Page 67 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 67
Sig Eps Honor ANW Housekeeping them. By LISA T. HILL "We wanted to personally tbank The members of WMC's Sigma tbem for keeping the building, and Phi Epsilon fraternity gave a spe- especially our floor, clean," stated cial "thank you" to Alice Winand Chad Alertson, who is in charge of and Austin Howard of Housekeep- public relations for the fraternity. ing for "helping 10 keep ANW "Well, we know we're kind of Clean," as the posters read which messy, and we just wanted to thank Alice and Austin for bearing with were hung around the library suite us," added Sig Ep Jeremy on the third floor. "Pugs" Alice and Austin were very sur- :s Osteen. prised when they arrived at work at When asked to comment on the 8:30 in the morning on Wednesday, ;ยง surprise breakfast, Alice and Austin October 19th and found juice, do- ~ agreed that they were very sur- nuts, decorations, and a roomful of ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ prlS,cd and happy, but they were appreciative Sig Eps waiting for -: f anxIOUSto get back to work. WMC's Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity gave special ''thank you" breakfast to Housekeeping employees Alice Winand and Austin Howard Student in Miss America Pageant ''Miss PA" from p. 8 "As Miss Pennsylvania, I've been Community Bulletin so huge you could fly a helicopter in it," utilized in an educational atmosphere, Pittsburgh Energy Technology Cen Kirstin said often including public speaking. Re- Come on down! On Sunday, ter (PETC) and mana~ed by the Oaj Afterretuming toberbome inGlenRock, cently Iwas a keynote speaker at a col- 1N"0vember 6, from II AM to 5 PM, Ridge Institute for SCience and Edu Pennsylvania, Kirstin holds many fond lege graduation. Ultimately, I hope to he Baltimore Museum of Industry cation (ORIS E), tbe U.S. Depart memories of the Miss America Pageant. teach in the college classroom, so this ill host the third annual Bounty on men! of Energy University Coal Re "Oee thing I'll take with mefiom the Miss experience has given me a great he Bay, an indoor/outdoor water- search (UCR) Internship Program America Pageant is the memociesand friend- launching pad," Kirstin stated. ront celebration featuring a cornu- offers IO-weel, hands-on summe ships. You become very close with the other Kirstin says she was immediately im- opia of made-in-Maryland food, research opportunities at universi participants. We all shared a similar goal. pressed with Western Maryland Col- wine, and crafts. Visitors will ties conducting fossil energy-relate and we all respected each other for it," Kirstin lege, and its similarities to Ursinus, her njoyprizes, displays, demonstra- research under UCR grants from commented. alma mater, helped in making her deci- ion, and delicacies for sample and PETC. Applicants must be U.S. citi Since Pennsylvania is such a large state, sion to attend graduate scboot here. 'or sale from over three dozen zens, ahve completed the junio Kirstin's duties as Miss Pennsylvania have Kirstin says she loves the campus, the Maryland companies. The festival year, and have a cumulative grad turned into a full time job that will last for the low student to teacher ratio, and the s free with regular Museum admis- point average ot 3.0 or higher fron: remainder of her reign. friendly, knowledgable professors. ion of $3.50 for adults. $2.50 for enior citizens and students, and all institutions of higher educatior attended. Appropriat "An Evening of Song" at WMC hildren under six are free. they have include chemistry; com disciplines Fellowship Program ~c- puter science; environmental sci WMC NEWS RELEASE is ElaineConover, a prominent Westminster epting applications--Spon- ence; geology; physics; and cbemt Chamber Music on the Hill, the resident sapraoo. David Kreider, also a member of cal, civil, electrical, electronic, me chamber music ensemble at Western Mary- the WMCmusicfaculty, isartisticdIrectorof ored by the U.S. Dpartment of En- chantcal, and mining engineering. land College, will present its second concert Chamber Music on the Hill. The WMC rgy (DOE), Office of Health, In- The application deadline i of