Page 63 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 63
.ro.J2~~Puzzfe Page Nov. 13-19: Geography Awareness Week ".....,.....,,...,,..., ACROSS WHOSE WISDOM? 1 Hawaii, the Match these phrases with the famous people shown at bottom. Put the state correct letters in the spaces provided. 6 Happy 10 Madame Bovary 1-. "Big Brother is watching you." 14 Jewish holiday _ 2. MNo one can make you feel inferior without your consent." 15 Actor's need _ 3, "I can resist everything except temptation." 16 Hit this on head 4. "To do injustice is more disgraceful than to suffer it." 17 With home or _ 5. "Women and elephants never forget." glass 18 Parens' place _ 6, "The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none." 20 Everything 7, "To err is human, to forgive divine." 21 Appraise _ 8, "Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent 23 Command 24_510ne, perspiration." turning point _ 9. "When I'm qood, I'm very qoco, but when I'm bad I'm better." 25 Amusement, _10. "These are the times that try men's souls." sport 11. "Other men live to eat, while I eat to live." 27 Cairo'scontinenl 12, "Woman must not depend upon the protection of man, but must be 30 _dia, region 01 ancient taught to protect herself." Greece 13 "The world must be made safe for democracy," 31 cnartereonre 14 "There is no king who has not had a slave among his ancestors, and underwriter no slave who has not had a king among his," (abbr.) 34 Steam bath 15 "There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. 35 Trustyhorse The other is to gain it." 36 Cap. is Vienna 60 Ballet move 9 Actress Sandra 39 Companion to 16 ~I have slept with one eye open ever since I came to Washington. I 37 Slope 61 Littlebrook 10_-chal, <>do. never close both except when an office seeker is looking for me." 3B Stores'reduced 62 Ms. Dunne ballet leap 41 LII price events 63 Arabia's Red and 11 Female servant 42 Morocco's 17 "Put all your eggs in the one basket and - WATCH THAT 39 Sea eagle Alaska's Bering 12 Ore source neighbor BASKET." 40 American NW st. 64 Oh woe! 13 Havingwings 45 Longtime --:-18, "In spite of everything I still believe that people are really good at 41 Edgar_ 65 aancrott ano 19 Wanderer 46 _up, pays heart," Poe,poet Boleyn 22 Southernst. (sl.} 42_ctica, 24 Makerofmoney 47 Barbecue need _19. "Don't look back. Something might be gaining on you." continent 25 Beforelightor 48 Baseballerswear _20. "It ain't over till it's over." 43 Abode(abbr.) DOWN thumb them 44_and _Iachia, 26 'top pilots 49 Regulation pieces East Coast 27 Nancy_, 50 Most populated, FAMOUS PEOPLE: a-Susan B, Anthony. b--Yogi Berra, c-Thomas 45 Churchoftk:ials mountain region British politician largest continent Carlyle. d-Thomas Edison, e--Anne Frank. f-Helen Keller. g-Abraham 46 Picnic crashers 2 Short period of 28 Laissez_ 51 monster Lincoln, h--George Orwell, i---Satchel Paige. j-Thomas Paine. k-Dorothy 47 wneers teem calm 29 Play by the 52 Prayer's end ; Parker, I-Plato. m-Alexander Pope. n-Eleanor Roosevelt. o-George 48 Wading bird 3 Spoken 53 54 Net one Bernard Shaw. p-cSccrates. q---Mark Twain. r-Mae West. s-Oscar Wilde, 51 Left 4 Strike 30 Book 01 A to A's Godolwar 52_lolia,Asia 5_,tha 31.6.la_ 56_gon, t-Woodrow Wilson, Minor Beautiful 32 01 the moon Spanish region HOLIDAY SCRAMBLE 55 World'ssmallest 6 Irritate 33 Druq addicts 57 Diamond_ Unscramble the words below and place the letters in the spaces continent 7 Tradition 35 Seasons 59 Vase 58 Hearsay 8 420 abbr. 38 Narrow opening provided. Then, unscramble the astensked letters to solve the puzzle's theme, PUCKER UPI 1. YUKTRE ACROSS 54 Before Nov. 7 Address abbr. 34 Friend 2. ARCBENRYR CEUAS 1 Ends'partner 57 Can't make silk 8 Prefix for core 37 Has a viewpoint 5_majesty, one from sow's and courage 38 Unwanted plant 3. PINKMUP IPE ----.