Page 17 - ThePhoenix1995-96
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News The Phoenix Thursday, September 28, 1995, Page 5 O'Brian tobe featured in Feministarttobe exhibitedinPeterson book review session By HFATHER BAILY per examine the ways in which women son exhibitions. Forthe last four years ComributingWrirer and their bodies are objectified, deified, she has served on the Board of Trust- Courtesy of Public Information Office cal novelist of all time. His works Feminist artist, writer and photog- demonized. used and abused. She uses ees of Domestic Abuse Services, in The Commodore, Patrick are rich with nautical jargon and rapher, Debora Meltz, will be featured mythic and religious archetypes and Sussexllimty,NJ.,wheresheresicies. O'Brian's newest edition in a 17- adventure, yet are more than sea at WMC's series of art exhibitions in legends with their meanings, conse- He work on behalf of abused women part series about a ship's captain stories, tackling issues of the soul Gallery One of the newly restored quences and expressions in contempo- has influenced her recent work. and a naval surgeon/intelligence that transcend time and place. Peterson Fine Arts building. rary western culture to encourage the Future shows to be held include: operative during the Napoleonic The last Books Sandwiched The exhibit, which begins Oct. 9 viewer to examine what theses tradi- Maria Barbosa's mixed mediaassem- Wars, will be discussed at the next In session of the fall semester will and runs through Oct 29, is free and lions and beliefs have come to mean in blages from Nov. 6-24 with a recep- session of Books Sandwiched In, be held Nov. 16, when Jane F. open to the public. Aspecialreception today's world. lion Nov. 6 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. and the informal book review and ex- Sharpe, catalog librarian at WMC, for the artist will be held Oct. 9 from 4 Bomandraisedin New York City, abstract paintings by Ed Ramsburg change session at Western ¥ary- will recommend great holiday gift p.m. to 6 p.m. Gallery hours are Mon- she received a B.EA. from The Coo- from Nov. 27-Dec. IS with a recep- land CoJlege. books. day-Friday from 12 p.m. to 4 p.rn, per Union, and has a master's degree tion Nov. 'Z7 from 7 p.m. 10 9 p.m. It will be held Thursday, Oct. Additional information: Wednesdays from 7 p.m. t09 p.m., and inprintmaking. Herworkhasbeenex- Formoreinfonnationcallthe De- 19 at noon in McDaniel Lounge Director's Office, Hoover Library, Sundays from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. hibited nationaUy in galleries and mu- partment of An andArt History at 857- and English professor Raymond at 41O/857-228l. Meltz'smulti-media works on pa- seums and she has numerous one-per- 2599, or call 876-2055, ext 599. Phillips will share his views of this work. The event is free and open to the public. RESERVE o F F·I c: E R S' TRAINING e O-R PS Books Sandwiched In, co- sponsored by the college and Lo- cust Books of Westminster, takes place in McDaniel on selected days during the noon hour. The event's organizers have arranged these ses- sions to bring people together from all walks of life to discuss and re- view books in an informal atmo- sphere. Participants are invited to bring a lunch and enjoy the bever- ages provided. Some critics have hailed O'Brian to be the greatest histori- Electricity, from p. 1 power available. The college is attempting to deal with this problem, but right now it "needs to approach a long term solution and a short term so- lution," explained Kane. Currently Residence Life is at- tempting to alleviate some imme- diate problems, like removing the unauthorized air conditioners. ARMY ROTC SALUTES OUR SCHOLARSqlP WINNERS. ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COllEGE , COIIBSEYOUtAllTAKE.; For additional information contact Captain Matt Burke c 2nd floor Gill Gym or telephone extension 720
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