Page 8 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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On The Hill ~~.II~~•••••••••••••••••••••••• T,lhieIPlhloleinlix.TlhluirSday,September 14, 1995, Page 8 New RLCs have high goals for student life Before coming to WMC, Mekeba education from the University of Geor- By SARAH E. SHf.CKEI.I,S Siaff WrilerSeplember 8. 1995 . had the chance to study at the Dagbe gia. New Residence Life Coordinators Cultural Arts Institute in Ghana, West With past internships at the Univer- Makeba Clay and Beth Rosko, while Africa for seven weeks. Makeba was sity of Georgia, the University of Miami, from different backgrounds, share some emersed in the culture through hands on and Mexico State in residence life, common goals and ideas for the WMC experience with the area's dancing, Rosko moved onto Elon College where community. Kente cloth weaving, and drumming she was the area director of 14 residence Originally from Rochester, New traditions. halls. York, Makeba received her undergradu- "[The trip] captured my heart and ate degree in English with a sociology mind ... although there is poverty and minor from the State University of New joblessness everywhere, people were York at Albany. Upon graduation, still content with their lives," said Clay. Makeba pursued a masters degree in col- "[It] made me appreciate many things lege student personnel at Bowling Green that we take for granted." State University in Ohio. During this Then how did Clay end up at WMC? time she also worked as the assistant hall When Makeba returned, she inter- director for 850 students. viewed for the position of Residence After working at a large state insti- Life Coordinator. She accepted and ar- tution for two years, Makeba began a rived here in late July. search in higher education at a small Besides her work as the RLC in college in the mid-Atlantic area after Whiteford Hall, she advises the hall government and is looking forward to Fac ilit ati n g some of the freshmen classes with faculty members. "1 am excited about dealing with first year students and the contact with them," said Clay. "1 want to help with Samurai art their new experience into the college environment, almost like a guide." ANW and a Maryland native,comesto £ In the future, she definitely wants WMCfromEionCoUegeinNorth·Carolina. eatured IOn to take another trip to West Africa within the next two years as well as fol- over 26 supervisors and student staff " . she lived Peterson A"rt low up with her studies. . members and 950 people who were pre- "I am always interested in learning dominantly freshmen. There, and growing, so I will work my wayan an all women freshmen floor so she back to the classroom at some point for had some pnvacy ift 6allerv.«'""""rfr~ an advance degree," s~idlch)P. 7),11"'''': ". t '1' ~O"l' brought Rosko-to WM~~,A Beth Rosko, the RLC for Blanche of do~nhgad[a~~~:nall,1 ~nfdeltthel,Wc"wSe~"eP:blolet J, ,,,, Ward Hall and Albert Norman Ward ..., ... y ~ Hall, spent seven weeks in Hall, comes to WMC from Sykesville, of changes go 109 on .. so I .moved on," Courtes. of Public l';fo~mallOn Office Africa before coming to WMC. Maryland, where she grew up with her- said Rosko: . We:;tmlns_t~r, Md.~Dramati1.~ l.\f.e::f,ized leaving her .posirion inOhio three younger sisters. Rosko m.ter.vJe~ed_ at sever-al differ- ,,,,~~emblage:s of sf~urai' armor' inspired "WMC, fit a lot ~f things that I After graduating from South Carroll e.nt places within virginia, North Caro- by sculptor H(1. Oates of Frederick will wanted in a job including its private High School, she continued on to a lina, and Maryland, but moved back to sta~t off ~estern Mary,Iand College's ~chool [status}, the close contact with bachelor's degree in psychology with a Maryland to be closer to her family. She senes of art exhibitions in Gallery One students, and its geographic location," clinical concentration at Towson State called WMG: to see if there were any job of the newly restored Peterson Fine Arts said Makeba. University .. She received her master's openings, and in mid-July accepted the Building. ,-- --'d"'e"'g'o.:e"-e-"in=st'"udo,:e:"nt--'p"'e::'''~o:''nn:''e'-I:"in--'h"'i~gh~e~rposition as RLC. ,{ The exhibit, which begins Sept. 18 Being in college residence halls and runs through Oct. 5, is free and open found