Page 10 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 10
SPORTS The Phoenix Thursday, September 14, 1995 Page 10 The Green Terror Sc;(()lfeo(fJ(JJlfdi YardsTDS INT TACKLES # Abildilso FIELD HOCKEY (1-0) Remnitz 505 4 1 Gregori 17 Estes GOALS # Hannibal Perrier 12 Edwards Haley 2 Murphey J.Cordisco II Patten Eggers 1 Welty # YRDS TDS Brown II Farrow 8 60 1 Strine ASSISTS ASSISTS 14 47 0 SACKS Seaburg Remnitz II 43 3 Gregori ASSISTS Stoehr INTS D'Andrea SAVES # GAA C.Cordisco Strine Moyer 4 HYRDS TD Parks Abron 12 208 3 SAVES # GAA .WOMEN'S SOCCER (1-1) Ray 6' 97 1 Rohme 25 1.20 GOALS # Carberry 6 47 0 MENS SO~CER (4-0} Kelly Rash 6 81 GOALS '# Terrors stomp Juniata from pg 12 WMC student salutes r against Juniata with nine catches can second team defense. Junior for the rest of the way. with 4:38 left to Baltimorels favorite for 80 yards and two big touch- Adam Gregori also returns, and Susquehanna scored the go- downs. Also expected to contrib- has all-ready recorded four sacks. ahead touchdown ute will be senior Dan Coleman, Gregori was an All-Centennial play in the 4th quarter after a In the player, Cal Ripken junior Todd Carberry, and sopho- Conference first team defensive Mackie 39 yard field goal attempt more Trey Rash. lineman in 1991 and 1992 for the fell just inches short. Van Deusen last season threw Terror and is returning after a two game, Van Deuseu broke the for2,312 yards and t'rtouchdowns year absence. 5,000-yard mark with 5,085 By JILL MARRON four and a half innings all while completing a school single "It will the strong point of the yards to set a Green Terror SWf/Writer people talked about was Cal season record 58.3% of his passes. team (defense)," said Keating. "I record and to become just the It was a moment that will Ripken, how talented and de- (180 of 309). Van Deusen holds think it is going to be the finest eighth QB in the Centennial go down as one of the greatest termined he is and what a great four team records and already this secondary in the conference and Conference to top that mark. in sport's history. And I was person he is and the things that season has broken the school's all- one of the better defenses in the Last season the Terror fin- one of the lucky 46,804 fans he and his wife do for the com- time record for career touchdowns conference. We'll be fairly ished with a 5-4 record, and a that got to witness it person- munity. .thrown. young, so we might make mis- 4-3 mark in the conference. ally. After the game, during the "He has as fine an arm of any takes 'and not look great all the Keating returns for his third I cannot begin to describe post-game ceremonies, many quarterback that I have ever been time, but this group will only get year of coaching at WMC (9-10 the feelings that-came over me, other spectacular people and associated with," said Keating. "He better and better." record) and is fairly optimistic along with the entire crowd, athletes, saluted Cal. Baseball probably has one of the premier Already in the first two about this year's team. when the numbers on the side legends like Ernie Banks, arms in Division III football and if games the defense has shown a "I believe we can improve of the warehouse changed form Hank Aaron and Frank he continues 10 improve, then the big improvement. The run de- from last year's record. I'll be 2129 to 2130, when Cal Robinson. Football legend team ";'ill do nothing but get bet- fense, which last season gave up disappointed if we do not. Ripken Jr. tied Lou Gehrig's Johnny Unitas. Singer Joan ter." an average of222 yards per game, Whether we're a.championship record for consecutive games Jett and actor Tom Selleck, to The Terror's trend of throwing has only given up 153 yards total team, I think a lot will depend played in the Major League. name just a few. They all the ball should continue as the run- in the first two game.s this sea- on the altitude that our young Being from Baltimore, made comments about how Cal ning game could be a question son. guys bring into the season." myself, and being an avid Ripken is in a league of his mark. Senior Steve Aquino, sopho- This year Mackie will be the NE'WS AND "ORIOLES" fan since birth, I own as one of baseball most more Scooter Banks, and freshman team's placekicker. He last NOTES ..... The Terror set a was extremely excited when I accomplished players. Gavin DeFreitas have all seen ac- kicked in high school, but has al- school record for most penalty was able to get tickets to this Not only is he one of tion so far, and Keating has yet to ready contributed with a field yards in a gam.e l~st Saturday once in a lifetime event. I was baseball's most spectacular, designate one of them as the fea- goal and extra points. He also against Juniata with 197 yards. even more excited when the but he is also one of ture back, so it looks as though the serves as one of the team's train- After converting only I of 16 actual moment that he tied the Baltimore's favorite people. position will be by committee. ers while not on the field. Han- third downs in their first game, record arrived. He and his wife have imple- Defensively, the Terror should dling the punting duties this the Te~ror bounced back to con- After the numbers changed mented a reading program be much stronger than last year as year will be Van Deusen who vert 10 of 16 against Juniata. on the warehouse and after the called "Reading, Runs and nine of the II starters return. Last also last punted in high Juniata now leads the season se- five minute and some odd sec- Ripken," that is used to help season's Most Valuable Defensive school. Saturday Van Deusen ries 9-6- L The Terror are 66- ond standing ovation for Mr. fight illiteracy, and he contin- Player, senior linebacker Bob averaged close to 40 yards per 27-5 in home openers. WMC Ripken, everything seemed to ues to do things like this for Symanski, returns to lead the punt and looked good. next plays at Gettysburg this gel back to normal. AI least, his hometown community. squad. Also returning is senior Joe Two weeks ago, in the week at 1 :30 for the start of the game continued. As one voice in a crowd of Krcma, who had 86 tackles last sea- Terror's season opener, they their Centennial Conference Watching the game and lis- tt.ousands, I just want to say son, 26 for losses and was named lost to Susquehanna .21-14. schedule. tening to the people around "Congratulations Cal and to the National Football Gazette's After grabbing an early 14-0 me, I realized how spectacular thanks for being one of Division III preseason All Ameri- lead; the Terror were shut out this man truly is. For the next Baltimore's favorites."
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