Page 9 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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On The Hill The Phoenix Thursday, September 14, 1995, Page 9 WM students already planning Spring Break the small, underprivileged commu- twenty student volunteers, however more 60 Seconds SlaJ!Writer nity of Dungannon, Virginia Jobs are welcome. Wen, it has been two weeks since such as carpentry, roofing, paint- Accommodations will include school started and already ninety-nine ing. and plumbing, will be done. transportation, sleeping quarters in a percent of us are thinking about the next "No experience is required, modem sewing factory, and showers at on Campus vacation. just the willingness to help.", said the locaJ elementary school. Meals will Okay, soSpringBreak:seemseons Dan Wooten, one of the student be provided by the Dungannon Devel- away, but it's not too early to start plan- coordinators. opment Commission. By Grant A. Rice ning. At least that's not what some stu- Those who volunteer will pay So far Kane and student coordi- dents and faculty think. for their accommodations. Fac- nators, Heather Smith and Dan What advice do you have These students and faculty are be- ulty advisor and Residence Life Wooten, seem optimistic about the ginning to coordinate an alternative Director, Scott Kane, is not setting trip. "I think it will be a good way .. for the freshmen? spring break program called SERVE a price because he hopes to raise to show that college kids aren't so (Students Engaged in Rural Volunteer money through fund-raisers and bad.", said Smith. Experiences). Itisaseven day trip from grants. It will be easier to deter- If you are interested in SERVE, "To keep your goals March 16 to 23, 1996, WMC's spring mine price when the amount of please call Scott Kane in Residence focused, no matter break participants is set, he said. He Life, or student coordinators, Rachael TheoliectiveofSERVEistohel would like to have between ten and Rice Dan Wooten or Heather Smith. what you do or how Honor Code, from p.7 crazy the schedule or a particular course or on a paper, a states that p!agiarism is treated in the professor will be-required to hand out a things get,just always ro on a paper, an Ffor the course (al- same way as all other Honor Code listofwhattheyconsidertobe HonorCode ghthat is not usually used),andoc- violations. violations, the student will have to sign remember the overall ional suspension. Not only are students required this, and the professor will keep a copy in reason you are here." Ajunior who was found guilty of to sign an Honor Code pledge and file. In the event ofan Honor Code viola- iotadng the Honor Code said, ''1 got adheretoit,buttheyarealsorequjred tiontheprofessorcouldgobacktothefile, Dudley Cobb ght violating the Honor Code. At to report any other instances of take out the document, and there win be Biology '98 time I didn't realize how serious it HonorCode violations that they see. no questions asked about the violation. . But I got a zero on what I was Sayre said, ''WMC does not 'The second change is that all exams main focused, re- fig for the course." need an Honor Code. We can as- would be required to contain the words Sayresaidtherewasalsoafemale sureacademichonestyinotherways, "Honor Code." And the final change member you came ferstudentwhofalsifiedacademic mainly by being honest with OUT- wouldbethatifastudentwitnessesafeI- selves and the people around us." low student in violation, the student is re- here toget an educa- The honor system is now un- quired to report the incident If the stu- tion. Be excited in e had not taken. She was caught, der careful scrutiny. According to dent fails to report the incident, then they beforethehonorOOard, wasfotmd oj Sayre, the An-College Council is in'\<·-couId be oonsideredjust as guilty as the your independence, . ty and then was suspended. This the process of discussing revisions person in violation of the Honor Code. but know this isonly one of the more severe ~1 ac- to the current Honor Code. There The present Honor Code pledge g to Sayre. are c.ertainflaws with-the present. states: ''1 have neither given nor received the begining," Honor board punishments range system, including the Honor Code aid on this test." All students are expected m warnings to suspensions. The' not being required on tests and the tosignthisandbehonestwiththemselves. Donielle Long of the punishment depends on whole practice of faculty solving And students are also required to take re- Social Work!I1reatre motivation of the student and the Honor Code infractions outside of sponsibilityfortheirown actions and also . cumsrances surrounding the aca- theStudentAffairsoffice,withoutthe discourage any academic dishonesty that mic violation, according to the Stu- Honor and Conduct Board. they see occur. Tllese things will not "Study, don't party t Affairs office. According to Alspach. the All- change under the ne"N proposed honor sys- Sayresaidtheretendtobeslightly College Council presented these tem,according toAispach. too hard your first reacademicviolationsinthespring, changes to the facuJty at their Au- ''We all need to have a system of in- year." ped around exam time. He also gust meeting. There are three pro- tegrity that comes from within. Yes, it is .d that two-thirds 10three-fourths of posed changes to the Honor Code important to have an Honor Code bur it is Danielle O'Webber academic violations deal with re- andAispach believes mesechanges even more important for it to work right International search papers and plagiarism. are a "step in the right direction." and the only way to insure this is to be The Student Guide and Datebook The first change is that every honest with ourselves:' Sayre said Business '98 HOUSE OF LIQUORS 11 Everything in Spirits, "Avoid Glar on PLUS Courtesy & Service" weekends." CARROLL PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER, WESTMINSTER, MD Scott Lee (Rt. 140 and Eng1ar Rd.) Biology '96 848-1314 Lotto & Lotto Headquarters FINE WINE & SPIRITS * THE PERFECT GIFT FOR AU OCCASIONS "Study, that's why you're here, and also NEW! National Bohemian Ice $6.99/case cans go meet people. or National Bohemian..... . . $6.99/case cans Keystone Light & Ice... . $8.99/case, $4.99/l2pk Don't get too wild!" Heineken & Amstel Light.... . $9.99112 pk bottles DinaAwad Killian's Red...... . $$',5 ..9 9 ';':',',,'$,86·990.'''b20P"k"bo, ttles 'Bilogy/Chtimistry '98 Coors Light (Limited Supply)..... .. 3 9 9 ....
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