that A special 1986, Young, con't from pA s,ince the sm~ll Rosko pr~vatc has school mentality she to the public. be held Sept. reception for the 7 p.m. 22 from likes will artist where there IS individual attention given to 9 p.m. ficult for him and his family and friends, of years he was here." to students. During the last 20 years, Gates has course, but cards and notes he has received "Nick [Zoulias] is a great man. He vis- Besides her work as RLC, Rosko collected Japanese armor and recreated have helped raise everyone's spirits. ZouJias its Patrick all the time," said Mrs. Young. pla~s,to work with alcohol education by these samurai costumes into sculpted encourages everyone to send Young "some "The church and school families have been advising Bacchus, a group on campus to works which evoke spiritual personae. words of encouragement during this difficult so supportive. We really appreciate all the promote r_esponsibility when dealing By combining figurative elements from time." Mail may be sent to Young's home concern and prayers we have received from with drinking. diverse cultures, Gates creates a new fig- address: 123 Warwickshire Lane, Apt. K, the school family; they really did a lot to "I'm looking forward to gaining ure type which seems to represent yet Glenburnie, MD 21061. reach out to a lot of people to let them know." more experience' with alcohol education another synthesis of man and nature, "Pat has courage, heart, and determina- Mrs. Young added that her son has also also through R.A. committees and work both automaton and prone to human tion," said Zoulias. "He's going to lick this received many letters from several colleges with the Studerit Health Services and frailties, vulnerable, but born out of the thing." the WMC basketball team played while he Counseling," said Rosko. tough confrontation and subsequent Zoulias believes that Young was able to was a student here. One thing that Rosko does nOI like spirit of economic and scholarly coop- survive the accident because he kept him- "J have always wanted to somehow reach to see is students getting in trouble, and erarion between the East and the West. self in such good physical condition. "It's out to the school from the beginning," she said she will be fair when a situation occurs. Future shows 10 be held include: hard to see anyone suffering like this," he fondly. "I believe Patrick made the best deci- However, there is much lial5ility with her Debora Melz's work of feminist social said. "Emotionally, it's even harder for me sion to go there. It's so much like Mount SI. job, and she will enforce the rules in the commentary from Oct. 9-29 with a re- because of my feelings for Patrick, the re- Joe's [Young's high school], being very much dormitories. cept!on Oct. 9 from 4 p.m. to 6 p.rn.; spect I have for him." like family, so nice and loving." "Hey, I live here 100," said Rosko. Mana Barbosa's mixed media assem- Young's mother said she estimates he Young was co-captain of the basketball "Living in [residence halls} is all about blages from Nov. 6-24 with a reception team for three years under Zoulias, and it will be in Montebello Hospital for another community living, and people need to Nov. 6 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and abstract was because of.the leadership he exhibited three to four months with several trips back have common respect for others." paintings by Ed Ramsburg from Nov. 27- as a freshman that prompted Zoulias to make to shock trauma for his leg. She is confi- In the future, Rosko would like to Dec. 15 with a reception Nov. 27 from 7 that decision. "To show such great leader- dent everything will go welL get her Ph.D. in law in higher education, p.m. to 9 p.m. ship as a freshman and sophomore is what At the time of the accident, Young had dealing with the impact that decisions For more information call the De- made me make him a captain," said Z~ulias. just finished his first week at Comcast Cable have on students and colleges, but for partment of Art and Art History at 857- "I've never regretted it. He made a great con- in Baltimore. Zoulias is confident Young now only time will tell. 2599 or from Baltimore, 876-2055, ext. tribution to the college as a whole in the four will be able to return to his job. '-- _j 599.
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