Page 59 - ThePhoenix1994-95
P. 59
s::ig,mJll~I"Jl~;r~hi00k')VJ::0\l&\l3:;t_c:;~%, Changes, Hope for a Good Year Campus Mailing Draws I not really sure exactly where to computer system whicb will facilitate the lbegin,but I guess I'll start by introducing production of the paper and make it look a Negative Response From great deal better, too. A new printer, large! Imyself. For those of you who don't know screen, a scanner, and a new program are !me, my name is Lisa Hill, and I am a sec- land semester sophomore here at WMC. just a few things mat will be included in Affirmative Action Besides working on the paper, I am acom- this system. With this system, we will be !munication major, journalism minor (ob- able to produce each issue completely on viously), a member of the Honors pro- the computer, without any extraneous Committee jgram, ~ avid participant in WMC theatre "cutting and pasting." As a result, I am going to now insist that all articles sent to ~~.oductJons, an acuve ~nember of Alpha The Phoenix for publication must be on a ~~u Omega, and a dedicated member of The Affirmative Action Committee of of this mallfng and in no way sanc- Mac disk using the WriteNow program !me college choir. As one of the youngest Western Maryland College deplores tions its distribution. Wbile we fully found in the library and writing center. ditors The Phoenix has ever had, I am the racist, sexist, and anusemeuc support and revere the principles of Another of my foremost priorities is to ervous about taking on all the responsl- rbetoric expressed in a recent bulk the First Amendment of the United increase the timeliness of articles in the ility and hard-work that this position re- mailing to students by "Vanguard States Constitution allowing for free- uues. but I feel that I have the ability to paper. I want to weed out the so-called Books." The pamphlets enclosed in dom of speech and press, and in no o a good job. I held the position of editor "news articles" that are printed weeks af- the mailing contain hate speech de- way do we seek to censor such mate- t my high school in West Deptford, New ter (hey have occured. I feel this is an signed to incite violence against rial, we do want to publicly deplore erscy for three years, my sophomore year embarrassment to The Phoenix as a pan 0 women, blacks, jews, and minorities in the racist, sexist, and amlsemeuc por- being a co-editorship. the print media in this community. general. This kind of material consti- tion of its contents. Now, as a sophomore in college, I pre- I strongly encourage the student body tutes a backlash against the efforts of Tbe Affirmative Action Commit- are to take on the position of editor all by to get involved with The Phoenix, be- the United States government to at- Western Maryland College myself. I have an excellent stan working cause it is the main on-campus media tempt to further foster the political, so- tee seeks of to uphold the "First Principles" with me, but we could always use more source here at WMC. This paper is cial, and economic equality upon of this college and to contribute to !writers. photographers, layout statf even meant to serve the campus and surround- which our constitution is based. fostering a humane tolerant environ- fwiS~ and proofreaders. I plan to make ing community, and it can accomplish The material in the pamphlet does ment where diversity is heralded reCr1l1nnent of new staff members one of this only if its readers also takes an ac- not in any way conform to the prin- rather than attacked. Thank you for ~y top priorities, because I know (rom tive hand in contributing to its contents. ciples upon which Western Maryland your consideration. We hope to work xperiencc that too little help results in a I believe I have the energy and ambition College's "First Principles" are based to tum The Phoenix into a means of cam- together to uphold a humane and civil aper that is, well, terrible. and constitute an attack on those prin- environment on this campus. pus communication and an open forum r also have several other goals in mind ciples. No organization, group, or in- or the coming year. r want to change the for opinion, but I can only make it TIlE dividual officially associated with The Members of the Affirmative look of The Phoenix. Right now, the staff BEST with your help. Western Maryland College sponsored Action Committee of Western Mary- tand I arc working on a design for a new this mailing. land College header for tbc paper, maybe even with the Lisa Tourjee Hill The college in no way. shape, or Chair-c-Dr. Chnsuanna Nichols ddition of color ... Executive Editor form supports the spirit or the content Leahy We are also planning to buy a new Student Agrees With Sauerbrey Campaign • Letter Ellen Sauerbrey, a 1959 graduate dependent upon welfare in the state. Parole for criminals must also stop. of the law goes fartber than that with of Western Maryland College, is the To paraphrase Sauerbrey, we need to We need to do as Sauerbrey stated: which Sauerbrey is comfortable, but as republican candidate for governor of stop giving away money to the unem- "One strike and you're IN!" governor of Maryland sbe did not plan Maryland. On, Monday, October 17, ployed who are quite able to work, Sauerbrey faced a lot of questions to change tbe will of tbe people. Sauerbrey faced a lot of interesting Ms. Sauerbrey spoke here ar WMC and we need to stop giving money to concerning what she felt were the ma- and pertinent questions before the about her goals and plans for Mary- unwed mothers who continue to have jor issues of Maryland, some of which hour was over. I think she did a rela- land should she be elected governor. more children in order to get a bigger I havejust mentioned. She was also tively good job conveying ber plat- Initially, r was quite surprised that welfare check. asked about the controversial topic of with a reception Ms. Sauerbrey graduated with a I quite agree with Ellen Sauerbrey abortion. She felt that the only way form. The hour ended and teachers could in which students double major in English and biology. on all counts. She is exactly correct the issue was to be resolved by a vote speak with her individually. But as I listened to her speak, she that we need to reduce personal in- of tbe people which did occur on the Sincerely, seemed to bc quite affluent and com- come taxes. The economic theory 1992 referendum. The people voted Jill Forsythe fortable in politics. known as the Laufer Curve proves for a very liberal abortion law. Some Sauerbrcy appears to ha ve great that aftcr a certain point, raisingtaxes plans for Maryland. I was quite im- will begin to decrease lax revenue. pressed with her ideas as she outlined Saucrbrey states that Maryland taxes them for us. In terms of a political are on average 44% higher than the platform, Sauerbrey discussed a few national average. I strongly agree issues which she feels should be a pri- tbat this needs to be dealth with. ority for Maryland. I was also very impressed with the She feels the state budget is grow- fact that she directed a large portion of her discussion toward the students ing too quickly and the new and in the audience in terms of getting higher taxes always being imposed jobs. According to Sauerbrey, there take away the spendable income of the are not enough jobs available because citizens. Sauerbrey's goal is (0 reduce the economy is not recovering very personal income taxes. She also has plans to increase the well from the recession. "Sauerbrey also commented on the quality of education, because she feels fact that we live in a "criminal injus- that the schools are not providing a solid foundation for Maryland's tice" system where the rights of me criminal are placed above the rights youth. There is a major crime problem of the victim. 1 feel, as does Sauerbrey, that this had got to stop. which is constantly on the rise. Young adults committing crimes Sauerbrey feels something needs to be sbould be punished to the full extent done quickly to combat this problem. of the law. I also agree with The final major issue she discussed Tee ShirtsoPostersoBrochures·Advertisiments was the welfare system of Maryland. Sauerbrey thai the death penalty IS a She feels there arc too many people deterrent.
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