Page 15 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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News The Phoenix Thursday, September 28, 1995, Page 3 Two kudos GRISE offers fellowship grants to graduates for you! -Hollaender postdoctoral available •Grads get helping hand from DOE By HARRY SINGER ORISE news release recipient of DOE's Enrico Students considering the con- mission of a fellowship application CirculationlProtnOliollManager Recent recipients of doc- Fermi Award and former direc- tinuation of their educational ca- and completion of the Graduate A new column that is dedi- toral degrees in the life, bio- tor of the Biology Division at reers should look to the U.S. De- Record Examination (ORE). Stu- cated to those who help their medical, and environmental sci- Oak Ridge National Laboratory. partment of Energy (DOE) for a dents must have received their un- fellow mankind in completely ences, and related disciplines Hollaender is well known helpful hand. dergraduate degrees in a science or selfless ways. I strongly be- are eligible to apply for the for his outstanding contribu- Tens of thousands of dollars engineering discipline by August lieve that if someone out of the U.S. Department of Energy tions to biological research as are available for students interested 1996. kindness of their heart helps _'(DOE) Alexander Hollaender well as his support of education in pursuing master's or doctoral Selection is based on academic another person, the person(s) Distinguished Postdoctoral Fel- and training. degrees in such areas as nuclear performance, recommendations, who performed the task should lowship Program sponsored by Since its inception in 1986, engineering, applied health phys- and a statement of career goals by be credited. And what better the DOE Office of Health and the Hollaef!:der program has ics, radioactive waste management, the applicant. way is there to be credited than Environmental Research awarded nearly 70 fellowships. and industrial hygiene. Fellowship applications are in the school newspaper. For (OHER). An applicant must be a U.S. Graduate fellowship programs being taken through Jan. 29, 1996, example, the dean of first year The program is adminis- citizen or permanent resident at sponsored by DOE and adminis- and awards will be announced in students, Barbara Disharoon tered by the Oak Ridge Institute the time of application and must tered by the Oak Ridge Institute for April 1996. For applications or told me that a couple of years for Science and Education have received the doctoral de- Science and Education provide full additional information, contact ago in the dead of winter, two (ORISE). gree (or M.D. or D.V.M.) after payment of tuition and fees, Tom Richmond or Rose Etta Cox, Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity Each fellowship is served April 30. 1994, or expect 10 monthly stipends, and the oppor- aRISE Fellowship Programs, Oak brothers were walking by her for one year and is renewable complete all requirements for tunity to gain practical experience Ridge Institute for Science and house on their way into town. for up to one additional year. such a degree before starling at a DOE laboratory. Awards vary Education, SciencelEngineering Upon seeing her shoveling her The stipend is $37.500 for the the appointment. depending on the specific program Education Division, P.O. Box II? walkway, they spontaneously first year and $40,500 for the The starting date must be and the degree being pursued. OakRidge, Tenn. 37831-0117,or decided to shovel the rest it for second. between May 1 and September All programs require the sub- call 1-800-569-7749. her. This is the type of good Fellows are also eligible 30, 1996. deed that I would like to see for limited reimbursements to The program is open to all more of and hear more about cover medical insurance and qualified persons without re- CAPBoard around the WMC community. inbound moving expenses. gard to race, age, gender, reli- Two Kudos for them! Research topics include en- gion, color, national origin, If you know someone who vironmental processes and ef- mental or physical disability, or presents: has done a noteworthy good fects, global change research, status as a disabled veteran or deed, and you want them or health effects and biological veteran of the Vietnam War era. yourself recognized in The processes, human genome re- The deadline to apply is Batman Phoenix, please send me the search, physical and techno- Jan. 15, 1996, and the an- persons full name, their exten- logical research, and applica- nouncement of awards will be sion, and a description of the tions of energy sciences and made in May 1996. good deed that the persons in- technology. .. An application form is re- Forever volved have performed to: Fellowships can be served quired. To receive information Harry Singer, Two Kudos For at any national laboratory, uni- and an application packet, write You! Column, Box 1147. The versity, or private facility as to: Friday, Sept. 29 person can either be a student long as the proposed adviser is Science/Engineering Educa- or a faculty member. I will funded by.OHER. Up to five tion Division, Oak Ridge Insti- write about the deeds that in- fellowships will be awarded tute for Science and Education, 7 p.m. & 9:30 p.m, dividuals, groups, or organiza- this year. P.G. Box 117, Oak Ridge, Tenn. tions have done. I want to re- The program was estab- 37831-0117. ceive information about all of lished in memory of the late Dr. Or for more inoformation Decker Auditorium the good deeds that our com- Alexander Hollaender, the 1983 call (423) 576-9975. munity has achieved! Phone survey to be held by WMC's Social Research Center Courtesy of Public Information Office Area residents will have achance to participate iri a survey concerning issues of homelessness, hunger and poverty conducted by Western Mary- land College'S Social Research Center during the first two weeks of October. The infonnation collected in teh survey - which was commissioned by tow non-profit associations and funded by a Jesse Bal DuPont grant-will be used to increase awareness of these so- cial problems. Prticipants will be called at randon and all i nfonnation will re- ' main anonymous. Therewill be no solicitaion of funds. For more infonnation call Dr. Debra Lemke at 410-857-2533 of Dr. Ronald Tait at410-857-2530.
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