the season 011 Sunday, November 6 at 7 Madrigal Singers have received acclaim for us trial Hygeine Programs Divi- JANUARY 18, 1995. For applica PM in Baker Ch~1 at the Westminster theirpmormances locally and as faraway as ion, the Industrial Hygeine Gradu- non materials or more information, campus. South Carolina and Connecticut and per- te Fellowship Program is accept- please contact KATHY KETNER, Entitled ..An Evening ot Song," the con- fonned this spnng at the Kennedy Center. ng applications for the academic UNIVERSITY COAL RESEARCH cert will present Douglas Crowder, baritone; The program will include works by Rich- ear beginning September 1994. INTERNSHIP PROGRAM, SCI Elaine Cooover, saprano; David Kreider, ard Strauss, Johann Strauss, Guastavino, he deadline for applications is ENCE/ENGINEERING EDUCA 31,1995. pianist; and the Western Maryland College Morley, Dowteerd and WeeIkes. anuary program pays an annual sti- TION DIVISION, OAK RIDGE IN The Madrigal Singers conducted by Margaret Tickets fcrtheEveningofSongare$7 for Boudreaux, chairperson of the WMC music adults, $5 forseniorcitizensandfree forchil- end of $15,600 in 12 monthly pay- ~~~~;iIO~~~20S;~~~iiA"v~D departmenL dren andstudents with ID. Ttcketsareavail- ments of $1,300, an academic al- P.O. BOX I 17, OAK RIDGE, Douglas Crowder, a member of the ableatStu'sMusicSbop,Cof'feyMusic,and owance of $1,500 annually, and TENN., 37831-0117; telephone: WMC faculty, is well known in the area for at the door. The group's final performance ull tuition and fees. Participation (615) 576-3426. onteseescowill his dynamic performances. Also well take place 00 Apri12, 1995. n a three-month practtcum, a prac- known 10 Ba1timore- Westminster audiences For infoonatioo call 857-2599. teal. hands-on work experience at a The 1995 Elie Wiesel Priz. !DOE-designated facility is re- ROTC Runs Ifl-Miler nd from Transportation expenses are re- to in awards Ethics totaling Essay $10,000, is wit now Contest, uired. the practicum site under By 2L T. CHRlS CUTLER Potomac River and into the Capital. mbursed and a dislocation allow- open to junior and senior full-tim graduates who arc enrolled C",urib",jngW,ju, The Army Ten Miler has held this nee of $400 per month is paid. at an accredited college or univer Homecoming at WMC was, once race annually for the past len years. For application materials or ad- sity in the United States. The dead again, a weekend to remember. This year, it was a huge party with iuonal information on policies, line for submitting an ortgma With an alumni-rich environment, bands playing at the finish line and roccdures, and guidelines under 3,000-=4,000 word essay is Januar everyone bad a great time back on thousands of people chewing down which the program operates, please 13, 1995. The theme for this year is: the Hill. But after all that fun and in bananas and oranges at the recep- ontact: MARY KINNEY, INDUS- RIAL HYGEINE GRADUATE partying, can you imagine what it tion area. ELLOWSHIP PROGRAM, SCI- "Creating an Ethical Society: Per would be like waking up at 5 AM the Doeller and Manger came in ~NCE/ENGINEERING EDUCA- sonal Responsibility and the Com next morning to run ten miles? around 1:22:00, running almost an mon Good" Three Western Maryland cadets did eight-minute mile. Mall Wood was ION DIVISION, OAK RIDGE IN- just that. just as pleased to have finished the TlTUTE FOR SCIENCE AND For entry forms and guidelines con On Sunday, October 16, senior race and cannot wait for next year's DUCATlON, 120 BADGER tact: THE ELIE WIESEL FOUN Rob Doeller and freshmen Matt run around the Capital. b~E.. P.O. BOX 117. OAK DATION FOR HUMANITY; 1177 Wood and Steve Manger competed For competing in the race, they fKIDGE, TENN., 37831-0117; tele- A VENUE OF THE AMERICAS, in the largest ten miler in the world. each received a stylish long-sleeved hone: (615) 576-9655. 36TH FLOOR; NEW YORK, NY The weather was perfect and the T-shirt and the inner satisfaction of 10036. Telephone: (212) 221- morale was high as 7,500 runners finishing the largest tery miter in the Internship--Sponsored by the 1100. raced the tough ten miles along the world.
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