Page 16 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 16
News The Phoenix 4 WMC welcomesnewROTC instructor Capt. Burke By STAFF WRITERS Many faculty and students said good-bye this summer to two or ROTC's instructors, Ruben Navarro and Mike Drumheller. Although some are sad to see them go, their replacement shines new light on the face of the ROTC program. Originally from Ridgewood, NJ, CiPtain Matthew Burke followed the footsteps of his four brothers and sought a commissioned in the Armed Forces. After graduating with a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Day- year's ROTC program at WMC ton, Ohio in 1990, Capt. Burke was as- IWll1C-·Bu,jap'''' was reached in Sep- more Sun. signed to the Army's Transportation Since his arrival, Capt. Burke has re- 1993 and the first freshman Corps and headed to Ft. Eustis for his peatedly expressed enthusiasm for the began the next falL WMC de- Six-month Officer Basic Course (OBC). Western Maryland College community as which students are admitted, ap- After completion of OBC, Capt. well as for WMC's corps of cadets. faculty and develops curricu- Burke was sent to Germany, his tours Admittingly challenged by the goals . Day-to-day operations are taken including Russelsheim, Frankfurt, and of the ROTC program, Capt. Burke's faith of in Budapest. Hanau. Capt. Burke learned valuable and determination are illustrated in his is very likely the best pre- leadership skills as he served as United thoughts of ROTC as building character, its kind, anywhere. It's one Nations High Commissioner for Refu- leadership, endurance, and confidence. best things we've got going," gees (UNHCR) during a five month stay According to Captain Burke, "the Re- Chambers. WMC-Budapest in Antwerp, Belgium followed by a six serve Officer Training Corps is an excel- praise from the U.S. State De- month duty tour of Bosnia. lent way to develop an individual as a the Hungarian Foreign Min- After his return from Bosnia, Capt. whole." Middle States Association of Burke attended the Army's Logistics Capt. Burke's goals for the ROTC pro- and Schools and the Balti- Management College (LA1ytC) for six gram entail a mix of confidence building months at FI. Lee, Va. From Virginia, exercises and events with fun activities as that to Westminster Food Committee hard at work to Capt. Burke traveled as a valuable part well as' ensuring at WMC the cadets that are for are prepared where commissioned he now serves of WMC's ROTC program. their military careers. make Glar more tempting SGA,from p.l Classified What first comesto mind when I-r~,--'-P appropriate SGA comrmuee. The you think of a good meal's committee's responsibility is to act upon Ads home cooking and its aromas filling the students' concerns and include the the house orthe food in Glar? Well, students in the problem-solving process. Only $0. J 5 per word if you are like a great deal of other In addition,"the public relations commit- Call ext. 8600 or send studentshereatWMC,youprobably tee is responsible for releasing impor- through campus mail clo opted to choose the former. tant SGA information through all cam- With in mind the many com- pus media. The Phoenix. As a follow-up plaints and countless gripes concern- held on Wednesday, to the Student Forum fo- 27, another Sept. ing the food served in GIar, the first rum meeting will be held Wednesday, $5.000 -$8.000 Monthly meetingoftheFoodCommitteemet Working distributing our Product Bro- this past Tuesday, September 26. October 4 at 8 p.m. in the Forum. chures. Get Paid-c. We supply brochures. The purpose of these Student Fo- This luncheon was designed to al- FIT or PIT. For FREE Info Write: rums is for SGA members to facilitate low students to air their concerns DIRECTOR the discussion of possible solutions to about the food which is served ev- Food Committee has worked hard to increase the variety. 1375 Coney Island Ave., Ste.427 ery day. It also gives students the the problems and concerns of students Brooklyn, NY 11230 opportunity 10 work with Glar staff to develop not Glar's decision. It is a college policy rather and draw up proposals with the students. solutions to concerns. The variety ofcompIaints than a food service one. Following this event, SGA will oversee CRUISE SHIP JOBS! include the food's nutritional value, lack of se- OsteenexpIainedtheaccomp1ishmentsofthe the submission of these proposals to the Attention: Students lection, not enough food for athletes who arrive Food Committee so far. TIley have worked with administration in an attempt to alleviate the Earn $2,000 + monthly. late from practice, etc. ~ the staff to provide more vegetarian entrees, pasta problems at hand. According to Mulhern, Parttime/Fulltime. World Travel. Already in effect, students can voice their and pizza everyday, the wok, fajita and omelette this should help the students and the ad- candid opinions by writing letters to Glar. These bar, fat freedressings, more specialized events, and ministration work together better. Sopho- Carribean, Hawaii. All positions available. No experience. letters are displayed as you walk into Glar on more hot soups on cold days. more representative Sara Beth Reyburn CALL: (520) 505-3123 your left Each letter is accompanied by a re- "Peopleneed to be morerational" wbendeal- "hopes a lot of people will come [to these sponse from a Glarrepresentative. ing with complaints about the food, Osteen said. functions] and voice their opinions." LARGEST STUDENT TRAVEL Some people. such as Matt Moscato, have He emphasized that people need to go to manage- For students interested in participat- on East Coast expressed dissatisfaction with the school meal ment and talk: to them. They always welcome and ing in SGA, meetings are open to the PLANNER Rep to promote looking Kodak for Campus plan. He noted, "As freshmen, we are required are open to suggestions that are formed in a posi- entire WMC community. They are held on Thursdays at noon in the Freeman SPRING BREAK trips "Guaranteed" to have a 17-mea1 plan; wedon'teveneathalf of tive manner, he said. lowest package price and best in- that Ithinkweneedmoretochoosefromwith ''Complaining won't do anything," Osteen Room. In addition, SGA is responsible centives. You handle sales ... we our meal plan." More choices, Moscato sug- alsoadded '1fyou wantcbange.thenyoc baveto for placing students on college commit- handle bookkeeping. Cancun, gested, would include switching some meals over take action ... [othetwise] you don't have a right to tees, such as the Honor and Conduct Nassau, Jamaica, S. Padre, Orlando to the pub. He asserts, ''the entire mea1 plan it- complain."heasserted. Board, and Board of Trustees commit- & Key West. EARN BIG$$$ ANDI selfis in greatneed to bere-evaluated ..and soon!" Osteen invites all people who have concerns tees. There are spaces open on some of OR FREETRIP(S)...GREAT FOR AcoordingtoJeremy ''Pugs''Osteen, presi- with the food to attend food committee meetings these committees. Questions about the RESUME!!! dent of the Food Committee, the meal plan and every otherThesday starting about 12:30. Signs meetings or committees, call the SGA CALL 1-800-222-4432 numbet'of required meals fur students to have is forthe meeting's location will be posted. office at ext. 631. l
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