Page 14 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 14
commentaz The Phoenix Thursday, September 28,1995, Page 2 Staff fie Phoenix Editor-In-Chief Lisa T. Hill '97 Advertising Manager TBA News Editor Michelle Hamilton '98 On The Hili Editor Jonathon Shacat '98 Layout Editor Grant A Rice '99 Photography Staff Aden Moges '97 and eager staff all ready to go for this Tameka Collins '98 year, The Phoenix will be filled with Grant A. Rice '99 solid investigative and news report,ing on popular topics at WMC. Sports Co-Editors The Phoenix will not be a forum for Josh Foster '96 bashing Residence Life, Glar, the reno- John Manard '96 vauons, etc. Call it a truce, call it what you will. Distribution/Circulation Managers The Phoenix staff has the position and Laurie F. Cicero '98 ability to stir up problems for the admin- Harry Singer '99 istration. However, we want to practice good ethical journalism. General Staff In return, we as students request that Aaron Alhbum '97, A new year. New faces, new ideas, Or we could echo the growing com- administrators, staff, and professors re- Laurie F. Cicero '98, Jill Marron '97 new friends and professors. plaints of students about Residence Life gard the student body with the respect Chrissy Pardew '97, Ross Hollebon Old friends, old traditions, same old and their crack-down on WMC's social we deserve and be included in decisions '97, Sarah Shecketis '97, Sara Beth professors, same old rivalries and prob- life. But why start off the new year on a that regard our lives and education in Reybum '98, Doug Yarrall '98, Sarah lems. sour note? any way. Snell '98 The Phoenix staff could echo the We are not going to back off from ad- Despite the horrible rumors and "Ani- welcoming phrases to the new first-year dressing the concerns of the WMC com- mal House" stories everyone hears about LayoutStsff students, new faculty and staff, but all munity, and yet we do not have an agenda WMC students, we ARE adults. But we Lisa Hill '97, Michelle Hamilton '9S, these new people are probably already to attack specific groups or campus de- can't be expected to act like adults un- John Manard '96, Sarah Sheckells '97 sick of it. partments. On the contrary, with a bright less we are treated that way. Faculty Adviser Terry Dalton "Lock and Key" with Jonathon Shacat omplaints about toilet paper... a product of the poor system of honors Daniel MacLea should be reserved for I was sitting in Biology class re- housing. affinity housing for students who have an ently and overheard a conversation be- Incoming students are selected for the interest in a particular group or activity. 771£Phoenixis published biweekly. ind me. Some people, who live in honors program based upon their high My point is that if the before men- The opinions expressed do not necessarily aniel MacLea Hall, were complaining school grades, SAT scores, and involve- tioned "complainers" had had the expe- represent those of The Phoenix staff, the fac- hat they did not have enough toilet pa- ment in extra-curricular activities. The rience of living in a freshman dorm ulty, or the administrators ofWMC. er for their suite. Now, I admit that toi- most highly qualified students are invited (Rouzer or Whiteford) during their first The paper welcomes free-lance et paper is a necessity but I also think into the program, according to Nancy B. year, then they might now have a better submissions on Macintosh disks in most word hat these students should reevaluate the Palmer, honors program director. understanding of what is worthy of a processor formats. TIlC editor reserves the crthiness of such a complaint. According to Charlene R. Kinsey, as- complaint and would have thought noth- right to edit for clarity, length, and libel and 'r lived in Rouzer Hall last year and sistant director of Residence Life, 23 of ing of a lack of toilet paper. to publish as space permits. AU submissions auld like to share some of the problems the 70 students who live in honors hous- Advisers note ... . (excluding self-addressed diskettes) become came across. Problems such as miss- ing are first-year-students. With the help Due to a comment made by Phoenix the property of The Phoenix and cannot be ing bathroom doors, missing shower cur- of a calculator, that is equivalent to about faculty adviser Terry Dalton, I have de- returned. ains, an elevator that smelled of urine, one-third. cided to make a correction to the phras- Please include a name and phone omit in the stairway, and noisy hallways Most of these students live with up- ing of my intention in writing this col- munberforverification. Names will be with- uring quiet hours are just a few. perclassmen who are also in honors. This umn. I used the word "controversial" to held only by the discretion of the Editor-in- I think that these "complainers" type of living environment secludes them emphasize the type of event or issue about Ollef. hould wake up and realize that there are from their peers. which I will write. The word "contro- ther problems besides a lack of toilet I think that students should have to versial" makes it seem as though I am try- aper. They have lived in honors hous- earn the privilege of living in honor hous- ing to ~ controversy. This is not my ng since matriculation and have appar- ing by doing well in college rather than intent and I want to clarify any misun- ntly been spoiled. I currently live in high school. In other words, freshmen derstanding or confusion. "Important is- aniel MacLea and can't imagine any should not be allowed to live in honors sues" is a better phrase than "controver- Mail to: roblems arising in that type of environ- housing. This would not only free up some sial events" and should have been used The Phoenix ent. much needed affinity housing but would in this context. WMC 2 College Hill If the R.A. assigned to your build- also allow freshmen to socialize with oth- • Problems, concerns? WestInimter, MD 21151 ng is too busy with his or her schedule ers in their age group. If you have a problem or concern o supply your suite with toilet paper and Honors housing has increased by two dealing with anything on campus that is (410) 751-8600 ou unfortunately run out of it, then go suites since last year. If this rate keeps up "not justified" then please notify me. I (410) 876-2055 • .,.8600 uy a roll for 49¢! then those suites that should be reserved will look into it as a possible story idea. ODors housing ... for affinity housing will soon become few You may contact me by telephone (Phoe- PAX: (410) 857-Z729 These "complainers" are obviously and far between. I think that most of ;;ix office x8600) or via campus mail.
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