the and Amy Absher, 'Amanda which can be especially difficult would then be referred to the See Electricity on p.5 Hofstetter, and Aaron Corbett as after only a few weeks of school. See SGA, p.4
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