-- --;- affront to dignity ear (2 wds.) 9 ActorJack 39 Sheep 4. FUTSFING 9 _'s, jeans 59 Lemon_ to "Doil,or 44 Lemon or lime brand name 61 In-_, original -'" 45 The_s, 5. KABED MAH .---- ------.- of U.$. region 13_asa position 11 Bass_, jazz 46 Ready-to-eat 6. TWEES ATOPSEOT .--------.- lemon 62 Or.orMr. instrument 14 Puzzlesubjecl 64 Lemon_, 12 Isnot(cont.) food shop 7. BIGLET VARGY -.-------. anagrammed song 14_inlove 48 Puzzle subject 8. TRUIF DALAS 15 Biblicaljudge 65 Lemon slices go 17_tide 49 Smart_ and Wallach with them 19 Star-shaped 50 Fling, throw 9. DORNRCAEB .-------.- 16 CooHngdrink 66 Typeo! 16A 23 Pigeon-_ 51 59A is one 10. NEREG NASEB ----.-.- 18 Oelilah'spartner 67 Coni. part 24 Pig dinner (2.wds.) 20 Sphere 25 Doorparts 52 ActressLee 11. NEPCA PEl 210nlhecutling DOWN 26_offaith 54 Meanperson Puzzle's theme _ 1 Norway's capital (2wds.) 55 Whatprompler 22 Tastyfish 2 Active person 27 Rentalcontract gives s > N , S V 3 N N V S V 1 V S V 3 S S 23 stones 3 Notsmart 28 Net his 56 Gollneeds S 3 d 3 S > 0 a d n 1 , 3 1 3 N 3 d , 1 , d 3 , 1 1 1 24 Please turn over 4 Broadwayhit's 29 Madame 58 Clairvoyance 3 3 n 0 N , d d S 3 , n d v S , a " n d v , 1 V d S n v d 1 (abbr.) sign (abbr.) sovary's 60 Contractions for 3 " S 3 N V 25 Itcouidbea48D 5 Shelf 30 Upheavals does and did 1 0 a 1 v Z V 1 3 3 1 , V 0 3 N a 0 1 N V , 0 S 28 Belonging to one 31 Winter VIP 63 AbOut3.1416 S 3 1 3 , S ~ a :) 1 , , S , Jack 33 Bullfightshouts V S S 3 a a S 0 3 d S S , 3 a 1 3 S 3 32 Nauticalterm 33 Toscaor NOlfj31~I::I~lMOO~3rt 3NI::I3 S31~S 1111 Madams ~11fj ~1::I3dO 331~ sn~ 03315 ~Nn~5 Butterfly n1:) 35 War'smissing SI::I3NI::IOH S 1 3 3 Ado1~r S ~ 8IdIV!'INIVIIN~V 3 ~:)I::I~ i'I'IV~I~ ~:)II::I~~ ~ M 1 1 3 1 d 'i person (abbr.) Old 5 1 Ifj 'i ~ 3 1 1 Ifj 36 Former Harlem 113~S 3~Q3 1::1301::10 31'i1::l 11'i Globetrotter NO$~'i$ 30'iNOlfj31 'iNI1N3~1::I'i 31'i1d (2wdS.) 5113 N0131'( I::Ino$ 11'iN 3101::1 ~ll::Ind 40_-reliel, 3 5 3 1 5 0 (J a 'i rt Ifj 3 0 'i 1 ~ sculpture 41 Lemon_ Idn J811:lnd ,(1I8:l1l.1d8J60a!)'II 01 'II (pl.) 42 Electricpower unit ii.SpJOM aSIM lell"'" pasn auo as!M jell"'" flupaqwawaJ AJI 01 as!M 00) ';:a MOlaq ~aS!M 43 On the Origin of 'vi-GI ~Jas!"," 'U-SI ~lsaskM 'OG-8i '13Msue )OaJJo:l Il:lee JOIIU!od IllasmoA e,,!'D :aJo:JS ,Darwin 'q--02: '!-6i 'a-gi 'b--l,L '6--g1 45 i5iiY""in"Texasor 'O---Si 'j--vl '1---i:1 'e-2:1 'd-il '!--ol 'J-6'p---g'w-l,':>--9 .>t--5'r-v'5-£ 'u-G 'Il-j. Ukraine LWOaSIM 3S0HM :SJ8MSU'II 47 Unaligned candidale(abbr.) 48 Lolls about 1-turkey. 2--cranberry sauce. 3-pumpkin pia. 4-stuffing, 5-baked ham. S-sweet 50 Word with potatoes. 7-giblet gravy. S-Iruit salad. 9-cornbread. to-green beans. l1-pecan pie. blancheorala The puzzle's theme is: A THANKSGIVING DINNER. 53 Israeli airline (2wds.)
   58   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68