Page 12 - ThePhoenix1995-96
P. 12
Soccer ~ see .11 Volume XIV, Number] Football wins home opener By JOSHUA FOSTER last week when he went 13for 42, Sports Co-Editor VanDeusen showed the form that has made him the top QB in the "We need this win badly!" Centennial Conference and an- said Head Football Coach Tim swered some of the questions Keating before last week's game about a passing attack that lost its against the visitingJuniata Eagles. top three receivers. Coming off a 21-14 loss the The Terror struck first in the previous week against game with a 26 yard field goal by Susquehanna, and faced with the senior Zippy Mackie but Juniata prospect of starting the season 0- came back to tie the score with a 2, Keating knew that his team field goal of their own. The Ter- needed to win. And the Terror re- ror offensecouldnot generateany- sponded with a36-10 win overthe thing until right before halftime Eagles. when Van Deusen led the team Quarterback Brian Van down the fieldand connected with Deusen completed 26 of37 passes Donte Abron on a 7-yard pass to for271 yards and two touchdowns give the Terror a 9-3 lead. while the defense limited Juniata To start the second half, Van to 193 yards of offense. Deusen took the team right down After starting the first quar- the field where they scored an- ter slowly, Van Deusen caught on other touchdown when he ran it fire as he went 23 of 30 for the Off the Beaten Tra . with John Manard . Another year of sports action shocked by how ferocious we guessing for long. I think 11IS a letes put out. Muhlenberg Mules, sort of has begun here on the hill and for played.They said somethingto the guppy-gold fish.type thing. Yes, Tosomeone's credit they tried funs offyoue lounge dosen't it? those of us here at Green Terror effect of. "They came after us like folks the vicious Green Terror is a to make it seem that we were some So I guess we are stuck Sports it looks to be another year a bunch of green terrors," That fish. It is awfully neat though. monstrous flaming furball. Don't with our guppy, whose name is of hard work and exciting sports. isn't an exact quote, but it is close. All of you would know this if believe me? Every a while Wanda. Wanda the Green Ter- Being a senior, I felt that I Regardless, the name stuck, and you had opened up your student a tray in GLAR features this in- ror. But at least were not the should learn more about the little now we are the Green Terror. Be- guide and datebook to page22. teresting creature. SportsInfonna- "Fighting Banana Slugs." things that make up Western ing named by another team i~ As I write this I look through tion denies its existence but I have As I sat there watching the Maryland College. The first thing strange, but hell, we instilled fear the glass at this harmless looking seen it. fish I was stunned as it that popped into my mind was. in them! fish. A fish that hardly inspires Getting back to other names yawned. Inside it's open mouth What is a yreen Terror?? In honesty what is green ter- fear. The fish just looked back at though. Why not the piranhas or were row upon row of sharp Now for those of you who ror? Is there such a thing? If there me as I sat in the President's Re- sharks? Or maybe there is a neat teeth, ready to carve up WMC missed out on Dr. Lightner's en- is, can we have a mascot? These ception Area. Looking at it then, geographical feature or something opponents. Well. who needs a lightening history of WMC pre- are questions you can ponder as I I hardly felt it deserved a column. like the Rockies? Granted it is shark when we have our killer sentation when you either trans- will uncover the secret of the ter- Why were we the Green Terrors? hard for schools to come up with guppy! Go Green Terror and ferred here or came here as a ror before your very eyes. Why couldn't we be the Grizzlies nicknames. I mean Swarthmore good luck to all of this years freshman, let me review the "leg- I searched high and far for an or Cougars or some other fero- was so hard up they just called players and coaches on all the end" so tospeak. example of a green terror. And cious furball. But to be named af- themselves a color, the Gamet. Terror teams. Apparently, some team we when I found it, I was stunned. ter a harmless guppy seems de- But I have always liked the played way back when was Weill guess I shouldn't keep you grading to the hard work are ath-
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